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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Looks good but the angles can be quite deceitful, esp in colours like white. Would like to see more.
  2. Any mods at all or stock? Would have thought 219whp would be around 280bhp? Sounds right for stock I think. What model 350z?
  3. And Zedrush I saw a program with a woman who'd been drving for 25 years and never insured her car. She'd been caught twice and fined about £500 in total. Who's the mug
  4. Spoken like a true Scot Isn't the value lager only 2% though? (Yep, spoken like a true Yorkshireman )
  5. Could buy a set of these and make a profit on eBay! Bargain price
  6. Like the grey Z. Is that a custom colour?
  7. Cars looking great mate. Have you got pics of different angles?
  8. Impressive SX. Would love to buy one of those as a second car, but not really realistic.
  9. + 1 - the police work on evidence. Street justice doesn't. No evidence so his legs get it
  10. Fantastic looking cars Gina Glad Stew asked the question
  11. shine replica bodykits are known for their high quality. I'd stick with them
  12. Bloody hell - that could have ruined your weekend when the old bill pulled you up on the way home! How much was it going for if it wasn't the one Sarnie found? Thank God for this site
  13. Cheers again Ho - that's the kind of local knowledge I was after. I'm booked into Louis' and the Marriot. Don't think we're making a long night of it, so will prob find a bar near to the restaurant for a few g and t's before retiring. No point in getting a nice hotel if you're gonna spend all night out Where's your takeaway?
  14. Bet he's sold his 20 inchers seperately
  15. there was an 03 import on here with 60k for just under 10k. Check the for sale forum
  16. i was half expecting to see them pics of my mum
  17. Cheers Ho, appreciated. Will see if I can book into the restuarants tmoz
  18. You do have to pay for extra pics now but I used the URL trick thing with photobucket and they uploaded on there fine. Advert not been taken down so seem to have got away with it
  19. Oldfields is being refurbished at the moment. Any other restaurant recommendations around the Osborne Street area of Newcastle?
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