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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Yeah but you usually start stories like that with 'i have a mate who's brother's cousin knows someone who. . .' so its less incriminating
  2. cheers, i'll drag myself to a garage tmoz
  3. I suppose. . .that may be the sensible thing to do. Does it not need to be the specified Nissan type? If the pumps not broken I don't want to do anything to damage it. They cost about £500
  4. One of the belts at the front of my engine is making a high pitched squeeling noise, and I seem to have a leak of power steering fluid. The tank is now below minimum level. I've got my car booked into TDi North on Wednesday, which is around 20 miles from my house. Does anyone know (probably should just PM gixxer) if I will cause any damage driving 20 miles with low level of fluid? Here's to hoping its not the pump that's gone. . .
  5. I'm still either way, think it's cos it's pretty subtle
  6. A car like that screams you're a taker. Not even a giver
  7. Can we get a full pic so I can see in context? Not sure if I like it or not.
  8. Not sure where you mean matey, but it is wired - so you'd have your work cut out if you mean mounting it on the door... However, the LED light is bright, so im sure the distance wouldnt be an issue - it would still reflect if you could get the angle right. I didn't mean on the door. Meant on the dash, but at the far right. The texture of the dash there is the same as the testure on the door lining. Was never very good at expressing myself in writing...probably why I'm not a novelist. Should have just asked if there was a set place it had to be put, or if you could put it anywhere on the dash within reason.
  9. Chris does it have to be mounted where you put it or would it work at the far right, where the air-con blows onto the side windows? The bit that continues from the door material.
  10. Set aside about £1200 for the job lot. It would be cheaper but for the exchange rate When ESR were trading, Phil was fitting both with steel hose for that price. If you go to a trader with less experience with the Zed, it may take them longer to fit the parts and this could up costs. Parts depend on which combo you choose, and Adam sold me the parts at a very fair price.
  11. http://www.cincitydesigns.com/phpBB3/vi ... ?f=25&t=81
  12. DONT TICK THAT BOX - if you do you won't be elegible to win a free Volvo
  13. No no my boats not been nicked, the name Dream Weaver on the game has been nicked
  14. They're about the same weight as well. I take it you only get any noise at really low revs?
  15. And mine would be Dream Weaver, same as the cruiser, if some other thieving b****rd hadn't already stolen it! Went with Better Than Superman inspired by Family Guy.
  16. Some PAYE have to do them, others don't. Kind of hints at how much of a shambles the system is really. Gonna use an accountant next year. . .
  17. Don't have time to play now but will definately have a go later on. What did you call your yacht Mart?
  18. Been wanting to do this mod for ages, and my hand was forced over Christmas when my clutch went. I ended up getting the 6 puck sprung hub clutch, and prolight flywheel. Very pleased with the result. There is a bit of a knack getting the car to set off slowly in traffic, but the engine is a lot more responsive and willing to pull off the line. I find the flywheel very quiet, and look forward to comparing it to the JWT at Wales. Read an interesting article that argues that you get more power with a lightweight flywheel as well http://www.uucmotorwerks.com/flywheel/h ... _works.htm Thanks to Adam at Z1 for sourcing my parts for a very reasonable price over the festive period, and TDi North for fitting with a friendly discount
  19. When I was considering it, I was told that it makes the car a bit more like a Honda where you have to keep revving high. Suppose it's down to personal preference. Also depending on the driving you are planning on doing, in a stright line it could be a bit slower with extra gear changes ie 0 - 60 would require the 3rd gear if you have a 276 Zed. Check here for more info http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Part:Fin ... _Gear_Sets
  20. Its not often I find people with less sense of style than me
  21. Mine does this too. When the fuel light comes on it costs me about £40 to fill it up. Glad to see its a common problem.
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