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Everything posted by 3FIDDYZ

  1. No body roll on mine anymore..... RS*R Sports coilovers fitted, lovely ride now. Cornering and handling mucho improved. All this drive train links anyway, improve suspension and BHP = more traction on the road, but you still need better direct stopping power into the bends so you can brake later, but you need decent tyres to hold the whole thing together. If you increase the ability to put the power down and the tyres cant handle it then whats the point? If you increase the power, suspension and tyres then you will need to decrease speed in a "performance" fashion, not brake for 100 to 0 in one go (well sometimes... ) but from say 100 to 50 in a very short space of time, then accelerate to 75 and soon after brake to 25 etc etc etc... Just plan to upgrade everything in stages, see if each bit works and then move on the the next bit, if your happy with the upgrade you have made then stop, if your not happy then go back to what worked and either leave it or try a different route!
  2. Is there a course you can go on? Nah Bevis, they gave up teaching this stuff ages ago!!
  3. Yup. A PM might make everyone happy. This may help straighten things out. Just to translate ( ) I have been away skiing in Italy, just checked the website. Newseller, if its still for sale can I have first Dibs please.... Let the "quote" button be your friend!!
  4. Agree with you there mate, got a group day going on with Cat in April / May time. Cant wait!!
  5. Am running Volk 19" GT-S 9.5 and 10.5 they are +22s and they are right on the edge of the lip as you look down form above front and back if thats any good. If you go with the types your looking at I think your lips are going to be sticking out about 2.6cm...
  6. Stock suspension is ok... Until you put a set of coilovers and then you see how average the suspension is.... Tyres first Change the shocks and you will see a difference straight away. You running JDM brakes or Brembos? Again another reason for getting beat in the twisties is down to know how late you can brake and Brembos will far outbrake JDM's. I notice you have put "Red Stuff Pads" down for an order soon. If you running JDM I would have a word with Big Phil or Envy as it may be a brake pad and disc that may help. Anti roll bar will help too (Nismo or Cusco type ones) but only if your going to track it. Those stiffening frames you were looking at are serious racing kit and will cost to fit, IIRC the chasis needs modifying... You may want to get your bushings checked too as if they have split or worn this will cause you a few lateral problems. I have changed the shocks and tyres / wheels on mine, brembos are good enough for me, next thing for me is to change the way I drive... Am booked in for a driver training day at Millbrook in May.. Oh and S2000 have come up against a few recently and they are no way as good.. Never been in a race with an RX-8 but have driven and I would like to thing the 350 is a better car, As H5 Says Caymens cost double but in my experience its down to the drivers and how much you are willing to push and take a chance... This is meant about driving on a track not a public road... Also it dosnt matter what you do something else is going to be faster, and lots of the time by something that dosnt look like it will beat you like a MK1 Golf... How was I to know he was running 650bhp!! But then a 300bhp car will beat a 600bhp car if driven properly! My advice would be to take it to a good tuning place, getting them to drive it, see what they think and then start making the changes in stages.. IMO!!
  7. 3FIDDYZ

    New Rays wheels

    Tis an amuse one i belive
  8. And not if its one of the £20 ones on ebay.... Go with the decent ones IMO. I just wouldnt want some thing so important coming off in my hand at speed....!!
  9. 3FIDDYZ

    Air Vent Trims

    Think you mean these :-) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Zierb ... dZViewItem
  10. Hi John! I know of a "little" guy that should be able to help you in your neck of the woods!! How many handsets are you looking at? Mark
  11. Hi Digsy, Just had a word with a few of the techies, there is a company called THUS who are trialing a Managed IPT service for Small Business, they are a pretty big carrier but they have realised the potential for the getting the "little" guys on board. Will PM you there number when I get it. Unfortunatly the smaller guys round South East wouldnt be great for you as they are too far away! I belive that THUS's network is based on a Cisco Call Manager hosted network with multiple clusters so very little chance of fail. Its a case of plugging your Cisco phone in to a network point, it then uses IPT by proxy and then your phones are all in there own private network and you then go out using THUS's voice gateway. Will let you know when I have more....
  12. Dont think so, do you know the offsets? Should be stamped on the back of one of the wheels. I take it you have JDM brakes at the moment with 17's and have bought some brembos and want to upgrade? I think the offset will be too shallow. Think some one else on another forum just bought some 18's off an Import that had JDM's on it and tried to fit on his JDM that had brembos and the wheels wouldnt fit...
  13. wasnt shire350z begging and pleading for one of these recently?
  14. 25.7 at the moment but thats mostly motorway driving and about 3 times a week...
  15. Took mine to the garage to fit but watched them do it! I also got the fitting thrown in when I bought it!! To be honest the K&N is a little fiddly but not a hard job, just looks a bit daunting if you dont know your way round the engine, taken mine out and refitted again when I was doing some other fiddling... Where in Surrey are you? I can let you know the place I took it too if its near.
  16. Give me an hour and I will let you know my findings!
  17. Your looking for a hosted IPT solution by the sounds of it, what area of the country you in? I deall with some of the big boys but also know some of the little ones that may do a package to suit your needs. Mark
  18. I ain't tense. Anyway, I learnt to snowbaord with my daughter last year. Love it. Still not ventured onto the real stuff as yet, but we are members of Tamworth Snow Dome... Snow dome is a good start, but you cant beat getting up in the morning with a hangover, dumping your head in the snow to wake up, can of redbull in the cable car, sitting with your mates at the top of a huge powder bowl with the sun shining down and taking in the amazing view and the clean air... then getting up on your plank or sticks and carving some huge s's in the snow and trying to get some air!! Even bailing into the soft powder has to be done!! If you havnt been then go do it!!Tis a great experience!
  19. I wondered about gays on trays too.... Havnt seen many "gay" looking snowboarders recently, but I have seen some lovely all in one ski suits over the years, infact the the idiot on skis that broke my collar bone last year was wearing a fine example of neon as he smashed into me, had some additional claret colour on it after I got up... Thankfully I ski and snowboard so am happy to see the advantages and enjoy both!
  20. woah whats the deal with the exhaust Bet those tips ended up nice and blue at the end of that session!! Nice
  21. Schwing..... Lookin good I think Varis mainly deal in Carbon so I dont think they do a Urethane or Fiberglass.. But am sure that someone may have copied such a great design... Love the way it rises in the centre.... Question, does it fit under the undertray or between the undertray and the bumper?
  22. fair play to you mate for defending it 35 quid is good if you save on insurance more over, I just have my differences with that site but not the members Just havin a laugh
  23. Well if you got 7 off your list, you dont want 2 of them, and you cant be arsed to fit the start button then the 11th one is a good option IMHO.... Its cost me nothing anyway as what I saved on Insurance, trader discounts, driver training, has covered it so am not complaining... Anyway, whats £35? a night out in London... well more like leaving work, going for a few beers and being on the 7.10 train...
  24. 3FIDDYZ


    Judging by the bits thats the HKS car isnt it? Mine's, HKS and a few others have had there hands on the cars for a few weeks and they have already got parts coming out, Zorsts decats etc etc... Think they have even cracked the ECU...! Saw a few pics of one that had the seats swapped for Recaro buckets... Why? I would love a set og GT-R seats in my Zed!!
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