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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. tmJak

    Brake Pads

    A few traders on here who can do decent deals on pads. BigPhil sells at a good rate from experience, PM him. Also for tyres, check out http://www.camskill.co.uk/ - very cheap http://www.event-tyres.co.uk/ - good service and fit them on your drive for you And you might want to consider getting Toyo's or Falkens instead of Bridestones. I've got Falkens and they have much better grip than the Bridgestones
  2. K1 exhaust is excellent. Also Scorpian exhausts are cheap and have good reviews.
  3. Not gonna be able to make it bud, there's an episode of star trek on that I haven't seen Only kidding, know everyone's dropping like flies but I'll be there matey Missus even tried making me go out for a meal with her friend but I put my foot down. . .sleeping on the couch now. . .
  4. Good choice of lip spoiler
  5. I like the last pic of you overtaking an Impreza
  6. I actually liked the decal along the side but still looks good without. Not much room in the boot for your shopping with that enormous NOS bottle in the way
  7. It's easy enough to take the stru brace off mate, I did it and I'm an idiot.
  8. They look better - and they're cheaper.
  9. I need one of them, got pulled twice yesterday Like the wheels mate, you should buy em. How much?
  10. tmJak

    0-60 timer

    I'm not sure it does, think it just displays complimentary numbers on the screen to make you feel good.
  11. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5091
  12. tmJak

    0-60 timer

    I don't doubt that it works to a degree, but am sceptical of it's accuracy.
  13. It doesn't make him a bad person. Afterall, cleanliness is next to Godliness. Maybe he lost the soap
  14. tmJak


    Was it good sh*t?
  15. tmJak

    Antera 343

    You still slagging my affluent area? The new bar is very posh I'll have you know, apparently the best night out in Bolton It's nearly as good as the spoons. Are you one of the typical Stockport chavs? Didn't think burberry went with the Z interior
  16. tmJak

    Antera 343

    Far enough out of Wigan to be exempt from pie jokes me thinks I was trying to park outside the curry house. It was near to the new exclusive club in Westhoughton (a small bar). It has doormen, and they don't let the usual riff raff in. I'm planning to take the missus if she behaves and think I blew my cool, what with the swearing. Don't think I'll be getting in now.
  17. PM me a price matey, might be wanting some decent photos soon
  18. tmJak

    0-60 timer

    +1 - seems too cheap to me. Alternatives seem to be around $300
  19. Was it this pic you saw? No. . .ah well, I'll put it away
  20. tmJak

    Antera 343

    Is that who you were going to use Damien? Just kerbed mine so can't just blame it all on your bad driving now Nah, I was going to use a bunch in Widnes because it was closer. I don't even own the wheels anymore and I still winced when I read that. I was gutted, right in the centre of Westhoughton City Centre as well
  21. Very good mate, you actually make the Z's interior look good You don't wanna drive to Manc do you?
  22. tmJak

    Antera 343

    Is that who you were going to use Damien? Just kerbed mine so can't just blame it all on your bad driving now
  23. tmJak


    You'll need a few things mate to do it as safely as possible: http://www.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=218158 NOS is arguably safer than other F/I if done right. If you limit yourself to a maximum of a 75 shot (100 if you're real brave) then you gain 75 more bhp. Since the engine isn't under the constant stress of turbo or supercharger it's a bit safer. Can still blow the engine tho, like if you use the NOS in 6th gear or if you're engine is already worn out. Nemesis UK have a fair bit of NOS experience and you'd need a tuner as well. You can do it cheaply if you cut corners but I'd be setting aside around £2000, plus the cost of a HKS f-con or Turbo-XS ECU on top. Also bear in mind that you need a NOS filling station or other supply by mail order etc.
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