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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Look really good on your car bud. Muchos respect
  2. She says you're a darling I'm more interested in the cool beers Case of San Miguel in the fridge, opener in the top drawer You're a star. I should prob go and help her pack Will try to find a cafe over there and let you know how we're getting on
  3. She says you're a darling I'm more interested in the cool beers
  4. Yeah it does actually. Basically the land owner is charging £150 to change a name on their computer system Rip off Britain eh. At least it can't bother me for a week EDIT : Thanks for finding that for me
  5. Yeah, it's a bit late in the day to worry about it now. Might mither Sarnie when I get back Now I gotta try force feed my missus her valium. . .gonna have to wrap it in a piece of ham soon and trick her
  6. Yeah the prop is leasehold, think I had to pay like £12 for the year ground rent. This is the first I've heard of a Notice of Transfer and charge. I saw that thread before I posted up on here, but it doesn't make any sense to me. I could ask my solicitor when I get back but she is absolutley useless and money grabbing.
  7. I know I ask a lot of tripe questions on this forum, but does anyone know what a 'Notice of Transfer and charge' is? My dumbass solicitor has just asked me to pay £150 to the ?landlord? for the home we bought around a year ago. The letter they sent means absolutley nothing to me, its gibberish. Any help would be appreciated as I'm off on holiday tonight and this is annoying me slightly
  8. Ace looking dog mate. Nice to see you're trying to maintain your manhood by claiming its part alsatian. . .maybe a bit of rottweiler as well
  9. Will have a few G and T's for you bud. Pics look ace, but who's that dufus who got in the last shot
  10. Wish I was a mod, could have so much fun. Don't think i'd last long tho. . .
  11. tmJak


    I'm glad no-one took me up on the bet offer otherwise I'd be out of pocket now. . . That would've shown me
  12. I dont like mine anymore, can you change it to something more suited? Can we all vote for what it should be?
  13. tmJak


    Ok thanks.. WIll give it a try i suppose! I would PM big phil but i've been on the phone and emails to him since he got back.. I need to give the poor guy a break I know the feeling mate but it is worth it. Phil will talk you out of a mod if he thinks it's not worth it, suppose he knows you'll just buy something else with the money anyway
  14. +1 Ooh another post (er, do these post whore posts need to actually add to the thread in any way?) They must be on topic. I dont think I have ever seen a thread here stay on topic I had egg and bacon for breakfast lol.
  15. tmJak


    My money's on being able to use a lightened one in an auto
  16. Futile I would imagine. They're far too busy catching cars 5 mph over the limit on deserted roads to bother about truly dangerous and reckless driving.... Take it from me, a complete waste of time.
  17. Happy b'day mate. Know I had a good excuse to get ratted last night
  18. Cheers all, I quite like the Nokia interface so it shouldn't be a problem for me. Just need to make sure I get the right package now. I know they had problems when they were first released but seems they have been sorted out. Quite like the idea of having shopping lists on the iPhone, it is a bit gay but very sci-fi Think it's a phone for the missus to be fair
  19. Why don't you like Nokias?
  20. Does it have internet access and organiser type stuff on it? It's not a hijack, I'm open to suggestions
  21. Fitted veilside V1 skirts and lip spoilers to my car, and the fit was ok. Some gaps but you only see them when you look real close. Not a problem IMO. Would be a problem if it was a full bumper tho. Have you looked for pics of the car on CarDomain with the kit on? Bodyshops can make anything fit if they want to, but most can't be ar**d cos its a load of effort. Don't blame them.
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