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Everything posted by N1SM0350z

  1. I think I would have been tempted just to stay on the red carpet
  2. I think its because you dont get the big shove in the back that its deceptive, when dad let me drive his I was in third then he sed go on the while its clear so I did (naturally ) and I didnt think much of it but looked down and I was just passing 80 (whilst I was on a track I hasten to add )
  3. I still cant get used to the looks, dont suppose it will bother Nissan a im not buying one anyway
  4. And on the radio yesterday Sir Alan was going on about how they have raised the bar with these contestants, also one guy on the show was going on about how marvellous he was and how he always made his voice heard etc etc and he was a science teacher... nothing against teachers but it just shows the amount of BS some people can talk, I want some of them to write my CV!
  5. The V-spec was announced weeks ago this article is a bout an M-spec wich is a soft core version.
  6. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=19577 I think this is abit pointless isnt the point of a GTR for it to be a focused performance car?
  7. I think more people would make the mistake than you like to believe, as I said its easy to sit on the computer and say how can you do that, but its different when your driving in a place as big and busy as london when you dont know your way around with only the satnav for guidance. I'm not mad for being in the wrong, I know im in the wrong I dont debate that, but the main thing im on about is that the punishment was way over the top. The road was no busyer than any of the others that I was working around in that area, there were pedestrians everywhere. I know no one is having a go its all opinions etc.
  8. I cant believe the blokes didnt know how to wash a car, and when they tried it took 7 of them. WTF is that about?
  9. Well I do use common sence im not an imbecile ( the satnav has told me to turn left on a straight piece of motorway but I didnt do it), I was watching the road and not the screen as it was a busy street but the signs were not In view. Everyone makes mistakes, but the punishment was far too harsh for such an easyone, Im pretty sure many people would have done the same, its just my f****** luck that there were police there. Its easy to say ohh you shuld be doing this and not that etc etc but its not the same when you are there doing it obviously I look back and say yes I should have looked for signs but the most important thing was not mowing down pedestrians.
  10. I could try, dont know what goo it'll do. Im going to write a letter to someone about the point because its ridiculous, but I think it'll mean I have to go to court
  11. Me either, its only because they kept asking how long id had my licence and if I had any points that I asked and he said yes
  12. There were quite a few thats why I said what about all the other people, the signs were really high up not really in your line of vision, I dont know many people that drive around looking skywards!!! I'm sure a fine would have sufficed, still abit ott as it was a complete accident and they knew I wasnt from around there, but its the points thats really annoyed me. I think its because I was in a van and they assumed I was being a "van driver" and doing it on purpose. Thing is only having my licence 18months I only have 6 points on it as opposed to 12 which I dont get untill 2 years so I basically have to drive like an old lady . Plus it seems being courteous (spelling) doesnt help either, I should have just got out and shouted my mouth off, didnt seem to make a difference
  13. I was coming back from a job in london on teusday (following the sat nav) and it took me down a the same road it has before, this time there were two police men at the other end, one of them flagged me down asked me to get out etc etc. Then he asked if I knew why he had stopped me I said no, it was because the satnav took me down a buses and taxi only road not a bus lane just a road that has now been closed to public traffic. The result £60 fine and 3 points!! I cant believe it I think its way over the top for what was a simple and honest mistake. Plus there were loads of other people doing it so I said what about them and he said "unfortunately we can only stop one person at a time" !!
  14. The one thing that really lets the Z4M down in my onpinion is the wheels, there completely naff for an M car, it doesnt look like any thought was put in to them. But apart from that it looks good.
  15. Yuk, the materials on the inside look better but i think the dials look messy, and I still dont like the outside.
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