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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. My mate whow as in the Navy worked on the ship that the last Stig was fired off. They had a competition 'Why You Should Be The Stig' and all had to write why they should. The winner did all the Stig acting scenes, everything except the driving. Don't think the Stig is actually on telly that much, just a helmet in a car. . .
  2. Nice one Nixy, really glad it all got sorted. Had a feeling it would Heres Zedrush's take on who he thinks hes speaking to http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9224 Zedrush is a funny guy Never saw that post. Best way to get to see people is on the meets. If only your missus knew who you were spending half of your night typing away with: Also some pics of the Facebook page of members
  3. I like the story of her downfall as well, very funny and makes me feel all warm inside. . .probably not the best choice of words in this thread tho. . .
  4. My mates wife calls my car a Micra Sport, but that's uncanny
  5. There's a couple of good sushi places in Manchester. Think it's ok, but a lot of the tastes are subtle and I like obvious tastes. Don't see the point in roe. . .
  6. I think they look great Would definately consider one esp with the more luxurious options you get compared to the Zed - like a real interior
  7. tmJak

    My Mum's MX5

    Tell her your clutch has gone? Worked for me Unfortunatly I have a vectra aswell. Shes offered my dads & brothers car to me but never hers She thinks its too powerful for me Snap - my mum was giving me advice on driving a rear wheel drive car. . ."be careful on roundabouts" and believe it or not "if you struggle with the back kicking out, put some weight in the boot like a bag of potatoes"
  8. tmJak

    My Mum's MX5

    Tell her your clutch has gone? Worked for me
  9. Not bad for gay arty farty stuff Only joking Jay, don't know anything about filming but seemed a pretty good vid, and liked the 'fin' at the end
  10. tmJak

    My Mum's MX5

    Didn't know it was so bad to say someone likes MX5's Cabin is way too small in them. I have to dislocate my shoulder and elbow to open the window! I can see why people get fanatic about them (like us with Zeds) cos they have a certain charm. . .
  11. tmJak

    My Mum's MX5

    Without any offence, I knew you would like them Stan The newer ones are definately hairdressers cars but think the older ones aren't flash enough anymore. Wouldn't say I'd ever buy one, but if you can nick one from a mate they are good fun for a razz about. Was it an MX5 Flirt's mate had at the last Wales run?
  12. tmJak

    My Mum's MX5

    Sure a couple on here will have experience with MX5's. My Zed's clutch is knackered so borrowed my Mums car, a W reg 1.8. It's a really cool car when you drive it, makes you feel like James Bond. The Zed is is quite violent when it looses the back end, and really has to be restrained on public roads but the Mazda is well fun. Can throw it into corners Although I was driving on the motorway to work and a chav in a crappy clio with a big boy exhaust and full Halfords bling bling flashed me and overtook. The spotty teenage driver looked over as if he wanted to race. Obviously I didn't as I don't wanna smash up my mums car and it's not too keen over 70mph, but really wished I'd been in the Zed!
  13. Thought it would be a bit rubbish to be honest but a very cool video. Hardly belive some of them
  14. My gear changes are fine in case anyone wanted to know
  15. I had a noisy clutch bearing when I got the car with 34k on the clock. Clutch has just gone with 50k, so don't think it had too much effect. If you're clutch ain't slipping don't worry too much
  16. Bit too OTT for me. Some serious modding gone in there. . .
  17. One of my ambitions is to do the Nurburgring in a Viper - obviously a taxi and not me driving. Not very ambitious I know but can imagine it will scare the bejesus out of me. Gotta be better than a skydive!
  18. I treat mine to a bit of bodykit (project in hand so no hints) and in return she kicked me in the nuts and is making me spend another 1k on a new clutch!!! She'll get a spanking the when it's repaired!
  19. That's a ridiculous car and I want it!!! Seen a couple in the flesh in a Manchester showroom and they do look awesome
  20. It's with the trimmers at the moment, and has been for a while as re-trimming the interior is not as easy as I'd hoped. Should be done mid Jan. And I also need to get some trimming done on my boat, it's annoying having all my babies vying for my attention!
  21. Not as quick as the Zed? Thought it was well faster. . .
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