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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. So you'd have 2 sets of bungs, some in the exhaust and a removable set? Considering the K1 is for noise, seems a bit pointless making it quieter and quieter. I'd consider getting another exhaust mate, but if you're skint £35 doesn't sound too bad for a fix
  2. Can even use microsoft paint - maybe not for swirling but still can do the job
  3. The engine's not even broke in! The climate must be bad if this car isn't selling!
  4. Think everyone in the country except criminals want to see real punishment for crimes. I know loads of people who've committed crime to go to prison, and solely for that reason. Too cushy!
  5. + 1 - I'd rather get peasant wagons to work rather than putting the miles on the Zed if they were reliable, on time, at times that allow me to get to work and home, not full of scrotes/scum/detritus and if you didn't need immunisation to protect against all the coughs and sneezes down the back of your neck
  6. 10 hours I could cope with, but 30! It's quicker to fit a TT kit!
  7. Well that's some money saved anyway What to buy instead. . .
  8. You will not get a Haltech and Tomei cams and a set of buckets and proper head gaskets and a remap etc.etc.etc. for £1000. unless you are proposing to do the work yourself. Sorry to burst your bubble mate but no point in this I am afraid. The 1k was just rough cost of cams and fitting - cams £500 fitting for 10 hours work £500. Already will be getting an ECU and mapping, so price was just extra on top. A lot of the american sites rave about cams and headers so it's good to hear that it's basically a waste of time, gives a different perspective from someone who's trusted in the local Zed community
  9. Only very roughly costed it. Both routes are very expensive but I'm only at the research stage and it may be a year before I commit to anything. Just trying to get as well informed as I can. Is an NA setup not preferable to FI if you want a reliable daily driver with modest power gains?
  10. Looks Might have to get something similar too
  11. I'm gonna be getting an ECU soon anyway. My bolt ons will give minimal gains, but for around 1k I could fit cams. Is it not worth it do you think? I'm not after massive improvements, just noticable ones that keep my interest. I only meant with the fuel eceonomy in the lower rev range i.e around town. If there's less power in that rev range will I not use less fuel?
  12. Is there any point in saying NO or has it already been pretty well covered. . .
  13. Looks great mate. Can we get a distant front view? I've got one waiting to fit and wanna see how it'll look
  14. I've been doing some research and have got to the point where I could do with running this past some knowledgable folk to make sure I'm understanding it right. I know that an upgrade like cams needs an ECU like Haltech. If you fit cams to a Zed with a longer duration (like Tomei 268) with no other mods you will gain top end power, but lose some at lower revs. A set of headers, like Crawford, will help to scavenge some of the lost low end power. Is this about right? I know other mods are recommended, but in theory could I just fit cams and have a tune without any other mods? If I lose some low end power, will this theoretically give me better mpg at low revs? I have no plans set in place yet, but like the idea of improving power over time rather than just saving up and sticking twins on the car. I get twitchy and need to keep doing things
  15. What shot are you planing out of interest?
  16. I almost forgot how this thread started - can't beat going off topic If you're going for pure performance and considering a tune after your bolt on mods, the drop in filters generally give the best results. Pop chargers are just for under bonnet looks and noise
  17. Most places will fit it for around £1300 still, problem is that the kits are imported from Japan and due to the exchange rate they are costing around 6k now
  18. Can you do polished throttle bodies as well?
  19. Don't come a knocking when this car's a rocking
  20. Strangely enough, I just took my pipercross off today. . . Lomoto has the same kit and has painted the elbow black, looks much cooler. Looks good anyways mate. You notice a change in sound?
  21. I used to like a triple chicken nugget and cheese with mustard sandwich. Also the tripple fried egg chilli chutney sandwich from Red Dwarf works for some sickening reason. Amazing what you eat when you're a student.
  22. It's a bit boy band. . . Maybe get them glow in the dark balls that go on the ends Has anyone seen them bars you can get under your skin like in the back of your neck? Or subcutaneous piercings?
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