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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. OMG - I really feel old now - you had use of a video camera when you was 12!? - When I was 12 we was on cine cameras! - and it cost my dad so much I could never go near it! - We had to watch on a big old projector unit, after getting the film processed
  2. you saying GM's look like grubby Blades!!!
  3. honoured mate will do Mine is GM also - when other office workers comment on my photography skills, I will simply say 'aaawww thanks' LOL mines blade but shh they will never know EDIT: email sent Blade! - really looks GM in that light!
  4. honoured mate will do Mine is GM also - when other office workers comment on my photography skills, I will simply say 'aaawww thanks' LOL
  5. In fact Mr Dog - can you email me them (originals) to: david@crosstek.it - I'm gonna make them my new desktop pics
  6. Fantastic pics - 2011 Calender material!
  7. I haven't listened to my Bose since I got my K1 zorst - who needs music or radio! - I still drive with both windows open even if its freezing cold just to hear my exhaust!
  8. skype video to Australia is pretty good depending on ISP's - but a decent webcam makes a huge difference as well, don't skimp and pay £10 for a cam!
  9. ah yeah - 30 vs 35 caused an ESP problem if I remember - and I think it was Chris that said about the wobble...
  10. just out of interest Liam - why are the tyre sizes wrong?
  11. I know at least 1 person on here that had a problem with the seller - but there are also many that haven't (didn't Greekman recently get his Dotz Enzo's from them?) - Seller has pretty good feedback @99.5% with 29k sales Not keen on offset or design, but that's just my opinion
  12. Its certainly got a lot better over the past couple of years, prior to that is was terrible! I now have corporate customers using it to talk to people around the world (eg South Africa) and they claim its better than VoIP (cant see it myself though, as there is no QoS) - but for a free (ish) service its great!
  13. Edit: - just realised it was only a day (short month Feb) - I had visions of you sitting in your car for 3 days till u could drive it
  14. I had my spacers fitted today, and on the way to my garage I heard funny noise coming from my front tyres - low and behold it was a screw smack bang in the middle of my front offside Pirelli PZero Had it repaired (in the unit next to my mechanics place) and didn't cost much etc - but my question is - how good is a puncture repair?? Is it safe driving at speed?? - like I said, it was smack bang in the middle, no-where near outer walls etc...
  15. Two and a half years for me, and its my daily car - yet every time I get out and walk away, I always turn around, look at it again, and smile. No matter what a crappy day I have had at work, when I drive home I always feel great
  16. I'm always getting challenged on the road and for the most part I ignore -especially by scoobies and mitzis - but occasionally I put my foot down and leave them for dust. I think half the time they do it just to see how fast the Zed is etc. I overtook a modded MG the other day on a single carriageway, and he got the hump and caught me up and started tailgating me so I slowed right down and let him pass. He didn't look as though he was old enough to start shaving yet cant have been older than 17! Too many teenagers on the road in far too powerful cars
  17. yes - they wont be able to see the session only the fact that you are using it (they cant see web pages you browse remotely) This will only work if port 2200 is enabled on the firewall, or port 3389 for RDP session
  18. I will probably regret asking such a stupid question when I sober up in the morning - but if they are wired to side lights, will they still be on when main lights are on (dipped and main beam)?
  19. There are plenty of anonymous proxy servers available that prevent users being tracked - and other ways around it (unless your boss has one of my products http://www.crosstek.it/websentry.html )
  20. Suddenly I am open to bribes! - pm me your sealed bids
  21. Payment made, sold and in the post etc - awaiting delivery Question is - from what I can tell, most people wire these up to the side-lights, but where is the easiest place to wire them up so they come on when the engine is on but without having the sidelights on? (so they are on all the time the engine is running, regardless of lights, night or day) hmm youd have to take a wire from further away probably, would be a pain to wire them in permanently, besides what happens if you get cold while dogging? you cant turn the engine on for fear of being discovered!
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