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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. know it sounds daft, but would it be worth buying them a cheap 1.0 diesel banger and insuring them on that. with limited use and mileage, might work out cheaper dependant on quotes. moneysupermarket are better than go compare imo. more quotes and the way they get them is better. when i was 19, tesco always gave me the best quotes on line for a 1.9 tdi. still wasn't cheap but far better than everywhere else. might be worth a go. also bear in mind that adding an older driver (no offence) can lower the premium of a young driver by around half. getting a good insurance quote is a pain in the a**e and there's no easy solution other than trying everywhere.
  2. but check what quotes you are getting on a specific car before you commit to buying it
  3. have you done a search with moneysupermarket? they are one of the best well rounded search engines.
  4. have you sold yours ? couldn't and wouldn't
  5. i'd start windmilling until i hit the person responsible. i hate incompetent and thoughtless drivers especially when they don't even have the bo****ks and good grace to leave their details on your car. keep us posted with how much the repair is mate. would be useful to know.
  6. it's just a veilside v1 so i'm hoping it should be quicker than that. hoping 2 - 3 days max but could be wrong.
  7. i'll let big phil know to delay delivery. should know in next couple of days. surely can't take long to paint and fit a kit. . .
  8. strangely enough, was just looking on the albums to see if you had any pics of your car up. car's going into body shop tmoz so if it's back out i might make a trip as have some goodies ready this week i'd prob have to bring my 'big' check book with me, the one with room for loads of noughts. . .
  9. what time you going up there jay? is esr open on bank holiday?
  10. i'll look out for you on the east lancs and you can show me if it's as fast as it looks
  11. hi mate, not too far from me in westhoughton. use east lancs every day. you got any pics of ur ride (inc engine bay for us saddos)?
  12. that's relatively cheap considering the price of varis c/f engine dress.
  13. wasn't being critical, just joking. in all honesty, i would love to have a job that's different to the humdrum. you could never imagine as a kid that one day you'd work somewhere like that, and i bet it's a good topic of conversation when someone asks 'what do you do for a living?'
  14. a few years ago when i had my honda ( ) i found a website which would display your car, its colour and how low you ride it. you could then choose through the wheels to see how they all look. has anyone else stumbled across it cos i can't find it now.
  15. tmJak

    My new Zed

    i've heard some good things about them advan wheels too. look i take it you plan some mods looking at the pimped pug?
  16. being offshore, how good's the reception on the tv in the turbine's canteen?
  17. a classic ford mustang (from the 70's perhaps, really old anyway) does about 9 mpg. the new 'stangs are more than twice as efficient with more power and performance. car manufacturers are quickly improving fuel economy mainly due to government bullying, so i agree with you and would have thought that after all their efforts they would be given a bit of a break.
  18. tmJak

    Z Sticker

    right smack bang in the middle of the front windscreen
  19. i could live with a quote like that. had to be very shrewd to get my insurance down to £800. turn 25 before my next renewal though, so that should help
  20. i don't think you'd have any regrets with either of them. the JDM's have some features which are arguably better, such as auto-folding wing mirrors, and if it's the luxury version it will have brembos and 18'' wheels like a UK car. plus you'd get a newer and lower milegae import for less money. the only reason i got a UK car was because the insurance was coming through at £3000 for JDM, or £800 for UK apparently, insurance companies work from the belief that imported cars are made to a lower quality than UK cars. there's so much room to argue that it's not worth doing but that's what they think.
  21. i was told that my car wasn't an import when i bought it from arnold clarke but didn't trust them, and the only method that fully conviced me was checking the vin number. might be worth emailing the sellers as some JDM's could be confused for UK car depending on how the pics are took etc. also RAC will tell you for about a fiver in case you see a car you might wanna buy. i'd pay it for peace of mind before forking out the cash in any doubt
  22. personally i went with the chrome strips, which were a decent £10 mod imo.
  23. it would look naff on my car but looks excellent on a car modified like yours esp with the blue you should be able to get a suitable gromit in the plumbing section of a diy store. 350z-tech has a guide here which is a decent example of how to plug the hole up if you hadn't already seen it
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