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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Have you got any pics mate? Might help to stir up interest
  2. Mine works fine, got it for £60 i think with some haggling. Only problem is no-one can hear me and I have to shout at any speed about 50mph. Suppose I did go out and buy a K1 tho. . .
  3. I did Rita in the rain Only thing is tho, it makes the Zed's acceleration feel well tame! It's incredible how fast that thing goes. Went on a few times like a big kid
  4. C'mon Jay, be fair and don't forget about retired Sheriff John Bunnell! Sounds like Lexx's new friend had been watching World's Wildest Police Videos!
  5. Can someone translate? I can't read hieroglyfics Still think the cars a bit grim, especially from the front. Kinda like a Halfords special IMO.
  6. welcome mate. Mine runs horrible on lower ron fuel so use premium. Some can't tell the difference. As sarnie says give both a try but the car won't blow up either way.
  7. most cops join to catch scum. When they pull you, you're less inclined to get prosecuted if they think you're a law abider who generally benefits society. Some are just bullies and some are twisted by government performance figures. Always instills a bit of respect when you get treat well by them tho.
  8. Have you tried the comparison sites like moneysupermarket? Joking aside, you'll prob find Sheilas Wheels are quite cheap, they were second cheapest to Sainsbury's for me And just in case it hasn't already been covered enough, European Gay Car of the Year !!!
  9. tmJak

    My cruiser

    Knew that was coming but expected it from our favorite site pest I've got a little sailor outfit. I'll PM you the pics Can pick a good one up for less that £15k - some are as cheap as £3k but are usually smaller and less equipt. The mooring fees are dependant on the size of the boat, but mine will be IRO £600 per annum. Some moorings cost £3k per annum, so mine's a bargain. It includes water and electricity too. It's best to find a good mooring. Where I am has a two year waiting list, and the only way to jump the queue is to buy a boat with the mooring so you pay a little over the odds for the boat. I have no idea what you mean
  10. tmJak

    My cruiser

    Yeah can't wait. The previous owner took me on a 'test cruise' to the lock on a sunny day. Very relaxing, and no laws against drinking gin and cruising - I don't think. . .no enforced laws anyway
  11. tmJak

    My cruiser

    Know this won't appeal to every petrolhead but just bought myself a boat and thought I'd share. It's a 27ft Viking with a 10hp outboard motor in FRP, moored in sunny Cheshire on the river Weaver. Very scenic. Going on a proper cruise at the weekend, so may post a couple of pics from my travels if anyone cares to look. Might have to sneak in one of the Z parked up in the boat yard Sorry the pics are so small but had a problem with photobucket and over compensated Will try to upload bigger pics when I'm at my desktop.
  12. Pingu2 - 1 Andy - 1 Ian - 1 Marzman - 1 or 2 Murdoch - 1 Lexx - 1 (maybe 2) Chris`I - 1 adncd - 1 Stew -1 or maybe 2.... Stanski - 1 Adam -1 gingrrr -1 Jay - 1 Thumb Up Andyspak - 1 Trev - 1 xstric9x - 1 lilsheepshagga-turbo -1 T8 JPE - 1 AdrianK - 1 Clarkie34-1 AK350Z - 1 boomer816 - 1 Bronzee - 1 MBS - 1 Nixy - 1 (thank you Martin) RobD7 -1 tmJak - 1
  13. tmJak


    Thing is, they actually look like the people in the pic..........
  14. Looks more angular than the current model, can definately see how it's a bit retro of the older Z models. Interior is a bit naff, but they are bringing the Infiniti cars over here soon. Nissan wouldn't wanna compete with itself I suppose.
  15. Be careful Stan, it starts with Nismo stuff and ends up in Can see you in it on the next Wales trip
  16. I could have DIY'd it if I'd had more confidence, it's a relativly simple job. But I was much happier letting Phil do it for a nominal fee. Someone recently fitted or changed their plenum on here and had loads of problems with power loss and black smoke. I wouldn't want to risk that personally but it depends how competent you are. You will definately feel some mid range gains
  17. Gixxer knows everything
  18. Great pics mate, nice to see a Zed modified against the norm
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