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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. Very depressing but makes 100% sense, and explains to some degree why every government in the world is in debt....Just hope it doesn't all come crashing down in our generation, though given how close we came to it last time round it is a bit scary!! You have to take a bit of a step back, but the basic premises of the video seem correct to me. Of course it's sensible not to take one thing like this video as being the 100% one and only truth. A bit more digging around is probably very sensible, like most things, taking in a number of view points is important. Ofcourse the guy doing the video has his own agenda...after all the financial support for the video comes from a website called 'Gold and Silver', but it's the first time I've seen a creditable explanation as to why every government in the world is in debt....and inflation is something which is really starting to be noticeable. 10-15% increase in basic essentials such as electricity/gas bills whilst average earnings are hardly going up? And the now house prices are going back up all supported by money the government has 'magically' found/printed....what could possibly go wrong
  2. Very depressing but makes 100% sense, and explains to some degree why every government in the world is in debt....Just hope it doesn't all come crashing down in our generation, though given how close we came to it last time round it is a bit scary!!
  3. The reviews for the Tesla S are looking pretty impressive. 400bhp+, 400 lbs of torque at 0 rmp, 265 mile range for £5 of electricity (my 335 only has a 250-300 mile range for £90 of petrol). Only problem I see is cost, though with those performance figures your be comparing it to things like a Supercharge XJ/S7 etc, which aren't exactly cheap (to buy or run). Cannot wait to test drive one, have always been against the idea of buying a car on finance but this thing might just be good enough to tempt me http://www.autocar.c...st-drive-review
  4. If you're passing pop in again... Will do, but commuting to Northampton for the next 12 months...infact my daily drive is currently the wife's Civic. Still 55 mpg makes up for the lack of BHP/handling
  5. Looks fab, hoping to do something similar next year
  6. Great choice for a Z replacement...but I would say that!! The reason they feel faster than the Z is because even stock the engine is putting out over the stated bhp, mine dynoed at 320 stock, where as I think most Zs don't make the claimed bhp. Mine is capable of running at well over 400bhp but I think your right about not really needing more power. Running the most aggressive map a couple of seconds spent at full throttle can see you into licence lossing speeds....so mine runs on the stock map 95% of the time. Still it's doesn't mean you shouldn't mod the car Mitz and Andy are more than capable of installing any bits on the car, just as well if not better than any BMW dealer/independent!!
  7. Just booked Tickets for Spa next year...cannot wait
  8. A 6 cylinder engine is must. Love the engine in my 335i....but you wouldn't see 500bhp without some hybrid turbos (£3-4k imported from the states), a remap on a standard engine will see 360-70bhp max, which is still plenty!!
  9. Gave the bike a good clean today, cannot bear the thought of using it through the winter months... I don't know how any of you MTbikers puts with all the mud/dirt/oil on your bikes
  10. I thought it was more like £80K, a Nissan Leaf costs £30K. If it really does only cost £30K its the bargin of the centry and i'll be first in line to order one!
  11. Is it ok to PM when the new Mac Pro lands please? I don't think 10-15% off the new Mac Pro rrp is going to make much of a difference, cannot see it costing less than £3000 when it finally arrives...even than I'm going to find it very hard to resist. May even work out cheaper to buy it over in the states when on holiday and carrying back in the hand luggage...it does look like a dust bin after all
  12. If your really worried just get a set of winter tyres/wheels....Used them for the first time last winter, I was so surprised at how good they were I went out looking for fresh snow out in the middle of where, the only other cars I saw out and about were tractors and 4x4 pick ups..The only time I came close to getting stuck was in about 6 inch of fresh snow, where I think even a 4x4 would struggle. Funnest part of the winter was watching a VW Golf try to follow me up a hill..he got about half way up and than just slid down hill with all wheels locked!!! My car on the other hand just carried on over the hill. ....after one really heavy bit of snow the car park at work was a covered, a few people had to stay overnight because their cars wouldn't move...I couldn't resist the temptation to do some donuts
  13. Regardless of what you think about cyclists if you admire a 350/370Z you have to at-least understand why some of use like the idea of been able to go fast on the roads with just pedal power...Made from Carbon NanoAlloy (60% stronger than normal Carbon fiber), Carbon wheels, Electronic shifters, Asymmetrical frame developed using a wind tunnel, total weight 6.5kg....Oh at £9.5K it's worth more than most 350Zs (unfortunately not my daily ride )
  14. I do like this video, but have to say the ending is abit unrealistic....that hill only looks like at the most a 15% gradient, any real cyclist should be able to smash up that without even breaking a sweat
  15. No but i have covered 2000 miles on the bike this year, including cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats....though I do understand London is by far the most important part of the UK, and it's residents are clearly superior to every one else in the country
  16. For all those moaning about cyclists....ask yourself 1) Have you ever tried to cycle on a 'cycle lane'? 2) Have you ever been crashed into by 1.5tons of metal? 3) When was the last you cycled to work and had the joy of experiencing the 'excellent' driving standards on British roads without the luxury of been surrounded by a metal safety cage? I'm all for cyclist having insurance, but its quite funny to hear drivers moan about cyclists when the majority that moan have no idea what its actually like cycling on British roads ....On the plus side there are more and more cyclists on the roads, and the majority of drivers on the road seem to be much more bike friendly compared to 5-10 years ago .
  17. The never ending Mac vs PC debate...I was worried given these days every one is using tablets and phones peopel would not be too bothered any more I've been using Macs since the early 1990's way before Apple became popular. A few things have never changed though: 1) You always end up paying MORE for a similar speced Apple computer compared to a PC machine. 2) Apple will always limit the way you can use their software/hardware. 3) There is always more software avaliable on PCs compared to Macs, and usually cheaper. 4) For games Apple computers are useless. But none of these reasons have stopped me from buying Apple products, currently have 3 Apple laptops, 2 desktops, and various iOS devices. I wish I could be happy using cheap PC stuff, but I simply perfer Apple products, there is no logicial reason and nothing will ever change my mind on the subject
  18. They are Alufelgen SF-71s, bought them 2nd hand from a chap who imported them from the states. http://www.alufelgenwheels.com/wheels.php Most people seem to buy generic CSL replicas from UK sellers.
  19. Some lovely cars on here, would love the chance to drive a E-type, owing one would be ....I really wanted a M3, but for the sake of family harmony ended up in a lesser BMW.
  20. Managed to hit my training target of 19mph average over 25miles this weekend...than a copy of the latest ctc magazine pop through the post...new challenge for the year set, including a climb that will be in the 2014 Tour. The first 3 miles involves the same amount of climbing I normally do over 15 miles.....I'm going to need the gearing of a MTB to get up it...bring it on
  21. I had the auto version as a hire car last year for a bit...awful little thing, despite doing lots of M driving in it the MPG was awful.
  22. Nismo V1 kit (minus spoiler), loved the way it looked
  23. Something like 50% of our DNA is shared with that of a Banana, we're nothing but a conduit for ensuring the unique combination of 4 simple sugars we carry in our cells are passed on to another generation. Simple as that
  24. Just to lighten things up....found this, looks like the perfect car for some one
  25. I think you should stop pretending your be happy with a BMW that has a underpowered engine, just accept that fun and cheap running costs don't go well together and swap your Z4 for a BMW with a proper engine, who really cares about electric seats/folding mirrors etc when you can have the most important spec...a 400bhp+ V8 under the bonnet http://www.pistonhea...-4-0-20/1599337
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