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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. You'll have to post some pics when you get it
  2. I actually saw this car in the flesh on the motorway last time I was driving back from ESR (lucky me). Couldn't really see the interior as windows are blacked out but it had red windscreen wipers which I never noticed before on the various ads over the years
  3. Bet he drives with a burberry cap and sunglasses on, with one hand on the top of the wheel, the other on his crotch and reclined so far back he looks like he's sitting in the back (no offence Jay )
  4. Guide for ECu reset here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=89 Hope it works
  5. Can you post a pic of the dash? Cheers
  6. Cheers Tim, that's actually made my day
  7. That doesn't sound good Didn't know the car had a safe mode but I've driven it pretty hard without it kicking in. Did your other half accidentally change from 2nd to 1st instead of 3rd? That could have done it. Hope it gets sorted out but let us know
  8. I bet all eyes were on the balls b'dum tshhh
  9. Someone posted this a few weeks ago but the article had less detail. It does completely destroy their own arguments about speed cameras promoting safety and is actually illegal on their part to do this.
  10. tmJak

    Boot rattles

    Thanks for advice.
  11. Oh right, I think I've seen that vid on Youtube...
  12. The tax on a litre is probably more than 69p anyway. Think the other problem is that people are too selfish to stick with it and if the price dropped on BP's fuel by 2p then people would cave in and use BP again. It's the same with road tax, if everyone refused to pay for road tax, how could the government possibly enforce it? Some people would inevitably have their cars crushed but eventually the government would stop being a**eholes. A majority of people won't take the risk tho, a curse of being British. Americans wouldn't stand for any of it. . .
  13. tmJak

    Boot rattles

    Which thickness would you use? Might use it when I take the dash out to try and solve some other rattles so I assume it'd be the 3mm?
  14. tmJak

    Boot rattles

    Since I got my big boy exhaust, my boot vibrates. I belive is a common thing with aftermarket exhausts and crappy Nissan interiors. The vibration is due to the cheap plastic on the inside of the boot connecting with the actual boot lid. Can anyone recommend anything to put between them both to stop this? I know the mechanic Mark at ESR recommended something but forgot what it was I could probably just PM Phil but thought it may be useful for others to know.
  15. The Zed in that film is awesome. I like the film but you really have to ignore the fact that Sean Boswell looks 30 and is meant to be like 16.
  16. I'd have to play on Gran Turismo with the 350Z and pretend it's real. It's a bit sad but would help me cope with the wait
  17. Sorry to hear bout that Martin, can't imagine anything more annoying. hope it gets sorted. Is your real name Cletus?
  18. Lol, our cars are almost French, given who owns Nissan. You could say Brits are almost French, only seperated by the channel, but them be fighting words
  19. I'll be fine thanks, Silver always looks clean
  20. looking car mate. Shame after all that washing and waxing it's still rusty tho. . .
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