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Everything posted by ricksdeli

  1. I soldered mine - not the best job in the world (i've not soldered anything since GCSE technology class Dirty great big pliers to half-crimp it into place and then a load of bog-standard solder as best as I could get it in the connector. Seems to work ok?
  2. Well, after getting my new Zed a few weeks back now, I've got around to doing my 1st mod - installing the grounding kit (same one as mentioned on this thread). I have to say I've noticed a definite improvement - smoother idle and acceleration, low-rev driving is less snatchy and its easier to hustle the old girl around town now. Definitely worth the £40 and Sunday afternoon in the sun fitting it! Next on the list is sorting out the soundproofing... and the big scratch on the front spoiler which I managed to pick up driving out of Swindon railway carpark! On my last Zed I managed to bump the front and back within a week of buying her, I suppose it stood to reason I'd do something stupid with this one but why did it have to be on the Nismo kit - ARGH!
  3. Thanks all for the welcomes! And also for the help and advice sorting out the pic. I'll just have to get more practice in until I get it right To answer the questions raised, my name is Rick but I don't own a deli unfortunately. The hangover of an email address set up by a mate about 10 years ago that has just stuck... And the Homer Simpson voice was saying "wooohoo! in the background as I bought the Zed
  4. And already the forum has defeated me ... any help on how to post a pic would be much appreciated (trying to use picasa)
  5. First time poster. I have to confess to owning a sunset a few years ago and spent a lot of time reading up priceless gems of info from the forum.Then unfortunately I sold the old Zed - I needed something more practical at the time and the old girl spent most of her life stuck in traffic jams on the M25 so I went for an R32 with DSG! However I couldn't help but miss the WOW-factor I got from the Zed so after looking for a while (and not being able to make my mind up what colour I was after) I am now the proud owner of a shiny black GT4. Bought just in time for it to try pretending its a white one under all the snow. So apologies for the crappy pic - best I could do before the blizzards I've bought her as a bit of a project car, its a long-term keeper and I want it 'just so'... so plenty of work to do/mods in the pipeline starting with: -New boots (probably Falkens) -Soundproofing -Junk the Bose and if I'm feeling brave, install a carputer That lot should keep me out of mischief for a week or two! Hopefully I'll be able to spend a bit more time contributing to the forum as well
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