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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. What's gonna be your maximum bid Stew? Personally, I'd drop out if it went anything over 40k.
  2. Good luck against that in a zed Most things'd struggle. See the speed it goes when the turbo boots in? Life on mars with steroids!
  3. tmJak

    New BMW Z4

    Met someone at a BBQ who's just spent nearly 30k on one on the never never. I was discussing with him how important it is to have the lastest BMW model. . .he was quite materialistic. Bet he's gonna be devo'd
  4. Amuse I've seen the amuse before but not in much detail. Never noticed the fins in the mouth before which I particularly like
  5. And I bet Nissan dealer didn't even make you a brew. . . My experience of traders on here has been excellent and much better than Nissan. Plus, they'll test drive it for you and tell you if you do need to replace it first, without charging £500.
  6. Really like that mate, looks very jap tuner. Which one is it?
  7. Drive it more then Good luck with the sale bud, that's a very good starting price
  8. if i had the money would go with the lambo, sounds and looks so much better. Bet the lambo feels quicker as well.
  9. It's nice to know the Z is so fire resistant! Even tho the ads probably legit, can't help feeling its a scam somehow. . .why doesn't the sellar do it up himself and flog it for a decent price?
  10. Not the first time something like that has happened. A firearms officer in GMP shot the mirror in the changing rooms when he watching himself draw his gun
  11. And capable of 200mph+ with a jet engine strapped to the roof.
  12. Between East Lancs and M61 - going at around 200mph. When I saw the headlights approaching from behind I though it must be the five'o so slowed down. . .erm. . .I mean maintained my speed at 70mph
  13. tmJak

    New mod!

    Don't worry about it Stew, we're used to waiting!
  14. tmJak

    New mod!

    Nah only kidding, they look really good. Look like they were professionally done (meant as a compliment) Could do with a pitch dark pic when you get chance.
  15. I'll be up for it definately. Work 2 weekends in every 4 so 50/50 chance Can I recommend book binders? Anyone can pull in there
  16. tmJak

    New mod!

    Think they're rubbish.
  17. if you type in 350z you get some awesome 'as good as porn' pics
  18. Finish of your Fairy liquid, put a couple of holes in the bottom, paint it in Halfords silver, and replace your power steering and/or windsceen washer bottles. There, saved you all £200
  19. tmJak

    Different z

    +1 Not that I coast but why . I take it that it don't do the car any favours?
  20. Dejavu. Had a strange feeling someone on a different thread was promising pics of a mod and not delivering the goods
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