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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Yep, that's my new K1 exhaust Just finished my 130 miles drive home with the windows down. It's strange, it reduces inside cabin noise. . .and everyone is speaking quieter now. . . How is it at motorway speeds? Really loud without the bungs. The bungs make it about half as loud. Mark the mechanic at ESR drove off to bed my brakes in, and could hear the car from miles away It's still loud on the motorway, but fine if you're sticking to 70mph, not much drone. If you alter your pedal position at all though, you can really hear it. Didn't seem to disturb the midlle lane hogging coffin dodgers though. Can meet up halfway if you wanna have a listen. I'm only in Bolton I'll take you up on that! I'll PM you later.
  2. Yep, that's my new K1 exhaust Just finished my 130 miles drive home with the windows down. It's strange, it reduces inside cabin noise. . .and everyone is speaking quieter now. . . How is it at motorway speeds? Really loud without the bungs. The bungs make it about half as loud. Mark the mechanic at ESR drove off to bed my brakes in, and could hear the car from miles away It's still loud on the motorway, but fine if you're sticking to 70mph, not much drone. If you alter your pedal position at all though, you can really hear it. Didn't seem to disturb the midlle lane hogging coffin dodgers though. Can meet up halfway if you wanna have a listen. I'm only in Bolton
  3. tmJak

    Im in Love!!!!

    Actually i agree on that too, i think its TOO black and a bit of silver will set it off perfectly Or a CF bonnet
  4. Yep, that's my new K1 exhaust Just finished my 130 miles drive home with the windows down. It's strange, it reduces inside cabin noise. . .and everyone is speaking quieter now. . .
  5. Never voted as I can't stand politics but Labour have convinced me that it's the only way to get rid of them. . .besides burning politicians in the street which would be option 2, but don't tell anyone I said that
  6. Anyone else read this gem here? What a way to brighten our day Gordon Brown style. . .might as well just pay my wages directly into the government coffers as even though I can afford a nice car there's no point in having one
  7. Or you could develop a nasty smokers type cough that you say is infectious, and complain when the windows are down because you're cold. Your car share mate will probably change her working hours then
  8. to the forum mate Fog lights were invented purely to make you look like a pimp daddy when you're cruising the streets at night with your home boys in tha car.
  9. I car share at the moment, but I agree it does ruin the drive to work. You can't properly listen to your on music, dance or sing. . .unless you've got no shame Don't like the sound of your car share mate. At least you'll be in for some $$ 'whip cash' $$ when the inevitable happens
  10. Just to clarify, you wanna take pictures of buff dudes and sheep on a beach...
  11. Not only in America. . .a youth was being interviewed by police in the UK about a Robbery that had been committed and caught on CCTV. The perpatrators were wearing balaclavas. On interview, the suspect was shown the CCTV and whilst watching it said 'you can't tell it was me, i was wearing a balaclava!' Obviously he was charged.
  12. and you in your boob tube and hot pants washing my car Jay you are twisted, this might appeal to Louis http://www.spike.com/video/stretching-in-green/2817969 not sure if you have ever met Louis but erm thats him
  13. Yeah, the threads not working anymore, just gonna get some beers then won't care if i'm fit or not PMSL that guy is huge Im like quarter his size
  14. Yeah, the threads not working anymore, just gonna get some beers then won't care if i'm fit or not A bit of sunshine,a few San Miguels and you are sorted Will be mate, can't wait. Not bothered how bad summer is over here now
  15. Yeah, the threads not working anymore, just gonna get some beers then won't care if i'm fit or not
  16. , you don't quite manage 25 pull ups though. . . Think the thread is working. I'm just about to head out to supermarket to buy some green tea and grapefruit Anything else you recommend while I'm out?
  17. I take it that all the agencies working together will stand on the coast and blow the naughty clouds away. . .or are they planning to make a few more sand bags
  18. I can do moderatley heavy weights but this exercise as with squats with weight always hurt my lower back, its genetic. Dad's the same. Maybe I'll just do more with lighter weights like you recommend. Now about the other exercises I can't do
  19. www.monstersupplements.com give good phone advice and they're pretty cheap compared to other suppliers I have used. I take an all in one supplement but it's pretty expensive compared to purer protein shakes like whey. Incredible results though but you have to eat loads of carbs and protein to really get any benefit from it. Is there an alternative exercise you'd recommend to deadlift Zedrush, it doesn't suit me. . .
  20. tmJak

    Polished Plenum

    Big Phil will send you a polished one and you send yours back. Doesn't cost much This does defeat you doing it as a project though. . .
  21. It does say to use a high quality silicone though Envy Performance must be shuddering in their boots at all the custom they'll lose
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