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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. multi-boxing is hard core - I'm not at that stage yet!!!!
  2. The last company I worked for, I got both the Directors into it - over the course of 2 years they spent £1200 on 'VIRTUAL GOLD' for their characters and power levelling etc - DONT GO THERE - IT WILL TAKE OVER YOU'RE LIFE! lol
  3. I am a 3 year veteran - I stopped 6 months ago and now I have started again - 4x lvl80's and many more alts!!!!! - its so addictive - I got the guys in the office playing it last week - now we play it all day and night - for the last week no-one has done any work during office hours!!!!! I really need to put my foot down and stop them playing, but its me that's encouraging it!
  4. New or used - please pm price
  5. sorry to hijack your thread Colin (no pun intended!!!) but it is kinda wheel related - I absolutely love your rims (I saw them on Sunday) - are these same fitments as 350z and are do you know if anyone sells them? David
  6. I know - I asked the question in a similar thread - is 30mm too low? pasted: I was going to drop 30mm but I think I will have issues with arch rubbing - or does the drop bring the top of the wheel in enough (camber)? - mine is a JDM which I believe is already slightly lower than UK (not sure though??)
  7. I was going to drop 30mm but I think I will have issues with arch rubbing - or does the drop bring the top of the wheel in enough (camber)? - mine is a JDM which I believe is already slightly lower than UK (not sure though??)
  8. Just posted these for you viewtopic.php?f=61&t=31885
  9. Blade with black roof - looked very cool from behind
  10. It is a Brilliant Game! I almost felt addicted to it so had to stop playing it ... It's been about 8 months now since I've played ... I had a 6month break from it, cos it was taking up too much time - I would get home at 6pm from work, then raid time about 2am - every day!!! Now I only play a couple of evenings a week and still love it!
  11. I'm still playing World of Warcraft on PC - brilliant MMORPG - been playing for 3 years now!
  12. I did that with 'Chuck' - I watched both series in 2 sittings - looking forward to series 3 - what a brilliant program!!!!!
  13. I have set it to series link as well, but I will always watch it when its on etc
  14. Same old same old.... However, still very gripping and I am looking forward to next episode! ps - I noticed a lot of people posted during the adverts, so I assume you all watched it as well
  15. stick it up your nose till it comes out your ears Being Irish he will probably try that himself to see if it hurts!
  16. This thread reminds me of an old VIZ letter: "Don't waste money on expensive private number plates, simply change your name! Signed: G32 XVP from Manchester"
  17. Iceman! - Husky to Iceman - there is a kinda link there!
  18. it can be done - ask the mods. However, that is the most GAY thing i have ever heard! WINGMAN?????? Don't you EVER take the **** out of biscuit again! Very Top Gun! - Why not go the whole hog and change it to Maverick or Goose
  19. easy tiger - I got loads of pics of you that I HAVEN'T posted yet
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