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Everything posted by 3FIDDYZ

  1. Sounds like they didnt have a stock car... Esp with 3 up
  2. Does it make a difference with the live mapping on a S/C then?
  3. Falkens did the trick this morning on the back road skating rink!
  4. No worries mate, good to have you as a co pilot on another road trip (give you a chance to check out the remap!)
  5. Your a brave man Looking forward to seeing it all running and tuned up Just a question! Are you still running the uprev ecu with the utec?
  6. Ahh i see I'll be leaving the CATS in I think, can actually hear myself think now and i can just about live with new noise the DC system makes. && yeah it was running very rich with the de-CATS in, an increase in fuel economy has been noted since the CATS went back in or is this likely to be some form of placebo effect...... Lol!! DC is nice but it is loud esp if you havnt got any boot silencing! Tune will sort out the fuling and also sort out your economy but also give you that power your missing!! 100% WOT through the range is pretty spot on too!
  7. 3FIDDYZ


    If your slipping on ice it may not kick in. Best way is to go and find a big carpark and leave the esp on and try and drift, you will soon see if its working! If you dont want to or know how too drift, just drive along, dip the clutch, turn the wheel full lock and increase throttle and dump the clutch at the same time.. you back end should fly out and your ESP will show up on the dash!
  8. I've got a 02 plate import so it rempas itself to a certain degree i believe....? But no aftermarket remap no..... Nope, it dosnt remap, its just got differences between wide and narrow band. Still wont adapt properly for the cats, putting them back in will have just caused the ECU to relearn to its normal setting. You will probably find you were running really rich. If you put them back in, get it mapped and you will see a huge difference with the decats
  9. I take it your just running stock and no remap?
  10. Think your best to speak to Advanced Motorsport about the Race Logic and Abbey about the Uprev to get the 100% answer
  11. Is that for the self leveler?
  12. Speak to ZMANALEX or R35LEE... Or try Mark @ Abbey as I know he upgraded on his JDM... There must be a fair amount arround as lots of peeps upgraded to brembos..
  13. Whoooo Hooooooo Ice was lovely this morning at 7am!! Just enough to have a bit of controlled fun!
  14. Looks like you may be OK. If you get down to Envy South then they have one there you can offer up for a test fit! And when it does fit it then and there!!
  15. Couple of alternative options that are UK supported are Race Logic and soon to be available, Uprev
  16. we're on the same wave length lol already been quoted while my car was at the body shop to have my front bumper re-sprayed, headlight internals painted black along with the reflectors and grill Lol! Get them to fill the wiper hole at the same time!! If you do black that grill then it will look like its solid black. IMO i would be calling alex for some of his powdercoated stuff!
  17. Nice work, looks great Some thoughts though! Did you upgrade your rear indicator bulbs? Rear tint and rear wiper removal And the fitting of the TS rear diffuser may be a bit of a pain with your zorst. And if you can be arsed... paint the front reflectors black and murder out your headlights! Just noticed something else.. front grill needs painting black or some other colour.. the more open diamond stylee will give it a more open agressive look:)
  18. Got 20 cars now. 10.30 @ Beaulieu. Convoys and meeting points being sorted.
  19. Arnt the OZ cars the same as the Jap ones? I do have a UK one but I dont know if thats the same as yours. Need a section in perticular?
  20. IIRC the v1 is the same size and shape as the oem bumper but with the splitter built in. If so, C-West do some carbon ones..
  21. Hmmm... If your getting rid of that then am gussing you have a little replacement....
  22. 3FIDDYZ

    Few night pics

    A little HDR attempt
  23. 3FIDDYZ

    Few night pics

    Cheers Mike. Lol! No.... He did stop though, and suggest that I move on cause drivers may think I was gonna jump off the bridge!!Lucky he didnt get out of his warm car as I hadnt put my new tax disc in!
  24. 3FIDDYZ

    Few night pics

    450d will do the trick Looking forward to seeing your shots.
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