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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. Still hiding under my duvet - can I come out now
  2. I knew you would be first to comment! I have actually gone off it a lot now, after seeing some more modern stuff - but it did play a part in my early inspiration
  3. ...awaits a good flaming about Ibherdesign post
  4. Marmite Time! - always causes controversy - I know many hate Ibherdesign but I know a lot like it as well - on that basis it still deserves a place here... Photos courtesy of Gina
  5. That was my inspiration to get a Zed - I was just posting it, you beat me to it lol
  6. I think Nixy means its her personal choice
  7. Damn right! - I paid £160 for all corners second hand!!!
  8. Cant see as the listing has ended and the other site isn't working. There are basically 2 types of spacer, one simply bolts on and the other uses longer bolts which need tapping in
  9. Personally I have a feeling it was about the amount of spam on here... There was no spam when he posted that - and now he has removed all his pics - very childish! edit: I mean no spam in this thread
  10. I've missed you Liam - especially your avatar
  11. Lol!!! I sort of got that from the number plate!! It could have been his initials: Kelvin Ecklestone Nobel!
  12. Forum name? He was behind me on the wales run and I know his better half had a video camera!! Never saw the video and wondered if he had a copy! Dont know Ken's, but Dawn is DawnC
  13. Ken's oops, wasn't quick enough ^^up one, the azure is Ken's and Dawn's
  14. agreed - the thread does have good potential - once tidied up could be a good sticky in photo archive section?
  15. Don't be an Arse +1 Take a chill pill matey - and as for deleting posts could you be any more childish??
  16. never used with bungs in - apart from anything I think they look a bit silly!
  17. Mines been fitted for a couple of months now and it still makes me smile - I do get some funny looks though, when its freezing cold and I drive around with my windows open!
  18. Halfrauds do a 3 stage touch up kit for GM - think its about a tenner
  19. SunGodRA

    An odd request

    they are stunning Andy
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