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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. when the handbrake has been on ? this is normal if the handbrake is applied when the discs are hot, the pads stick a little and you can hear them release How thick am I. Cheers Gix. Okay then, I'll have to find another noise to worry about to justify an ESR trip you could get phil to have alook at the droning noise coming from the passenger seat about you going to ESR Nice idea but I've already found a solution. It involves putting a new pair of shoes in the passenger footwell - or the hairy side of my hand depending on how much stella I've drunk. . .
  2. Which one are you Digsy? We need more aggresion like that on here, "I dont see you lasting big boy."
  3. Mine does it all the time with the K1 - makes it sound more like a monster!
  4. It doesn't make him a bad person. I guess at least he's targetting inanimate objects
  5. Good and accurate review. Remind me not to ask you what you think of my mods
  6. Did you get the 10 month policy or the 12 month? I used bell for a while to build up my no claims
  7. You took the words right out of Jay's mouth
  8. when the handbrake has been on ? this is normal if the handbrake is applied when the discs are hot, the pads stick a little and you can hear them release How thick am I. Cheers Gix. Okay then, I'll have to find another noise to worry about to justify an ESR trip
  9. I've developed a similar noise where it sounds like a click coming from both of the rear brakes. Each side clicks once then its fine. Think a trip to ESR is on the cards
  10. Bloody hell, what a car to sell. You could sell the parts for more than 20k! Good luck with the sale Phil.
  11. Speaking of the additional screen, do you have to have the sat nav fitted there or can you get something else in its place? If so what would it do?
  12. Oh I'm after one of these fancy things as well so I can play my iPod. Clarkie34 recently got one fitted for around £700 but I can't find the thread now.
  13. I'll swap you the pound for a brand new 2008 penny - still shiny!
  14. Have you tried getting quotes without the mods? If it's a decent amount less it might be worth removing them and selling them, offsetting some of the insurance cost. Also try adding an older driver to the policy. Just adding your Mother to the policy (not that I'm saying she's old - just an example) as a named driver can lower your premium by almost half in some cases, and just cos she's on the policy it doesn't mean you have to give her a set of keys. Try it out on Moneysupermarket. Also juggling your occupation can help. Obviously tell the truth, but most peoples jobs are not in a set catagory and can fit in a few. If this is the case for you, try them out and it could help lower your premium.
  15. Zedrush. Might be useful to introduce yourself in the intros section Glad you're still with us bud
  16. Very good advice DJsickboy, thanks for that. Got some family that could do with this if you don't mind it being distributed?
  17. Martin's plan of being a top bloke to fool the 350Z community into a false sense of security so he can take control and bring in his own reign of terror has worked then! Nice one Mart, a role well deserved
  18. +1 - I couldn've fitted mine myself but got a bodyshop to do it and undoubtably they did it more professionally than I could have. Plus if a problem arises, they have more chance of getting around it
  19. I get the feeling someone ends up falling down the stairs in the back of the police van
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