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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. Nice one mate. I've tried to fit a few things myself before, feels good when you manage it but infuriating whilst getting it wrong
  2. If someone breaks into your house you can use reasonable force to protect yourself, your family and your possessions. If this results in a maimed scrote then so be it, as long as you can justify the force you used. Problem is that even tho the law would be on your side, as well as the attending police who'd prob pat you on the back, the scrotes know where you live, and usually have a load of morally deficient mates. Prevention and dissuasion are the best and safest methods to protect your family and home, and worth every penny you spend IMO.
  3. Not likely. There's only 2 people at fault, the scammer and the person who was gullable enough to give the money over. Not the bank's fault.
  4. + 1 and if you have 60k to spend on a car you'd buy a 60k car surely. . . A little odd.
  5. tmJak

    New scirroco

    I like the look of it, and when they make the R32 equivalent I think it will leave the Zed dead in the water. Maybe not the 370Z tho. . .
  6. tmJak

    My New Lip

    Looks similar to the v1. Is this a good time to say i've just bought 50 of these and am selling them at £250 each? Obviously a joke but would be funny
  7. +1 +2, never give her the beans when cold, but once warm +3, are we talking about women why what happens when you give your missus cold beans?
  8. I used to live near here, always made me giggle http://www.penninewaterways.co.uk/mbb/mbbc34.htm
  9. Just checked on What Car valuation and it seems priced only just below recommended. Still, if you want to sell a car quickly and without suspicion you put a bit of effort in your ad IMO.
  10. 'AND MARKS ON RIM' which should be a selling point. I've referred it to the admin cos I'm a little tell tale snitch
  11. Looks very cool, might have to fit mine sooner rather than later. Cheers Clarkie.
  12. Mine is a slow leak and I just keep topping the fluid level up. The noise is just the extra friction caused by not having enough fluid in. Should be able to keep driving around unless it's a fast leak if you keep checking the level is above minimum.
  13. Seems like a mix between a BMW Z and a TVR, only without the performance or handling. Not bad looking tho.
  14. The 350Z engine was made to last 200000k according to a mechanic on here. Know someone with around 120000k and still going strong. Mods wise it's hard and expensive to get more power without getting forced induction. You'd be better spending an extra 1k and getting a 2005 model with 20 more bhp IMO Plently of good 04 models for 10k, some on here too.
  15. tmJak

    LimeyZ is done.

    Where did you get your shiny engine bay hoses?
  16. Never trusted extended warranties since I had a Honda, and found out they don't cover any issues with the vTec i.e the engine If it helps there's a few people on here who will be able to offer the replacement parts cheaper than Nissan. I've got a power steering leek but think it's just a jubilee clip. Haven't had the bumper off yet tho. . .
  17. Just out of interest, are the jubilee clips easy to come by or do you need to get them from a trader?
  18. Heard Woggers quote this on Radio 2 earlier, it's even funnnier when you read it in his voice
  19. Looks like a decent job mate, might have to colour code some of the wires under my bonnet - I've got twitchy fingers now
  20. Wouldn't really bother me, even a full Nissan service history doesn't mean it's been done right. I had a service before I bought mine an dthe air filter was black. Just try to haggle the price a bit
  21. +1 - working and being publicly shamed. Wouldn't need to import so many staff if our local criminals did all the dirty work. I love ranting..
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