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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. See you on Thursday bud I'm there on Thursday too. . .will be getting mine fitted before yours Why dont you lot go 26th instead Getting my kitchen fitted on 26th. Plus when I go thurs, I'll be able to drive to Sunderland, service + exhaust and be home without the missus suspecting anything ....provided she's deaf, of course! Obviously got some bits of the plan i need to tweak a little. . .
  2. See you on Thursday bud I'm there on Thursday too. . .will be getting mine fitted before yours Why dont you lot go 26th instead Getting my kitchen fitted on 26th. Plus when I go thurs, I'll be able to drive to Sunderland, service + exhaust and be home without the missus suspecting anything
  3. tmJak


    Then all you gotta do is sort out a finance plan with Big Phil and you'll be sorted. Nice one mate
  4. See you on Thursday bud I'm there on Thursday too. . .will be getting mine fitted before yours
  5. tmJak


    £6000 to get a PE TT kit fitted with minimum 380bhp and M3 owners will regret spending so much money on their car Adam of Z1 Auto has recently posted about modifying his car without F/I. His car went more than 300whp so maybe iro 340bhp, but it sounds like a lot of hard work and £££. Any ECU mod is probably realistically looking towards £1500 - £2000 including dyno times iirc and then all the mods like exhaust, plenum, intake etc could also add a fair bit on that. Let us know if you do decide to try it out though cos i'd like to see how much these N/A mods could inmprove performance with an ECU mod attached
  6. That must be every motorists worst nightmare. Can't imagine how bad that must feel but glad it all ended up ok. At least you can be proud of the fact that you must have been driving sensibly
  7. Tried to use touch up paint on my last car and it just made it look worse. There's an art to it, and even if you know what you're doing it still looks crap from what i've seen. How much did the bumper and bonnet re-spray cost? Mine's terrible, but can hardly see them unless close up as my car's silver
  8. Nissan 300ZX with twin turbo and iro 400bhp We're about to upgrade the second car from a Vauxhall to a Volvo. . .wish the missus had more imagination and then I'd buy the 300ZX
  9. If you don't get a Notice of Intended Prosecution in 2 weeks you're off with it Still crap having to wait tho. . .
  10. it's the way they go about things that really winds me up, they're meant to be a public service but they treat us like scum. rather than a letter trying to explain to you why your parking was illegal and going from there, they just bully and threaten, constantly increasing the amount of money owed and eventually will probably pass it to bailiffs who don't even know anything about the debts they're collecting. i don't know why as a country we put up with this type of treatment
  11. and now you've said you have a HKS you'll have to try and post a soundbite as well
  12. it would help if your car ads on Autotrader and the like had links to your website and the customer testimonials section. Sure we could add a few on there if need be
  13. Did do, but quit Women can smell cigarette smoke from miles away and aren't put of the scent with air freshener. Gives it away when the 'Smokers Air Freshener' is sat on the table
  14. I bought my car from Arnold Clarke and was not happy with it as I don't trust them and their mechanics, but I desperatley neded a zed. Before I could be satisfied that the car was in good working order I had to take it to tdi north for a service and get their seal of approval. As it happens, Arnold CLarke had claimed to service and MOT the car, but the air filter was black and the oil was like glue I'm driving a good 130 miles for a service with you guys at ESR purely because I know you're enthusiastic about the zed and not just screwing as much money as you can, and therefore you will do the best job possible. Plus your aftersales service is excellent. If I come to change cars I would buy one from you guys. I'm sure people would travel far to buy a car knowing you'd given it the
  15. like the black zeds but just a shame they're 40bhp down on power. . .
  16. Surely the front wheels won't be able to turn on that thing!
  17. only if they could catch you
  18. You could sell fuel too and have fuel girls!!!! with wet t-shirts washing cars
  19. very pics, esp the inside of the car imo, lighting looks excellent. shame the lads at max power couldn't give paul a bit of warning before turning up and catching him drug dealing
  20. Looks like a different colour to me it is different, but subtly. i think the twighlight grey has a blue hint to it but then again the missus does tell me i'm rubbish with colours
  21. yeah but then again it was probably a difficult manouvre they were trying to do
  22. car and excellent colour. bet it turns heads
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