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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. What the date? My internets on a go slow. . .
  2. tmJak

    New mod!

    Roger that. Anyways, would have thought the rain would be a good substitute for a clean car. Beading looks well sexy. . .erm. . .I mean cool
  3. tmJak

    New mod!

    Is there a clue in there Martin?
  4. tmJak

    Different z

    Thought I'd read somewhere that coasting in neutral was not such a good idea as you were still using petrol, where as if you left it in gear, granted it would have to be a high one to coast, the engine shut off the petrol or something like that?..... Clarkson said if you depress the clutch and coast then modern cars don't use any fuel. Not sure if he was referring to the Z or just some frugal BMW 1 series where the car runs off the smugness of the toad sucking vegetarian driving it. Jay, I drive like a knob and get 24mpg. Changing your driving style is prob easier than getting a gay BMW
  5. tmJak

    New mod!

    I'm gonna say it's rubbish whatever it is just for having to wait
  6. tmJak

    New mod!

    Can another member who lives near Stew go round to his house and take a picture of his sodding car?!?
  7. +1, exactly the same experience
  8. tmJak

    Bodykits bonanza

    Which one? Z-1auto or Envy Performance have them all on their websites.
  9. Go to one of them places that do vinyls and ask for some of the clear laminate they use. They'll be able to fit it neatly to the underside and should protect against scuffs and chips etc. Don't think they cost too much either
  10. tmJak

    Different z

    +1 + 2 burn witch burn!!!
  11. I've got an N95 which works with bluetooth. Took a bit of playing with to get it up and running but it's fine now. Also can play mp3's through the N95
  12. Were you at fault in the accident? If not you shouldn't be paying anything. If you were innocent and the police requested they keep your vehicle to assit with investigations they should pay, and usually do. Suppose it'll teach you for ram raiding Bargain Booze
  13. I definately wouldn't stand for it. I was under the impression you can't be charged for a service you haven't requested i.e. window cleaning or bike storage. How many days did they keep it? If you were told you could collect it and then didn't turn up for a week I'd understand charging for every day but what did they need to store it for?
  14. What's a drive by wire?
  15. Wouldn't like to be the person who cleans your grundies!
  16. PE all the way if you want around 400bhp, unless you're gonna want to increase power later on then get APS. Seems to be a favorite and that's only my opinion. Loads in FI section.
  17. + 1 Pics are excellent esp if they can be printed onto canvas. Need one for my office
  18. tmJak


    That'd be a miniature atomic blast unless you had forged internals. Some of the Americans have got both
  19. Its straight knob rot!!!!! S'not my fault the creams not working!
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