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Everything posted by N1SM0350z

  1. The noise made when you press the loud pedal should be enough to entertain you!
  2. Love it its hilarious, fuuniest 1 ive seen was when the diabled guy (chris?) was skiing in his wheel chair fell off and was no longer paralized then his son came an ran him down again straight away and he was paralized again i neerly wet myself!! I new it was coming but i still culdnt control my self almost making me laff just thinking about it!
  3. I wasnt doubting it being genuine as i trust the formum members on here i was just saying, plus i cant see the nismo bit? must be the contrast on my screen ive had to adjust it cuz ive got a sh**y old skool one at work and now i cant see anything. New one soon though most exitement ive had at work 4 a while
  4. Is that definately Nismo? 'cause the one my dads got says NISMO across it? cheers.
  5. I bet the girl or guy is sh**ing him/herself thinking theyve got a stalker /or a parking ticket
  6. Zed looks good you'll be right at home here as theres a few from aberdeen
  7. Black 53 plate GT think it had rays and had alazan interior (think thats right) drove past me this morning it was heading to wards carnival pool
  8. I was there in the summer and it was only 2 euro's for a pint max was about 2.50 i think.
  9. I`ve got CSC2 on the back and Toyo on the front. The CSC2 are pretty good and have lasted ages, but the Falkens get good reviews here and are considerably cheaper. If I get the same performance but the cost is cheaper there is no argument really I agree I think i'll be getting falkens next as there considerably cheaper and seem to get good reviews. I suggested the CSC's because he wanted a harder compound and a good wet tyre t'was all. P.S ive just read my last post and realised my atrotious spelling
  10. The ones in the link look good. but i like the standard colour as much.
  11. +1 them is some fine looking wheels bud Cars looking too.
  12. Try continental sport contacts? ive got continental sport contact 3's on my BMW and theyre grwat in the wet I cant really tell theres any loss of traction, though im not mad enough to try and find the limits of their grip in the et they still provide more than enough, and theyre a harder compound.
  13. shuld I be concerned by your obsession with flashing?
  14. The south Its never as bad were I am, means ive never got an excuse to miss work!
  15. http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/article.aspx? ... =ukhotmail Theyve said this before and it didnt happen.
  16. I was stood next to him in the shop would have been wierd if id said 'scuse me can i just take a few photo's of you? I'm not sure exactly! I dont no what aberdeenish sound like
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