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Everything posted by 3FIDDYZ

  1. Having thought about this over night, IMO "sports car" is a catergory and then there are sub catergories underneath, Thus Sports Car GT - SuperCar - Hot Hatch etc Utility SUV - 4X4 etc And as usual Wikipedia to the rescue! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_car
  2. Had this a few times recently on forums and messenger... If your getting it on a Mac then it cant be windows 7!
  3. 3FIDDYZ

    Wheel Question

    Think one of the nismo cars came out of the factory on a 18/19 split. Someone with the purple colour on here is running them. IMO, if your going after market you may as well go wider. Think all zed oem wheels are staggered arnt they?
  4. LB, has the fluid changed consistancy in the reservoir? Mine is a little tight at the moment, fine when running but a little bit of a pain when your parking! Have you drained the whole system and then refilled? As I have a vented bonnet I think that some water may have got in, and perhaps when I have jetwashed the engine bay! Mines off to Abbey to get flushed out and replaced soon so will let you know the story when I have it back and what they have found.
  5. Glad you got it sorted mate Personally I would be going for an A/V amp with multipul HDMI imputs as they dont degrade the pic. If you do for a switcher your best to turn the item off that your not using! Then you just have one cable running to the TV! Think that sony tv we discussed has got 4 so you should be ok, and then the wii via something else. DVD via componant is fine too! Also! if you are going to get HDMI's and plug them all in, depending how your mounting try and get the ones with the 45 degree ends.. Lots stick out a fair way and they are a pain if your flush mounting!
  6. There is talk of a trip down this year, I think there is one going in a few weeks via Spa. And then one laster on in the year with 350z and GT-R owners (and a couple of 370z's). The last trip had some support from a Advanced Driving and Race company called CAT, (I think Colin the owner piloted his old vectra round there in a sub 10, with no mods a few times ) Think its best to go with people that have been round a few times so they can show you the ropes. Little video here... Not really work safe... Well some of the language isnt! So turn it down if you dont want to offend!
  7. In my garage? And its far superior to a sports car!
  8. i think it comes under the rally car bracket, but its just more extreme than your evo/scooby vehicle 4x4 isnt it?
  9. So is a Super 7 a hypercar? i want to say no tbh R500 is faster than most of the hypercars in a straight line, corners better and to be honest, just as impractical! Probably more exclusive. Guessing its where you draw the lines ad what the pigeon holes are.... Its also a reason why TG has the cool wall so the cars dont get catogerised as the manu's class them!
  10. FAIL where did the super sports bracket come from. (although might be one for the cool wall; post it as an option and see if it gets excepted) evo and scooby have too many seats, 350z is a gt car How can you call fail Rich? Its Anubis's opinion... Not yours! That comment almost requires the Fairy.....
  11. Or an Caterham superlight R500 for that matter!
  12. fezza's and lambo's fall into the supercar bracket For me its cars and sports cars, thats it! All this bollix with hyper cars, super cars, ultra super hyper amazing cars... So if its speed is a caterham super 7 a hyper car? Or does a hypercar have to cost more than 150k?
  13. Hmmm sports car and mini debate... If you havnt driven a mini cooper s on a track or fast road you wouldnt know, but they are a sports car in that sense... If its down to looks, then it has to be low and wide And it also has to be slightly impractical Speed has to be able to go faster than 95% of other cars.. If you asked a fezza or lambo owner the same q they prob wouldnt say 350z... But is the Zed a sports or a GT?
  14. Cant remember as it was the first time I had driven one. Got my mom to give me a lift, she waited and I followed... Until we hit the dual carridgeway, then she didnt see me for about 3 hours!
  15. I never knew that Scoobies and Evos were mabe by Hyuandi
  16. Stock 276 with uprev v the last dyno!
  17. Correct And should have another comparison very soon!!
  18. 3FIDDYZ

    what exhaust?

    From the engine 350z's have the following Exhaust manifolds Cats (or hiflow or decats) Y-pipe Mid pipe Back box or muffler Or true dual that starts at the cats Comparison to a stock one!
  19. 3FIDDYZ

    Wheel dilema

    Yep, safe would be gloss black. With £500 of boots I would say £1200 to £1300 in that condition would be about right.. Then the buyer needs to spend about £200 to get them tiptop to their own "style" so a set of 19" Volk GT-V's with almost new boots is a bit of a bargain!!!
  20. Hiflow v decat if your interested...
  21. Just to show you how the cars can change... Mine went into Abbey with some CELs but no lights on the dash, this is when I had the unichip. Basically running well under power. Then the issue was sorted and CEL's and ECU Reset Then finally cats v decats All dynos were over 2 days. Sorry for the thread inteupt but thought it would show how the gains happen through tuning! Mark PS Just in comparison! This was my first dyno.. Plenum spacer and a K+N Typhoon!
  22. Linky.......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nismo-sun-strip-w ... 1235wt_939 Enjoy cutting that mate... Also think that the nismo bit may be too close to the body work to cut to get a good line... Been through the experience and its not easy to get right... Having had a quick search I cant belive that noone produces an exact precut one... Perhaps RGVA or Racoon could think about it!
  23. Best get one of these then sparkey...
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