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Everything posted by N1SM0350z

  1. Dad ran his over the winter as normal with just normal washing and they seem fine, the nismo logo's have chipped off a bit but apart from that hes not said anything.
  2. That looks bad ass with the bungs out , can you post a link to it because i cant get any sound at work cheers
  3. were all a sucker for pictures on here!
  4. Id buy it but im not the one with the Z! and im only down the road. But mums been making dad redecorate the house so doubt he'll be able to get it even tho hes been after one since he bought the Z
  5. Congrats I was made to sit and gaurd it when we stopped at a services on the way back with the first one
  6. Congrats I was made to sit and gaurd it when we stopped at a services on the way back with the first one
  7. Black coupe BD57 on the M40 btween 8-9am i think. And a Black GTR!! on the M25
  8. GK04 or 53 (i cant remember) this morning coming out of guildford onto the hogsback, around 8:00am
  9. Sad to hear it, Watch ur selfs out there guys!
  10. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/869299.htm
  11. GM parked outside the Finchampstead vet's between 1300 and 1400 (probably still there now)
  12. Sorry to hear it, keep your chin up!
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