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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. Indeed - the switch would ideally be hidden within reach of the driver position - thats isnt the problem - I need to know what circuit to cut the switch into and how this can easily be done etc (and not readily be bypassed by the average car thief chavvy scum! )
  2. I don't really want to spend any money or too much time/effort on this, but I would quite like a deadswitch (hidden isolator switch, like an immobiliser but an added layer of protection in case keys are stolen etc) Any ideas on what would be relatively easy to install but at the same time hard to detect?? David
  3. SunGodRA

    video editing

    Adobe Premiere will do it
  4. Make sure you see the 3D version - the effects are outstanding
  5. Just been to see it in 3D - what a top film!!!!!
  6. the whole thing was staged - they could never have built the ramps and bridges on their own etc - and May and Hamster did claim they rebuilt the diff/gearbox themselves - total bollox! Oh - and May's machette attack was a bit scary! lol - go back to drama school James That being said - I found it very entertaining and a good episode
  7. me2 - it was good - it reminded me of the North Pole one However, I cant help but think that everything was 'staged' - there is no way May and Hammond could change a diff - I think there was a massive team behind the cameras!
  8. to be honest, I think its pretty much the same no matter what manufacturer or conditions - 60mph then brake slowly to 10mph, repeat 5 times etc. If you are replacing disks and pads, I dont think you even need to do this as long as you copper them up etc - i might be wrong, but is what i seem to remember etc...
  9. SunGodRA


    changed my mind - dont like it now! - looks okay from side profile, but not from the back
  10. SunGodRA


    I kinda like the spoiler
  11. Have you filled it up fully yet? I have a mate at work that got a 16Gb cheapy sticl and when he hit more than 5GB full it went mental and corrupted all his data Yep - first test I did was to transfer some movies onto it (approx 25gb) and then play on my media player - all worked fine. I was very scheptical because of the price, but thought it was worth the risk. However I would never rely on it for storing and sensitive/important data
  12. I bought a 32gb stick off ebay for £17 delivered - came from China and took about 2 weeks for delivery - but I have to say it works fine!
  13. stroke and extended length - sounds a bit pervy to me!
  14. I thought OEM pads were okay when I first bought the car, until Big Phil sold me some Endless pads (still budget pads) and the difference was very noticeable! I would never go back to OEM now. However, it all depends on your driving style and budget.
  15. I think TomTom for iphone is about £75 - TBH I would buy a proper TomTom for £125 (that covers all Europe) just for the trip, and then sell it on eBay after
  16. I love my black roof!.....viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27127&hilit=+black
  17. Martin - just realised what 'the project' you are referring to! - If its what I think you mean, I am on the case!
  18. Asda one was okay, but extremely slow! We went to Tesco's and my father went to Customer Services to ask for a battery chair - and the bloke said 'who's it for, how old is he' - my father ask why this was relevant, and the bloke said that there was only one available at the moment, but it was faulty - apparently it had been repaired but it was now 'A lot faster' than it should be! OMG he was right! - this thing was very fast and potentially dangerous in the hands of a pentioner! when I reversed it and pressed the forward trigger, I actually got a little bit on wheel spin! three point turn in the wine isle caused a few looks and stares SO if anyone happens to go to Tescos in Herne Bay, go to Customer Services and ask for chair no1 I go there most days and always ask for no1 - today it was out, and I had to have no3 - very slow!!!
  19. found this: http://www.ourproperty.co.uk/guides/con ... arage.html Can I convert my garage? Before you go ahead with your garage conversion, you need to know all the legal issues involved. There are three main things that you need to check first - if you go ahead without permission you could be forced to return everything to its original condition, at your own cost. Restrictive clauses in your lease - You need to check your property deeds for any restrictive covenants. Some developers place a restriction on any building work that will affect the external appearance of the house. If there is such a clause, contact them, as it can often be circumvented for a fee. Your other option is to convert the inside of the garage without changing its external appearance. This is often achieved by keeping a front portion of the garage for storage space and converting the rest. Of course, the suitability of this option depends on your intentions for the garage. Planning permission - You usually only need to apply for planning permission to convert a garage when you intend to extend the actual size of the garage. However, check with your local authority as the precise rules do differ. Building Regulations - If you plan to convert any part of your house into a room to be used as habitable space, you will need to comply with government building regulations. A building control officer will probably need to check your conversion a number of times during construction. More information can be found on the relevant section of the government's website. Again, rules differ so you need to check with your local council. There are some instances where permission to convert your garage may be denied such as: You live in a listed building or neighbourhood - It is very likely in this case that the external appearance of the house must be maintained as it is. Your garage conversion would affect drainage - If you plan on concreting over your garden or anything similar, thus putting extra pressure on the existing drainage in place, you may need to invest in a solution to allay the potential for flooding or blocked drains. Additional insulation is needed - Some councils will allow you to simply add the extra fill to the existing construction, others demand that you dig up the floor and insulate it as if building from scratch. This will affect your budget, so always check first. Parking restrictions - In some cities where there is a particular shortage of parking spaces such as London, councils can refuse permission to convert your garage from a place where a car is kept.
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