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Everything posted by xStric9x

  1. The Nissan place at Malton have ordered me some but could only get the other falkens which aren't as good but are cheaper 912's Don't forget, i have these on the rear no were near as grippy as the 452's. Just be careful with them
  2. Maybe a couple of things and that would be to find out if it was still on the original clutch and i would also check the condition of the exhaust as they are known to snap on the flange (backbox side). Both of my z's snapped in the same place and a few members have had the same problem
  3. No bud, its on one of the pods which is standard on every z
  4. Hi bud, this is the non gt spec uk car as it only has the controls for the stereo on the steering wheel and also cloth seats. Looks ok though, might be worth a view
  5. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott 5/ ATTAK Z 6/ MadMarky 7/ Patman 8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol 9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then) 10/ Chris`I (TBC) 11/ Harman350z 12/ Shire (sunday) 13/ M13KYF (sat) 14/ Lincolnbaggie 15/ DontPanic (Dave - Probably Sat & Sunday morning) 16/ Gibby 17/ Ian.Lewkowicz 18/ Chesterfield 19/ Nurrish (hopefully one of the days) 20/ Jak (TBC) 21/ Caroline 22/ Quicksilver 23/ Andy v v c 24/ Envy Valeting, the van, the shop, the family, the lot 25/ Ikarus (TBC) 26/ MattyR 27/ JakTheRuby 28/ Just Nidge74 29/ Steve Burns 30/ Paul Wrangle 31/ John Peek 32/ hitman 13 & Di, daughter and hubbie 33/ ben and dee stapley (saturday and sunday) 34/ rik 35/ infiniti 36/ xstric9x/Nixy Tbc
  6. I didn't even know Dave was a flowers type of person
  7. And he nearly accepted too especially when i offered him breakfast I'm glad i didn't, it may of been us that would of been accused of making all that noise
  8. Fair play Mart it looked awesome. I will be popping down to see them this week to say thanks for effort they put in
  9. I noticed you both spent many intimate moments together over the weekend The pic tells its own story
  10. Well done to Colin and Dave for organising the run, absolute fantastic weekend Took many pics but most are the same as whats already been posted.
  11. Yes bud, will be there about 5 ish No worries
  12. Mike i also will head back to Moreton now to do my car wash Ok Dave. I have one more space now guys
  13. Guys i need to know how many +1's are coming?
  14. have you not got a room?? No buddy, i only live 10 mins away. Didn't think about not being able to have anything to drink though Doh! your welcome to my floor/couch/wardrobe if you need Thanks bud but for the big drive we have i think memory foam mattress and a big bed is going to be well in order Shandy it is then
  15. have you not got a room?? No buddy, i only live 10 mins away. Didn't think about not being able to have anything to drink though
  16. I reckon they should both shack up together and offer me one of the rooms
  17. cheers Neil, look forward to receiving it. hopefully it will deafen me quickly so i cant hear my mum whinging about how loud it is If you drive with the bungs out you wont be able to hear yourself never mind your mum.
  18. +1 Changed mine round this morning, didn't want all the comments next weekend.
  19. You've not seen my bumper and bonnet, they are in a shocking state no thanks to the counsil.
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