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Everything posted by xStric9x

  1. I think i'm going to see what the police are going to say in the morning and then possible take it to a small claims court. As the evening has gone on i've started to get more and more peed off with the way i was spoken to this afternoon.
  2. The police are paying me a visit in the morning
  3. xStric9x

    Front bumper

    Nobody yet Mike, only just got in I'll send a few pm's out in a bit.
  4. xStric9x

    Front bumper

    As you are aware i am now in need of a front bumper, if anybody has one to sell please can you drop me a pm Mike
  5. Just got back from the dealers, as i thought, i need a new bumper, headlight washer bottle, wheel arch liner and new bracket for the reflector. However on the way home the woman's boyfriend called me and said it was an accident and was not going to pay anything because he has just had to fork out in vets bills. Then came out with the old "how do i know you weren't speeding and there is no way you could of injured the dog's back legs in accordance to where the damage is on my car" I'm p!ssed to say the least, if i was going any more than 30 then the dog would certainly not be here now, plus i'm sure the police car in front of me would have been rear ended. I asked him to pay my excess on my insurance and got told point blank...no way. Going to drink beer and sulk now.
  6. I'm just about to take the front bumper off to check the damage behind it, wish me luck.
  7. I'm sure the car will be ok, just a lot of washer fluid over the road so you can imagine what my first thoughts were. Also the wheel arch liner came off so i guess that means i can have a real good look in the morning. I will go and see the lady and hopefully dog tomorrow to see if they are ok, she was in a bit of a mess which is understandable cause i know i would be the same if it were my dog.
  8. Unfortunately i hit a dog on the way home from the meet, the dog was rushed to the vets by its owner. I have been in contact with her since and it appears that its back leg is in a very bad way. We have swapped details as she wants to pay for the damage as there was absolutly nothing i could of done, i was doing exactly thirty mph and it ran straight out infront of me, i didn't even get chance to brake. My car looks like it needs a new front bumper, new headlight washer bottle which sits right behind the bumper along with bracket. I'll have to wait untill the morning before i can get a real look.
  9. Welcome to the club bud Some nice cars you've owned there
  10. Excellent weekend guys and thanks to everyone involved Still can't believe the amount of sutuff i managed to fit into the Z
  11. 1. Ebized +1 2. ChrisS +1 3. Chesterfield +1 4. Lincolnbaggie 5. Shire350z +1 6. Wasso +1 7. xstric9x + Nixy 8. Darren-B 9. JetSet +1 10. CLB detailers (will be at the Moreton Sat afternoon)
  12. So I'll put Mike down as a HAB for the shopping bus then while you come out to play You'd miss me to much Colin Just my car Done, Mike & Nic. Colin
  13. Put me down + Nixy please Colin, We will just need accom on the sat night but will be eating and driving on both days
  14. Maybe Corrine Chris? 54 plate?
  15. I'm sorry if your upset bud but i'm not really sure how to take your post! You read my facebook? Are you stalking me? I'd prefer my admirers to be female to be honest not upset just stating an observation not actually been on your profile, but am linked with nix, and her status's flash up on my profile when people post. as a teacher i am very good at spotting messages with double meanings. yours stood out like a sore thumb. call it a gift i have Totally over my head sorry bud and i'm sorry you thought i was calling you stupid, but i really must have missed something I'll make sure i think about what i'm posting next time, it certainly isn't any type of announcement as most of the people i know on here already know. Wow i feel like a teenager again
  16. I'm sorry if your upset bud but i'm not really sure how to take your post! You read my facebook? Are you stalking me? I'd prefer my admirers to be female to be honest
  17. Did you not forget that i am the first person to be officially slapped? Note to Mike and Beavis, it bloody hurts
  18. Never heard it called that before but it sounds fun +1
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