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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. if extra performance is the goal rather than just noise, there are mods which the ecu doesn't cancel out such as plenum spacer, final drive, flywheel etc. apart from plenum spacer, they won't necessarily give more power but will give more speed. it does annoy me tho that cars like the skyline just needs a few mods and it gets over 400bhp, and without going f/i you're lucky to get over 300bhp in a z
  2. very nice looking car mate and one of the few colours that suit c/f imo.
  3. welcome mate. i'd go GT just cos it gives a few more extras as standard and it's easier to sell on later. a few on here have f/i but it costs £££ to install and there is a limit to how much boost you can have before your engine goes boom, unless you rebuild your engine. there's loads on here about it bud. btw i'm 24, 3 yrs ncb, no points, decent postcode and my insurance is £800. had to put my g/f on it to lower the premium.
  4. might be less of as cynic if the story was covered by anyone but the fox network. similar imo to sunday sport (although not knocking tha sunday sport ). like the bit in the vid where he says microsoft came out of a garage. yeah, bill gates came out of apple's garage with all their ideas and nicked them
  5. what you tryin to say? think my car's gotta stalker. at least my aerials shorter now
  6. cheers fellas, that's what i was after. can avoid making rash decisions with new wheels now
  7. what a collection. a different fast car for every occasion. trying to convince the missus to ditch the vectra and buy an evo but don't think it'll ever happen. looks like it would in your family though
  8. agreed either gun metal 19'' tsw thruxton's on lmgt4's. not sure which yet, depends which one's come up cheapest when i'm looking.
  9. i got a real good deal from nemesis.co.uk, who sold the sides for £100. think that was on a serious sale as usually are about £250. they might have some left.
  10. it's in the pipeline fella in the bodyshop said the front lip was difficult to fit, and he had to use rivets to secure it as 3M tape just won't stick frp in place. sides and back were pretty easy but he bonded them rather then using sticky tape and put extra screws in the rear (mind the double entendre) to keep it in place. urethane is a much better material, as it last longer and is less likely to shatter when curbing or crack over potholes plus urethane can be heated to assist fitting unlike frp which pretty much explodes if baked. got some under hood pimping to do this weekend, then wheels, then exhaust. then i'll be happy. . .honest cheers for response guys.
  11. Just got car back from bodyshop with my V1 kit fitted. He did a good job with the fitment, but it's just a shame the kit is fibreglass as it'll probably shatter before next week . . . know a few peeps on site are interested in this kit. just make sure you get urethane and painting and fitting cost just shy of £500 (if this missus reads this I meant £100 )
  12. i took mine to tdi north and they knew what to do and did a top notch job. think most decent jap garages will be pretty good esp if recommended on site
  13. think i'll still go and hope i can sweet talk Big Phil into fitting my new plenum for me. gonna need to take my car and it's new bodykit for a ride hope you're not gonna ring beavis up the night before wales jay with the same rubbish excuses no faith I am there, already booked and paid for the hotel and dragging her with me, had to entice her to coming by buying her a nintendo DS and also booking her up a massage, only way she'd come when it comes to buying your TVR are you going to buy her 'doggy hospital' or some rubbish for her DS to quieten her?
  14. but was she not a hog in eastenders and now for our viewing pleasure she has learnt the art of vomiting after eating?
  15. i got my car up the slope into the bodyshop yesterday, will try and take a pic of it tmoz when i pick the car up cos it's a bad incline. don't know if i'll get it back out again. know it's not what you asked for but may help. . . also you could get some hydraulic suspension and raise the ride height
  16. they look . can you do me a favour and take a pic from a bit of a distance? just for me?
  17. think i'll still go and hope i can sweet talk Big Phil into fitting my new plenum for me. gonna need to take my car and it's new bodykit for a ride hope you're not gonna ring beavis up the night before wales jay with the same rubbish excuses
  18. have you considered getting a scorpian exhaust as in this thread? you'd be able to keep the sound and it's around £340 brand new
  19. and how loud is the exhaust when you're driving along steady at 30mph? does it sound boy racer or civilised? quite tempted by one myself
  20. no mate , it means it is from the cat back, so your oem cat stays in place hmmm, makes sense when you put it like that. cheers
  21. there's one here on ebay. would i be right in thinking that a cat back doesn't have a cat and as such would have to be changed prior to mot, or am i thinking of decat?
  22. i just downgraded from vista. windows explorer shouldn't crash that much!
  23. would go quite well with your car imo
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