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Everything posted by N1SM0350z

  1. 45 in a 30 but i had just over taken a bike, but i havnt heard anything and its been neerly two weeks
  2. £2200 for a puma Im paying £1700 for a BMW but its only for 10 months.
  3. What do you need 4 years NCB for? I have zero now after my claim and it's only gonna cost me £600 next year. R Because i'll only be 21 by that time and insurance was going to be £1150 roughly, but dont forget im a wreckless driver with 3 points on my license now
  4. http://www.pistonheads.com/speed/defaul ... ryId=19873
  5. Go to http://www.comparethemeerkat.com Simpolz *tsssk* hmm seems im a tad late
  6. You have got an expensive month planned! Some new spark plugs May be an exhaust Wash and wax Spend some time looking at used Z's and dreaming Looking up some insurance quotes and dreaming abit more More browsing and dreaming thinking this will make my 4 years no claims come round quicker.
  7. Yeh that'd be a good idea if my lil bro hadnt lost the GT4 disk!!!
  8. Hmm, Yeh I remember reading my policy and it doesnt cover the ring damn it! Im either gna have to grow some or give it a miss
  9. well I was planning on going slowly anyway as ive jus bought new tyres and dont want to wear them out within 3 months but what if some other nut comes hairing round and crashes into me?
  10. There have been a couple of topics where people have been on track and I was curious as to weather or not you guys bought track day insurance. Interested as im doing a road trip in the summer and would be good to get on the 'ring but im not sure as to how track insurance works. Cheers
  11. Planed what sounds to be exactly the same trip in July! I cannot wait!
  12. As has been said it would have made sence to do it in stages wheels first then lowered, spacers then body kit, also its amazing how many people drive around with primer coloured bodykits why not wait untill you've got the cash to spray it then fit it, rather than damaging it before you've had the chance to. That said I hate all these sort of stupid body kits on small cars, it looks ridiculous IMO. I know its down to personal taste but for gods sake.
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