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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Just try to be the first on this site who puts in on straight
  2. Ur proud of that aren't you
  3. You just saved 30k - get it bought. Need a chilli on the next wales run
  4. Don't think I did bud, and mine was fitted at ESR.
  5. I think the worst part of it is whoever in the police hierachy, who is obviously not in touch with anything, decided it would be a good idea to make a public apology about something which is blown out of all proportions. Inadvertently causing divisions
  6. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.htm ... page_id=34
  7. Ah, so you haven't heard about all the times that the rear axle's fallen off at speed, or when the ECU goes mad and locks all the doors and breathes really hot aircon at you till you suffocate, or sweat a lot? Only kidding, this only happens rarely. btw
  8. Or an angry Scottish woman called Rene. Works for us
  9. Think from a home security point of view, if you leave your keys by the door someone could just use a hook to get them. If you leave them at the top of the stairs on a hook, anyone coming upstais for the keys will see them first and hopefully just take the car, leaving the occupants alone. If they come into the bedroom anyway, its survival of the fittest. Another problem with fending them off is reprisals, as they know where you live. Shouldn't put people off defending their property but something that needs bearing in mind first.
  10. That looks awesome! I vote you should do that. Think to get a respray done properly it costs between 2-3k, but thats cos the car has to be reduced to a shell forst. Prob a lot cheaper if you aren't drastically changing the colour as you won't need to do the engine bay etc.
  11. Don't overestimate me, that's just my one rep max
  12. Tell me about it, I'm up to benching 10k either side next week
  13. I'd be too scared to be pulled over by that dude And I am most definately NOT the law
  14. Welcome. If they have smashed a window of your home you should be insured bud, maybe through your home insurance. It's worth a call. I know someone in Manchester who can fit an anti car jacking device that allows the car to drive off but power is cut slowly a bit down the road. Scum like that are usually cowards who will just run away most of the time. Don't think insurance likes them though.
  15. Think I need some more pics before I can make up my mind Only kidding, voted.
  16. I used to hang out with her when she worked at MTV, so dumb but holy cow was she hot! Sounds like a winning combination
  17. Did you not notice any difference pulling away in 6th from 70mph? I definately felt more pull.
  18. I'd just buy a german diesal shed and run it on veggie oil as a second car. All in would be less than £2k inc insurance. Veggie oil about 50p per litre. There was an LPG Z on pistonheads here. Bet it sounds like a bag of spanners but could be wrong.
  19. I personally don't like the carbon fibre on blade, and much prefer the matching colour. Agree with Chris I tho, would look awesome blended. Probably cost a bit more tho. . .
  20. I was toying with the cosworth purley cos it looked awesome, but seen some pics of it installed and it don't look half as good as the promo pictures suggested imo. Got a plenum spacer and definately felt the difference, esp on motorways in 6th.
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