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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Nice garage I had a gravel drive at my last house (not quite a mile long though ) and used kerb stones like these to fit it to the pavement. Worked quite well esp when the gravel compressed a bit. Get them concreted in place and it won't be that expensive a job to get a pro to do it.
  2. I think you mean take Only need another 4 to find some spelling or grammar mistakes now
  3. Yeah, have to be careful cos if the Black cars are at the back they won't be able to keep up with the more powerful Silver and Gun Metals
  4. £1500 mate , £1200 was a cheeky offer At least we know what his lowest acceptable offer is now though suppose it was a bit cheeky asking nearly half price
  5. Would you take £1200 and I'll pick up? £1200 If you don't ask
  6. Would you take £1200 and I'll pick up? The lowest I was looking at was £1500, to be honest Would you be able to wait a couple of weeks? Cash on collection?
  7. Would you take £1200 and I'll pick up?
  8. Envy's online store here and tyres £100 each by camskill. Would love a set of these wheels as they are £1600 a pair mate £3300 ish for all four Sorry, thought it might be my interpretation of the website In that case I take back my comments fully and agree that your price is actually very fair. Sure they will get snapped up pretty quickly, just a shame I hadn't put that much aside for wheels. . . What are the camskill tyres like? The ones I have are the Toyo T1's, I think they retail at around £250 each (dont quote me on that). I know what you mean though, Initially I didnt want to spen as much as I did on wheels but when I took into account the price of the car and how they look on I couldnt resist. I was also surprised at how well they look without the need to alter the suspension. Camskill are a tyre trader and at the moment have 19'' Toyo Proxes at just over £100 each. Usually £150, and delivery included (but not fitting). Agree about how they look, my favorite wheels. i take it this for the front 245 ? thats cheaper than i paid for falken, i paid nearly £500 for a pair of 285/35/19 p-zero's They are for 245/40/19 (i think). I know nothing about what these figures mean but was looking at getting some TSW Thruxton's which the company said would need these tyres. For 285/35/19 Toyo Proxes T1 R £180 each here For 245/40/19 Toyo T1-R just over £100 here
  9. Envy's online store here and tyres £100 each by camskill. Would love a set of these wheels as they are £1600 a pair mate £3300 ish for all four Sorry, thought it might be my interpretation of the website In that case I take back my comments fully and agree that your price is actually very fair. Sure they will get snapped up pretty quickly, just a shame I hadn't put that much aside for wheels. . . What are the camskill tyres like? The ones I have are the Toyo T1's, I think they retail at around £250 each (dont quote me on that). I know what you mean though, Initially I didnt want to spen as much as I did on wheels but when I took into account the price of the car and how they look on I couldnt resist. I was also surprised at how well they look without the need to alter the suspension. Camskill are a tyre trader and at the moment have 19'' Toyo Proxes at just over £100 each. Usually £150, and delivery included (but not fitting). Agree about how they look, my favorite wheels.
  10. Envy's online store here and tyres £100 each by camskill. Would love a set of these wheels as they are £1600 a pair mate £3300 ish for all four Sorry, thought it might be my interpretation of the website In that case I take back my comments fully and agree that your price is actually very fair. Sure they will get snapped up pretty quickly, just a shame I hadn't put that much aside for wheels. . .
  11. Envy's online store here and tyres £100 each by camskill. Would love a set of these wheels as they are
  12. Are these not £1600 new? Might be me looking at the wrong site
  13. No probs mate, it's only a couple of weeks away anyways If you want I can blip the throttle at 3pm and you'll prob hear it
  14. See you on Thursday bud I'm there on Thursday too. . .will be getting mine fitted before yours Why dont you lot go 26th instead Getting my kitchen fitted on 26th. Plus when I go thurs, I'll be able to drive to Sunderland, service + exhaust and be home without the missus suspecting anything ....provided she's deaf, of course! Missus did notice. . .not for a couple of miles tho She said she's gonna wear ear muffs on the Wales drive so anyone who looks will know she has got nothing to do with the exhaust
  15. My Z was owned by Arnold Clarke from new and had been driven by their management and only had their services. Just got a proper service done by ESR and have 40k on clock and the car is fine with no issues at all.
  16. tmJak

    body kit

    I really like the rear bumper its a bit like mine only doesn't look stuck on (which mine is). Have you got a pic taken of the side? Agree that the kit is a bit fast and furious but car modifying can get to a point where the car is more of a work of art (eg Paul's hulk machine). Kit maybe not to everyone's taste but gotta appreciate how it looks. Bet if you're at a meet you'll get more people paying attention to your car than cars with safe looking kits like my V1, or the Nismo. Don't doubt yourself mate, if you like it that's all that matters
  17. It certainly does. Would particularly suit a black car ps yours looks ace shire
  18. Will be doing mate. Think the bungs and allen key are new essential bits and bobs to be in the car Just done some miles today with the bungs in and they sound ace. At rest, the car gently burbles and driving at sensible speeds and even at a steady 70mph on motorway, you just hear them burbling behind you without too much drama. Of course, all hell breaks loose when you put your foot down but at least you can drive around sensibly without waking the traffic cops up
  19. +3, think it will be quite a car when complete
  20. Was just watching that video with Lou Reid's 'Perfect Day' playing on the radio in the background. Very poinant.
  21. With high flo cats it'll be a monster I'm only 130 miles away from ESR so I'll probably hear them when they're fitted anyway
  22. Remember though that the exhaust has baffles which do make the noise a lot quiter. If need be, the baffles can only come out on meets and at Wales If anyone's considering the exhaust but got any doubts, I'm at Wales and will have covered a few hundred miles by then so you can hear it fully bedded in
  23. tmJak

    Bride seats

    cheeky git Photo's Zedrush, or it didn't happen. I heard you'd bought the bride seats for when you're playing GT5 in the living room and you're making your missus sit next to you and tell you how good you are
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