A friend of mine got fed up with people speeding on his street and he stood in his garden with a high vis jacket and hairdryer pointing it at cars. A bit sad but it did slow people down
I think it forwards you to the real Abbey site afterwards looking at the URL's, and just saves the details you entered. Very clever idea I suppose, and pretty much no chance of conviction.
That's a sneaky one, and I bet a load of people fall for it cos the site does look good.
Unfortunately, as most banks states that they will never send out emails like this, if you fall for it I bet the bank won't cover any losses.
In my experience when an economy starts to recover and demand increases, prices for desirable used vehicles will also start to rise. I'm not suggesting that they will go back to what they were, but they will increase to some extent.
So it's not all doom and gloom then
You can get done for driving in bus lanes, mobile phone, seat belt etc all because someone is watching a CCTV camera. Blackboxes and GPS on the way with speeding tickets automatically sent out. . .It's not gonna be worth driving in this country soon!
You can spend that easily on a decent set of wheels & coilovers
Exhaust £600
Plenum spacer £200
CAI £100
ECU and decent tune £3000
All in about £4k for 15bhp
Anyways, verma's asking about styling mods
Problem is though, its not like house prices when they fall and then rise again, car prices don't rise again. Think I'm stuck with mine till I pay it off - not the end of the world
Depends on the model - I'd say wheels as I don't like the standard rays, but GT4 drivers have nice wheels anyway IMO.
Definately spacers tho on standard wheels
I don't think you can get points for it. You can be summonsed to court and fined up to £1000 if you wind up the bobby tho, sometimes best to just nod your head and say 'sorry officer, i'm a bad man', not quite as much fun tho. . .
And at some cost!
But if I had a plenum spacer, drop in filter and the Haltech would I get a gain of over 50bhp like Andlid? Wether its at the fly, crank, wheel or whatever it's till a big gain - or am i missing something?
I appreciate that but how has andlid netted 50bhp from bolt on breathing mods?
By the haltech controling the sensors and making changes to make the most out of the mods... Increase Fuel and Air control basically and then not letting the ECU make its own changes...
But I've been told by numerous tuners that 15bhp is about the maximum gain out of breathing mods?
Interesting stuff, although I'd always been told by reliable sources that N/A tuning usually only nets about 15bhp max? Am I missing something?
Would be great to get to 330bhp
I think they installed it to achieve impressive 0 - 60 times and leaked it to allow the figures into the public domain. Guess they don't wanna publicise it as it wrecks the car, and they don't want to be blamed and repair them all the time.
I'm not surprised about the cost of repairing the GTR, I can't imagine you can pay less for a supercar than for a executive merc / BMW and it not have a downside. Lets just hope ESR can service them for a discounted rate
Just out of interest then, how do they compare to the zed? I always assumed they were like the UK Honda offerings, nice and VTEC'y but a bit underpowered?
Looks very
I got 71. Bit longer than I expected really
Mind you, if I drank excessivly, smoked over 20 a day, took smack, kept crashing my car, was morbidly obese nd refused to exercise, I'd have an amazing 10 years left
It's an indication of a worn clutch. My biting point is near the top end as my clutch is about to go, less that 5k miles on it. Clutch should last about 50k miles normally