Sorry for this rant - but I am so angry ATM and need to vent my aggression!
I started a very small business venture a few months ago, mainly to help someone else out.
It has cost me a reasonable amount of money, but I considered it viable at the time.
I have known a very young and very promising web designer for a couple of years, since my Pen days (Penetration - legal hacking) and offered to set him up in a web design company - he did a couple of sites for me, which were okay - but now if feels like I have been pi**ed on!
I offered to pay him £250/week - cash in hand (+ bonus) - he is only 18yrs - I think that's a good salary for his age!!! - but he just cant be assed! - he is unemployed, living off the state and seems not to give a **** about anything. His attitude is so lapse I have had to let him go.
What is wrong with the youth of this country??????????????
Sarnie knows about this, as I did a free site for him, and he has loads of problems with it! and I am sure he will comment!
Rant over (an extremely pi**ed off - Sun)