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Everything posted by 3FIDDYZ

  1. Personally I have a feeling it was about the amount of spam on here...
  2. You must have missed the one I posted in the red ones under the title of "the master"
  3. Lol!!! I sort of got that from the number plate!!
  4. Forum name? He was behind me on the wales run and I know his better half had a video camera!! Never saw the video and wondered if he had a copy!
  5. You just been through my photobucket account Ian.... You missed one or two red ones! The Master!!!
  6. Big up the Crawley Massive Am loving Zed Spam!
  7. And some old banger that used to roam the streets!
  8. Bugger the Yanks..... Big up the Wales Massive!!
  9. The pic that made me buy my Zed!! Even though I didnt get a white one!!
  10. 3FIDDYZ

    An odd request

    Sure. post a pick of your car
  11. A black and silver plate is visable on an ANPR, still dosnt mean its legal on a post 1973 car
  12. No comparison between the 2 engines.... I would trust tims 100% without question. Would love to see the conditions of ther 28 day gtee! Strict return of parts on 28 days... Hmmm Also, and Tim will correct me am sure, this is an historic engine isnt it? First UK registered car or am I thinking of someone else?
  13. Full Chargespeed kit and bonnet. Roof is painted gloss black
  14. Few more in here if you didnt find them on the search... viewtopic.php?f=62&t=26655
  15. Nice one mate Like that style, looking foward to seeing them on the car
  16. Where is the "do as you think fit as its your car and what ever you think looks right as you have to live with it more than anyone else" option? Or is that just dont vote?
  17. Nice work mate Will pop round for a look when your there
  18. Where you based? Nismo, 5zigen are my faves as well as the amuse I have on now. Best thing is to get to some shows and meets to hear them first. Also what style you after? OEM or twin cans? If you dont want loud, stay away from the K1 and K2 Best place to find one and they are a trader on here http://z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseacti ... gory_id=30 Mark
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