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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Whereabouts in Glasgow? Half considered moving there a while ago. . .
  2. Would have loved to see the look on that false smug mess of a PM's face when he found out
  3. If only you could pick and choose the services you wanted. . .there's a few I'd quite happily not pay for.
  4. If the banding is wrong, they are obliged to change it and reimburse you for overpayments. howver, it works visa versa but I'd be surprised if you were banded higher. Some fella complained cos he found out he was paying more than everyone else on his street, so the council checked it and upped everyone elses
  5. tmJak


    Not quite as quick but don't think you'd get past one on a country road. New 335's are a force to be reckoned with
  6. Yeah, that's what happens when you have the Green Party in government I'd start windmilling until I hit a politician
  7. +1 - was reportedly doing 7m 25s and still in developement. At this rate wouldnt be supprised to see sub 7m 20s from it. And if they gave it to that local lass who tracked Top Gears van round in some incredible time, 7m 15 might be on And if they give it to me I might even make it round the track
  8. bud and very nice looking car. Wish my mileage was that low. Bet the number plate cost a few quid
  9. tmJak


    He sounds like he owned you dude I was waiting at lights yesterday, and an S5 sat in the right turn only lane next to me, obviously hoping to speed ahead and cut me up with his awesome engine. He missed the lights and I casually drove off, much to his annoyance as he had a face like a slapped a**e when he undertook me later on to prove his manliness. To make it worse I was in a 1.8 Vectra
  10. very nice mate Puts my kitchen to shame at the moment
  11. Your Mum's so fat the even though she is about 500 miles away, she is still sitting on my face! Your mums so fat even I wouldn't let her sit on my face!
  12. Your mums so fat she rocked herself to sleep trying to stand up
  13. Your mums so fat when she sits on my face I can't hear my music
  14. Your mums so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck
  15. Your mums so fat she has more folds than an origami masterpiece I like this game
  16. Looks better than new, you did an amazing job Bryan
  17. Well at least the public transport system is so efficient you don't have to drive
  18. Looks like a good day mate, pretty much the same as England really. . .if you take away the lush trees, snow and mountains and replace it with rain, salty roads, traffic wardens and hooded youths
  19. The look mate Bet they're a b***ard to clean tho. . .
  20. Obviously too many innocent Z owners
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