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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. I thought I would bump this as I am still having a problem! I have noticed the speedo always works from a cold start, then after 10 mins just dies. Today I was in traffic and at a stand-still, and the speedo shot up to 100mph then went back to zero again (in 1 second!), and stayed there after accelerating away. Any ideas?
  2. 41 here, and had Z for nearly 3 years
  3. Sorry for this rant - but I am so angry ATM and need to vent my aggression! I started a very small business venture a few months ago, mainly to help someone else out. It has cost me a reasonable amount of money, but I considered it viable at the time. I have known a very young and very promising web designer for a couple of years, since my Pen days (Penetration - legal hacking) and offered to set him up in a web design company - he did a couple of sites for me, which were okay - but now if feels like I have been pi**ed on! I offered to pay him £250/week - cash in hand (+ bonus) - he is only 18yrs - I think that's a good salary for his age!!! - but he just cant be assed! - he is unemployed, living off the state and seems not to give a **** about anything. His attitude is so lapse I have had to let him go. What is wrong with the youth of this country?????????????? Sarnie knows about this, as I did a free site for him, and he has loads of problems with it! and I am sure he will comment! Rant over (an extremely pi**ed off - Sun)
  4. ` A year in Mayrhofen and a season in Sóll - been to Kitzbuhel a couple of times (raced the Hanenkamm!)
  5. im with you on that one! +1 but then again, I thought the Borg Queen from Star Trek and the Wraith Queen from Stargate were both horny as well
  6. My Pirelli Pzero's have excellent grip - dry or wet - but in the snow/ice they are horrible! - but to be honest, any high powered rear wheel drive car will suffer in these conditions regardless of rubber - little tip I learnt when I lived in Austria (ski resort) - release tyre pressure to about 20psi - it make a huge difference!
  7. Its because of the accessories... e.g. Velcro gloves (in glove box) - to stop the sheep getting away - or is that Welsh imports not OZ? sorry - I haven't got anything against Australians/Welsh people/Sheep shaggers
  8. apologies for this post - I'm still working at this late hour, and have been since 5am this morning (or yesterday morning) I have been in IT/comms for well over 20 years now (infact since the internet came out) and I can confidently 100% recommend Virgin (cable) as your best provider - best contention ratio, best uptime, best customer services (as was Telewest prior to Virgin) I have tried them all, and have customers on all the rest as well - TRUST ME - virgin is currently the best
  9. I never sell HP displays for that very reason - LG and other are a lot better and a lot cheaper - I can get LG22" for £109. I have just checked and the HP's are still very expensive new - well over £150 in places (for that model) - so in that respect its a good deal GLWTS
  10. IMHO - Virgin cable is the best (providing you are in their area) - pretty much uncontended share ratio because it uses fibre rather than copper. I pay for 20mb - and I get 20mb any time of the day. Customer service is okay, better than most, and for the most part is UK based.
  11. its a bit more than a few quid Mike! - in the 1st add they are half the price of Eibach - but I get what you mean - I bought Chris' (Marzman) Eibach's as I know they are a good brand
  12. nope - thats only for a pair - the 1st add was for all for corners
  13. the netgear is poor for streaming video and online gaming (I use for World of Warcraft) +1 on the Linksys
  14. I like the colour and am kinda tempted for a swap - I have JDM 17" but my Pirellis are much better than ur rubber ... let me know your thoughts Chris... (ps - you are doing well out of me today )
  15. sell me your Mrs? How much u want? Lovely gift and extremely thoughtful
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