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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. I belive they have some benefit, but the plenum spacer is more noticable. I take it you have a rev up engine? If you do you might as well change both
  2. Nice car, i'm a bit of a fan. How do they compare in performance to the Zed? I burnt an S5 in a 1.8 Vectra once, but he'd missed a gear
  3. How does this compare to the Millers CFS 10w60? Will 5l be enough to fill the oil tank?
  4. No Channel 5 erotica for me
  5. Fish wrangler is good but misses a good fight amongst the mobs, or maybe if you could do a train robbery or something. Anyone got any ideas about a magical game that might incorporate these elements and more?
  6. Lousy lot, come back to my thread! Don't tempt me with interest and then bugger off elsewhere. Ah well. . . Nobody loves me, everybody hates me I'm goin' down the garden to eat worms Long thin slimy ones, short fat fuzzy ones Ooey gooey, ooey gooey worms Long thin slimy ones slip down easily Short fat fuzzy ones don't Short fat fuzzy ones stick to your teeth And the juice goes slurpin' down your throat
  7. Think they've lost about 8k in a year, not the best investment atm Maybe in 20 years. . .
  8. Wouldn't mix them personally. I use Millers 10w60 as recommended by BigPhil.
  9. Knew I could rely on you to rub the salt in I'll go get my coat. . .
  10. Guess it's just me then It's a Facebook game where you start in the criminal underworld, increase your mob size, do jobs and have gang wars etc. Surely I can't be the only one hooked on it. . .
  11. I've not noticed any noise change, but then I didn't really when I had the Pipercross CAI. Speaking to a tuner at Advanced Motorsport, he said the best gains they've had are out of just a drop in panel filter - more so than the CAI. But this needs an aftermarket ECU as well. Shows that they're efficient enough tho, prob by Nismo race cars use them.
  12. Nice mate Looking very different to last May, looking forward to seeing the car in the flesh again. . .oh and catching up with you I suppose too
  13. Looks improved mate. Would get mine lowered if it wasn't for the speed humps everywhere.
  14. Bloody hell What's road tax for? I thought it was for keeping the roads in a good condition. Must be misguided
  15. Welcome mate. 15k sounds ok, my Falkens have done about 10k now and still got plently of tread.
  16. If they bring that out looking like that it will make the 350Z look old. Very cool looking car and will be able to negate any stupid congestion charges
  17. Can we get something similar printed like the spotted cards? Would definatley buy a load of cards that let others know my feelings towards them. . .usually feelings of hatred and disgust at driving habits
  18. Cheers mate, will have to give it a go when I'm feeling brave. Didn't realise it would be something in the service guide, really should pay more attention to that thing
  19. Not bad wheels them Really need to get rid of the scuffs before wales. . .
  20. Is this something you can change yourself with a Halfords toolkit and jack? Anyone on here stock the bit I need to change (what ever it's called)? Know you said to PM you Dan but thought others may want to know too
  21. :lol: How was the personalised pie mate? Can't beat custom pies
  22. You'd have to slap him if it was your car
  23. Isn't clamping banned in Scotland? Not saying you were in Scotland but it's a bloody good idea the Scots had. Clamping is on a par with criminal damage or theft IMO, and the attitude of clampers is the worst thing about it. I lived in an apartment which had clampers in the area, and a number of residents were clamped after forgetting to put their permits in the window. Easily done and sooooo expensive!
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