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Everything posted by 3FIDDYZ

  1. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11976
  2. Twas a moment of De Ja Vous for me too Ian
  3. If you fit the Nissan Tonnau Cover it has 2 metal arms that attach to the boot and then to the tonnau. This keeps the carpet from moving and as mbs says the net helps. Also some well placed velcro may help....
  4. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 8&start=15 last post is a pic of my car with the bulb numbers on, they are about £300 ish for a pair but can be bought cheaper, I think when mine blow I will go for the PIAA ones, look much better in terms of function and quality than stock.
  5. If you go to the Carcomm website and then click on products, then look at the list on the left, and then Safety Mounts there are a few there, one of those may fit. or here.. http://www.dashmount.co.uk/ I did see another one somewhere, may be on my other PC
  6. God my LED's look great in that Pic!!!
  7. This may explain the offset bit Zedrush...
  8. Sorry I know this is an ESR thread, and anyone that I know who has bought off Big P and his crew dont have a bad word to say about his knowledge and service, but I just wanted to add that I have received the same off Envy and I have made quite a few "big" purchases now from Gaz and Kev. The little issues I did have were sorted out straight away with out any hastle or question and I would have no issue giving my hard earned cash to Envy in the future. Envy and EastShore, keep up the good work, it cant be easy dealing with us lot that cant make our minds up!!
  9. Yep, on the stalk 1/2 a turn gets the parking lights (W5W), and then a full turn are the driving lights (D2R) and then if you push the stalk you get full beam lights (H7). So yep sounds like one of the D2R's has gone, If you dont know the bulb type and colour now, best to change both as it will look miss matched.
  10. Its cause the grease on your fingers "cooks" the glass and makes them hotter... Same on halogens that you use around the house, you should always try and use gloves or a clean cloth. Condensation wont help either. The standard ones in the zed have a filiment outside of the main bulb, the PIAA ones are an enclosed unit. I would take the lamp unit out, put it in an airing cupboard or warm place leaving exit hols free (I have heard that using a tampon just dangeling indside the lamp unit can help to soak up the moisture) for a few days and then reseal round the edges using a clear or black waterproof sealent so it dosnt happen again...
  11. http://www.autobarn.net/cobaltd2r.html here..
  12. If you can wait get them from the states http://www.xtralights.com/index.asp?Cat ... n=VIEWCATS but I did just see on a google search for "D2R Bulb UK" a pair for £150 but they were non branded. I think the PIAA ones are about £300
  13. If its the driving light buld then its a D2R and your gonna be looking at a few quid. If you can get the PIAA bulbs...
  14. Main bulb as in driving light or full beam light?
  15. No mine switches too but only under Icy conditions... It then stays on MPG or Digital speedo with the word Icy at the bottom. Should only do it once on a journey unless you stall or stop and turn the engine off then it will do it again. Think it may change if the temp drops too...
  16. Rear vibrations on mine have come from the little privacy blind attached to the back window, the strut bar, the tonneau cover (both the fixings to the strut and the fixings to the cover, its a nissan one) wheel lock key under the polywhatsit in the boot and another few things but now all sorted through a process of elimination!!
  17. May be in Newbury on Tuesday so if I am I will swing by. Anyone got a Post code for the stadium?
  18. I take it thats the Swiss Audio car? They do some pretty funky kit thats well regarded across the pond but I dont think they have a UK supplier...
  19. Thats better without the ironing board and the go faster stickers Yep +100. I did notice the US one had a plug socket next to the rear numberplate to plug the Iron in!!
  20. Unfortunatly not mine but could go that direction on my next purchase..., its one of the owners from on the Owners Club forum called Chilli Red... It looks even better in the flesh, the bonnet is a spot on fit. Am considering a something close on my Blade...
  21. Red Zed with a DoLuck and Carbon Bonnet, one of the nicest colour combinations out there. IMO !
  22. Lovely looking car and great colour Spotting is all part of ownership, just make sure you add them on the spotted list!
  23. Unfortunately its something to do with the day and age we live in macca, I heard the other day that kids have a new name for "cool", its "book".... reason is that if you go to type in "cool" in predictive text, the 1st choice is "book" and they cant be ar$ed to hit the down key to choose "cool"......
  24. Almost as good as this one.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/84337498 ... 0192109769
  25. If I got in a car and it had a double din Kenwood or Alpine HU with Bluetooth, satnav, traffic, ipod control and worked with the steering controls I would be far more impressed than if I got in one that had a sh1t badged bose one, Esp if I had been reading the forums and read that the stock fisher price ones are about as useful as a blunt razorblade at a bar mitzvah. Depends on how much you enjoy your music and being able to tweak your speakers at the end of the day. And if you didnt know already, unless a fix has been found, you cant just take one out of one zed and stick it in another. They appear to be locked to the car... There is a fix though but it means taking it to bits... Guess that whilst your doing it you could do the ipod / Aux fix but you still wont see the song info etc on the display...
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