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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Are there any updates on Phil's condition from anyone?
  2. Sounds like a good price to me, bet you can sort all of them issues out relatively cheaply
  3. I really don't see the point in making people come to work in christmas week. Zero productivity and it would save money to leave the computers turned off
  4. tmJak

    Skyline R34 GT-T

    How cool is your missus!
  5. Is it a photographic colllection of some of the finest 350z's going, all attached to a handy month by month planner?
  6. Can't go through this everytime someone gets a parcel delivered
  7. Not many on here have got NOS so you won't get too much feedback I'm afraid. Zedrush had it on his old car. Have you this this thread here "NOS"? It pretty much covers everything. All I'd say is get the best of everything and get it fitted by someone with experience. Can be safe but only if done right, and spending more now is better than blowing your engine. Keep us posted mate with as much pics as possible as it could help anyone else who wants to go NOS
  8. tmJak

    Outside done....

    as said its painted, kev from envy has a cf roof cf roof overlay on Envy's car AFAIK Don't think they do a cf roof for the Zed. The overlay is about £400, so can't imagine how much they'd charge for a real one!!! i didnt actually think the roof was cf Yeah yeah whatever i saw the thread where kev was fitting it, you only get one go and getting it right Does look a ba****d to fit, would happily pay the trader to do it.
  9. Brakes look awesome. What's your plans then? (not that anyone ever answers that question. . .)
  10. tmJak

    Outside done....

    as said its painted, kev from envy has a cf roof cf roof overlay on Envy's car AFAIK Don't think they do a cf roof for the Zed. The overlay is about £400, so can't imagine how much they'd charge for a real one!!! i didnt actually think the roof was cf Yeah yeah whatever
  11. I get flashed all the time - thought it was cos I drive like a knob! Didn't know I could adjust my lights. . . Mine is a UK car.
  12. Stuff I ordered was delivered the next day and Andrew sorted my service book stamp after I forgot to bring it for my last service. Thanks again buddy
  13. tmJak

    Outside done....

    as said its painted, kev from envy has a cf roof cf roof overlay on Envy's car AFAIK Don't think they do a cf roof for the Zed. The overlay is about £400, so can't imagine how much they'd charge for a real one!!!
  14. I had looked into the Vortech, but just out of curiosity why are you choosing it over say the Power Enterprise Twin Turbo kit? How about Envy? Think they sell the Vortech.
  15. That's on a par with Clarkson and his Bill Oddie mask Other countries seem to be a bit fairer when it comes to speeding. They have to identify the driver from the picture, whereas over here we are forced to incriminate ourselves with a Sect 172 Notice. Could have so much fun with masks otherwise
  16. It won't attract the rozzers cos they'll just think you're g/f's been to Halfords for your Xmas pressie. . .IMO
  17. i tend to disagree his claim that the bodywork is in good condition. . .
  18. Personally I drive fast because I've got a HUGE manhood and all the chicks digg it. . .honest Very good videos. Even though some are a bit glamorised, the results can be the same with a less impressive crash. A car recently pulled into the path of a motorbike which catapulted through the air and killed a mother and child in Manchester. . .
  19. tmJak

    Outside done....

    Loving the Chargespeed kit, although prefer short noses on the Zed. Rear is
  20. Awesome news - not a bad DVD either. Thanks for keeping us updated Andrew
  21. I saw a load of losers yesterday with 'VOTE YES' hats on. Wish I could see them now so I could do the obligatory gestures
  22. Used chipstick on my last car. Found it quite good in that chips and big scratches are less obvious, and it protects the metal from rusting. It's only a tempory measure tho, and stays on the car max 2 weeks. Also thought the coloured wax was good as it dyes the base paint, again only temporarily. There are better products out there tho, like dark dodo juice wax imo.
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