Just did this repair myself, and I started at 10am ie reversing car into garage and getting everything ready, finishing at just before 4pm ie tidying up and giving car a test drive. This guide was spot on, but I also referenced a guide on my350z.com and referred to the service manuals and TSB's for bits of extra info, and to clarify bits and bats. Car is not clicking anymore
Also if attempting this yourself, make sure you have a torque wrench that goes up to 240nm. The biggest £90 one in Halfords was only up to 200nm, and I had to borrow one from a mechanic friend, that cost him £300!
Interestingly (if that is a real word) I went into Nissan to see about buying replacment bolts as per the service manual. It seems that a TSB printed in 2005, which Nissan wouldn't let me have a copy of, gives a list of chassis numbers, if your car is between one set is is one fault, the other set a different fault. These 2 main faults which cause the clicky axle depend on which factory your car was made in. The Nissan fella said that there's a factory in Japan, and another which no-one is allowed to say. . .TELL ME. He didn't. Anyone know? I'm curious now.
Anyway, the faults from one factory were to do with the bolts attaching the drive shaft to the LSD. If they are replaced then the fault is repaired. The other factory had faults to do with the CV joint, which mine fell into. This is probably why they recommend replacing the bolts each time in case they are the fault. I didn't and it's fine.
Obviously this information coming from Nissan it could be total drivel