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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Shows what I know about boxing, was gonna put a tenner on Amir
  2. So have you had this done pal? I was sat in a queue the other day thinking about doing something similar. Will let you bite the bullet first though No not yet mate - will do soon tho and will report in full when I do
  3. about £500 for a re trim. Leather and alacantara I'll post the finished product when i get my finger out
  4. aparently the new controls have different wiring to the old ones. May cause problems unless you're clever, unlike me. Can always get the interior re trimmed. . . New interior is better but still a bit rubbish
  5. even tho i can't help i thought i'd reply so you don't feel rejected. Also feels good whoring on your thread
  6. i'd get it straight to a garage personally. I'm going to esr next week to check up on a few noises which are all probably in my head but its worth someone making sure.
  7. Sucks mate - sorry to hear it. Hope it sorts out and you can enjoy the zed!
  8. Just to make sure everyone is aware, if you don't think it's safe to stop at the scene of an accident like this, it's perfectly legal to report it to a police station within 24 hours rather than being jacked.
  9. Not to go off the topic of slagging Jay but isn't the new GTR gonna be in the film?
  10. 1. Beavis +1 2. martinmac +1 3. AndySpak 4. Shire +1 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield + 1 12. M13KYF +1 13. IanS16 +1 14. Drewbie 15. nurrish 16. Chris`I +1 17. nixu +1 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC) Sorry guys, can't make it this time
  11. apparently they don't make any money until after about 13 months and as people tend to do as you do and get a new phone after 12, the phone companies have to offer longer contracts. You still get to upgrade after just over a year or so usually but have to take another 18 months.
  12. apparently they don't make any money until after about 13 months and as people tend to do as you do and get a new phone after 12, the phone companies have to offer longer contracts. You still get to upgrade after just over a year or so usually but have to take another 18 months.
  13. True, esp in relation to speeding Although if you commit a traffic offence and as a result an accident occurs, an NIP is not required unless the driver was not aware of the accident. No mate, she went unconscious at the crash site and was in a bad way for a while. Only out of hospital a couple of months ago and never been spoken to by the police. Can only assume they do not wish to prosecute then. . .
  14. I'm always of the opinion if you insult people serving you food you get bodily fluid in your meal - not saying Ho does but that's what I'd do.
  15. tmJak

    Brake pads

    DS200 wasn't a bad guess for an idiot
  16. tmJak

    Brake pads

    Ferado DS200 (i think that's wht they're called) About as good as it gets without a BBK.
  17. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac +1 3. AndySpak 4. Shire 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield + 1 12. M13KYF +1 13. IanS16 +1 14. Drewbie 15. nurrish 16. Chris`I +1 17. nixu +1 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC) 19. tmJak (TBC)
  18. A friend recently had an accident in Scotland where she was turning right into a junction and an oncoming car clipped the fron end of her car. She was badly injured with shattered legs etc but the other driver was pretty much ok (except the obligatory whip cash!). I know in England if the police are going to bring a prosecution for a summary traffic offence, unless it's something like dangerous driving then there is a six month time limit for the police to lay the information before the court and begin the prosecution. Is this the case in Scotland? It's about 6 months since the accident and she hasn't heard from the police but doesn't want to ring and ask in case it reminds them if you know what I mean. Ps she was sober and offence would be along lines of driving without due care and attention.
  19. god i really wish i was in the market to buy a zed. 10k's a steal. Feel like i was cheated spending 17k a year ago! Sure it'll sell in no time mate
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