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Everything posted by tmJak

  1. You've swayed me, that does sound really annoying now. Would it be worth taking it to them and asking them to explain why they had to make the specific damage they did? Emails are ok but so much can be lost in translation. Or maybe you could email the pics to them to illustrate your point
  2. I've still not got it finished. It's just finding time to leave my car at the trimmers for a few days for it to be finished, but I need the car every day. Probably wait til next payday now before it gets finished. The cost isn't so bad, don;t know how it would vary from trimmer to trimmer. So far it's cost £250 for the side bits of the dash and the centre console, although it's not quite finished yet. Had fitment issues. Just got the door cards to do, and whilst they'll be less labour intensive they'll cost more in leather. Will post up when I get some further updates
  3. M350ZB - did you sort the creak out? Mine's doing it now
  4. I think the only thing they did wrong was not tell you what would happen when they tried to fit it. When you fit aftermarket parts there is often some modification needed, unless in some cases where the aftermarket part is made specifically for the car. You wouldn't be complaining if they had managed to fit the unit as you wanted, and perhaps if they had told you clearly that it would be damaged and might still not fit there wouldn't have been an issue. IMO I'd be surprised if you were compensated, even if you took it to small claims court.
  5. I quite like the bonnet bulge, but it's only allowable if there's a stillen under it. If you plan to sell an modified FI car, you definately need to put loads of info on there. Mind you, someone will buy it without knowing the potential problems.
  6. Injury didn't hinder Jean-Claude Can Damme in Kickboxer! He kicked a tree down with bleeding shins. Wuss. . . Only kidding dude, just eager for some new training ideas I have a magnet they can borrow. Should help to get the show on the road
  7. Anyway, slightly off topic (not that I'm sure exactly what the topic is anyway ) how's your training DVD going Jay?
  8. You're so wrong - don't know where you get your information from. The Swiss are also good for utility knives that can open beer bottles!
  9. No extra power, exhaust mod, new wheels and a few stickers. Doesn't seem that special edition to me. Most buyers would prob change the exhaust and wheels anyway.
  10. Bloody hell - That would be a bit too close for my liking.
  11. He's saying what the country's thinking. Gordo would get public backing if he had ideas like that. On a positive note, I did see 4 scrotes wearing orange jump suits with 'community service' on the back, scrubbing a fence in Salford the other day. Gave them a few beeps of the horn, a wink and a wave. Should have filmed them really. . .
  12. Just for anyone following, I was meant to take the car in today to get everything finished over the weekend but my trimmer is ill - he's not been well recently. Hoping for next weekend if he's recovered. The work is pretty good value to be fair, have paid £250 so far and only got the door cards to trim which should be easy to do, just the cost of leather really with his labour on top. He gave me a quote at the start for just the centre console for £200, and it took much more work than he expected. He still charged the same price tho, so he's being pretty good on his word. The side bits of the dash have cost £50. All in it should be less then £600. You can pay that for an induction kit so it could be worse
  13. What's the downside with this mod? All mods have a downside
  14. tmJak

    New Wheels?

    They'd most likely be in the 'for sale' section if they were. I'd be tempted to put a post in wanted, and see what people have to offer
  15. Have you taken it to another dealers? That doesn't sound right, esp considering you can buy a Zed for £9k. . . Sure someone on here will be able to source the parts considerably cheaper, and an independant garage will charge less than nissan for the repair, surely. Can imagine yor worry tho, thats a sh1t load of cash!
  16. Booo - selling a Zed. Shocking. Looking forward to Evo pics tho
  17. Think you could do with speaking to someone like R35Lee to see about breaking cars and getting your money back. Should be able to advise if it's worth it.
  18. Looks good mate, apart from where it meets the throttle body. Looks a bit rough there. . .
  19. Just did this repair myself, and I started at 10am ie reversing car into garage and getting everything ready, finishing at just before 4pm ie tidying up and giving car a test drive. This guide was spot on, but I also referenced a guide on my350z.com and referred to the service manuals and TSB's for bits of extra info, and to clarify bits and bats. Car is not clicking anymore Also if attempting this yourself, make sure you have a torque wrench that goes up to 240nm. The biggest £90 one in Halfords was only up to 200nm, and I had to borrow one from a mechanic friend, that cost him £300! Interestingly (if that is a real word) I went into Nissan to see about buying replacment bolts as per the service manual. It seems that a TSB printed in 2005, which Nissan wouldn't let me have a copy of, gives a list of chassis numbers, if your car is between one set is is one fault, the other set a different fault. These 2 main faults which cause the clicky axle depend on which factory your car was made in. The Nissan fella said that there's a factory in Japan, and another which no-one is allowed to say. . .TELL ME. He didn't. Anyone know? I'm curious now. Anyway, the faults from one factory were to do with the bolts attaching the drive shaft to the LSD. If they are replaced then the fault is repaired. The other factory had faults to do with the CV joint, which mine fell into. This is probably why they recommend replacing the bolts each time in case they are the fault. I didn't and it's fine. Obviously this information coming from Nissan it could be total drivel
  20. Gonna go to Oulton Park after speaking with Marzman at Wales and seeing some vids on YouTube. Should be able to Tokyo Drift around NCP's in no time
  21. They do look on the Zed. Nice find.
  22. Are you singing 'we are sailing' in Bullet's pic You have lost me on that one ?? Design model ?? is this a Vauxhall related answer Think we were having a bit of a tipsy manliness conversation, comparing the specification of our missus' Astra's
  23. As said at Wales Pimm, nice choice Oh, and to answer Saturday night's question, my wheel transporter is the 'Design' model. . .if that means anything to you
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