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Everything posted by gangzoom
The Taycan is great, and pricing is suppose to about £90K start so bang in line with the current 911. The quick one though that did the 'ring time will be £150k+ before options, so Roadster 2.0 money, but still if you can afford it hard to think of a better car for the money. It will be interesting to see how many Porsche shifts versus the 911/Panamera, Porsche is now mainly a SUV brand, and I can see them becoming mainly an EV brand very soon.
37K in our Tesla, amount paid for 'dealer servicing' = £0. £450 for 4 tyres and thats yet. Even the windscreen wipers have been fine. Cabin air filter I will replace my self next year for £5 third party item, I already have a third party sourced HEPA filter as well, again a 10 minute job. Battery coolant change at 50K, and air-con regas next year, but am struggling to think of any else. Brake pads are hardly worn, 95% of slowing down via the motor and not friction brakes. oh 12V battery will need changing at some point I suppose...... Compared to an similar performance petrol SUV, the maintenance costs are tiny.
What you need to account for with a Leaf/Zoe is the massive discounts RCI supported via crazy PCP/Lease deals back in 2015/16. I had one on PCP for ,£0 deposit and £200/month. On my paper work it showed around £8k of 'discounts' financed by Nissan to enable those kind of figures. This is what killed Leaf/Zoe residuals, not people worrying about batteries running down as the article implies. However buy a cheap used Leaf now and your loss hardly any money. 2p per mile motoring, no services costs, reliable, fits the bill perfectly for some one looking for a £10k family 2nd car. Aside from Leaf/Zoe if you look at i3/Ioniqi/Tesla residuals your see they are rock solid. The amount of anitEV news really is crazy, and the articles posted on this thread shows that really well. But big oil was never going to just go down without a fight, but long term they haven't got a chance. Even Chris Harris has now ordered a P Model 3.
Since when have petrol cars only depreciated by 24% at 3 years? Infact if you bought a used Nissan Leaf in the last 24 months you will have almost certainly not lost more than 10%. I also love the quote about batteries lossing 10% charge at just 3 years. I didn't realise the daily mail was now considered a reliable source for fact
I don't think I've ever stopped for an hour on any road trip in our EV due to charging. Not even close, we barely spend 20 minutes max per stop, depending on what our daughter is up to.
We got a Model X, and will get a Model 3 for my wife at some point. Our daughter is now potty trained by still at the moment its stops every 60-90 minutes to avoid any potential accidents especially if she hasn't done her poo poo that day yet.....we have white leather seats :). Otherwise the X is massive enough we just let her run around in the back as a break. The last few times we stopped was because my wife demanded a coffee, infact we seem to arrive, plugin and charge, than leave before most of the combustion cars around us. When Tesla introduce 250KW chargers here in the UK and along with the rate at which the Model 3 can charge its going to almost too quick for a loo/coffee break. A LR Model 3 can add 120 miles of range in about 10 minutes on a 250KW charger. If you start the day with 300 miles of range, and than stop for 10 minutes to ads another 120 miles of range, that equates to 420 miles of range for the sake of a 10 minute stop. Am sure some people will claim to be able to drive from London to Glasgow non stop, but am not one of them. https://cleantechnica.com/2019/06/24/tesla-model-3-on-supercharger-v3-adds-50-range-in-under-12-minutes-charts/ Whilst as the article the OP shows if you try do it in an eGolf your be taking a very long time!! If your going down the EV route Tesla is by far still the only real choice for long distance trips.
And thats why Tesla out sells everyone else combined when it comes to EVs. We are doing 250 miles on Saturday, in 2 legs - 2hrs driving for a kids party, but that's a different matter all together.... Anyways we will one charging stop, on the M4 where there is 16 Tesla Superchargers, I anticipate 0 issues with the trip. Infact with a toddler we will probably be stopping about twice anyways, and given we have 'free for life' Supercharging on our car we will be stopping at M way services with Superchargers and topping up the car for free :). Taking the extended family out to Breacon Becons on Sunday, no charging needed as it'll charge overnight. Bank Holiday Monday we will be coming back to Leicester from Cardiff, will stop again mainly for our toddler. I recon we'll be doing 500 miles this bank holiday weekend in the EV, total fuel costs will be about £5, as at least 50% of the 'fuel' will be provided for 'free' by Tesla Superchargers. Our EV is now coming up to 28k in under 2 years, I think we'll just be shy of 29k at exactly 2 years ownership, thats not bad mileage for any car, certainly a 'town' car ;).
Need advice please and query about airbags
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Glad everyone is fine! Weird the airbag didn't go off? Glad you daughter is fine, its great to see how safe cars are these days. Hope everyone is back driving soon! -
Thanks for the comments, I know kerbing damage is down to the driver (ie: Me), just want to make sure its not going to end up with some tacky finish that half peels/falls off. Current 22s look fab, but low profile tyres and 2 meter width makes avoiding kerbs not easy, they have picked up more kerb damage in 6K than the 20s did in 20k!! Ride is also harsh, and less efficient by about 5-10%, add in 275 section all round isn't half loud at M-way speeds, come winter I'm going to put the spare 20s back on which are currently silver. Had play with PhotoShop with 20's in mat black, the car will look almost as good as on 22s but without the drawback :). Will go and get some quote locally for powercoating.
Having had black alloys on the car now for a few months I really like the look of them, and even my wife! So I'm thinking of changing the colour of the 'winter' set of alloys to matt black. Not looked into things like Powercoating etc for a long long time, any advice on which way to go? The wheels are currently off the car and will get new tires mounted this autumn so no issues with sending them off some where etc, but am keen to get a finish as close to OEM as possible and that will last day to day use - Car is currently doing 15K per year and will get kerbed so the finish needs to last well. Any experiences of the best way to do it?
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
We already have access to the biggest fusion plant we can imagine. Its going to push temperatures in the UK to nearly 40 degrees. It comes out every day, and will continue to do so for billions more years. The fact we now have tech that can directly capture this energy instead of waiting millions of years for gravity to do its thing is amazing. -
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
This is my view, I just don't get why people seem so resistant to this idea of wind/solar energy generation. Whats the obsession with maintaining traditional ways of energy generation if the tech is now here to capture the most abundant energy we have on this planet, sun and weather? Let not forget without the sun we woudlnt even have any fossils fuels. Am seriously thinking of adding another 10KW of solar PV to our existing 4KW system, financially it doesn't make sense, but there is something attractive about been able to generate your own electricity/energy. -
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Anyone actually interested in FACTs on UK energy generation there is a whole government department website for it. Latest report is Q1 2019, shows UK grid demand continues to fall - 6% compared to Q1 2018. Renewables generated 35.8% of UK energy in Q1 compared to 16% for Nuclear. I suspect by the end of Q4 2019 renewables may even match gas for UK electricity generation. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/electricity-section-5-energy-trends -
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
....what about the kid your potentially going to be a dad too? You wouldn't care what kind of future they have? -
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
At least use Google just once before making up imaginary 'facts' . UK grid demand is FALLING not going up, nuclear contribution has stayed the same over a decade, wind has gone from been nothing to generation almost as much as nuclear, solar is currently in the same situation as wind was in the last decade but will catch up quick. Our small 4KW solar PV panels already generate more electricity than we use (car charging excluded), we are having a battery storage system fitted very soon which will reduce our day time electricity use to roughly 2kWh per day (30p) all year round averaged. https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-uk-electricity-generation-2018-falls-to-lowest-since-1994 -
Climate change , worlds gone mad. I blame the heat.
gangzoom replied to stanski's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Clearly, the heat has got to all of you!! Car was reporting over 50degrees interior temp today as I was getting ready to leave work, but thanks to tech I couldn't wait to get out of the heat and into the car :). -
Oh you have so much to look forwards to!! Your first lesson is soon what you or the mum wants is irrelevant compared to what your daughter dictates :). Been a dad has been the best thing that's happened to me though, congrats and keep an eye on the time, it really does fly!!!
My in car Spotify play list...Its amazing how quickly kids pick up the concept of 'on demand' streaming music.
Just been going through the outgoing for the last 2 months trying to budget for the next 6 months, must have missed the recent nursery fee increase...... The poorer bit is 100% true!!! I think a GTR would be cheaper to maintain and by some margin.
One of the best things of been a parent, you can openly discuss poos in public to anyone you like!! First row seats on a flight to spain, landing started, daughter sitting on my lap making cute smiles at the cabin staff, 10 seconds later I feel something warm on my leg, and a nice brown slug starts appearing around lap....oh how quickly the expression on the cabin staff change . Last weekend 6hrs in the car after going to West Midlands Safari park, all I can say is good thing my wife packed a travel potty and non leak bag!!! Forget fancy buggies/toys etc baby wipes, nappy sacks, some hand cleaning gel are basically your essential travel items every where for the next 3-4 years. 30 seconds after taking a poo my daughter decided her feet were too hot, so what better way to cool your feet....I keep ALOT of baby wipes in the car :).
Partner lost job after exchange of contracts on new house....
gangzoom replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Once committed the mortgage company has it in their self interest to keep things going, that's very different from taking on a new customer with changing risk profile. If you were lending a complete stranger £1000, and the day before handing over the cash they told you they have lost their job but its OK because they have another one lined up, would you just shrug your shoulders take their word for it and proceed as planned? Mortgage companies like to know the risks, been made redundant and than having to change jobs by definition risky, at the very least there is going to be a reassessment. A 5% deposit must also mean to the mortgage company the risks are already high. Really difficult situation to be in, if things are as tight as thinking about putting bills on the credit card than backing out of the house (for now) probably is a good idea regardless of mortgage conditions. But if its just an case of change in job/role which lots of people go through all the time with no actual risk to income than its a different matter. But how a mortgage company will judge the risk may be much stricter than how most of us view job security, the only way I suppose your know is if you tell them. Horrible situation to be in, though I know what I would do if I was 100% certain of secure income stream, and I wouldn't be stressed at all - not beyond the normal house buying stress. -
Partner lost job after exchange of contracts on new house....
gangzoom replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Blacklisted for life??? Some people really do need more important things in life to worry about, its like when I had my no-fault claim, if you believed some people on here you would have thought I was going to be in debt to the claims company forever for taking on a like for like loan car. As long as your sure the income is secure your be fine. You can tell them but at best they will delay the exchange, at worst they will want to reassess you again and pull your offer. On the stress bit, that is just part of moving house, I've done it 3 times and it never gets easier, hopefully, we wouldn't have to again for a long long time, but easily one of the most stressful things to have to do. Good luck, -
Partner lost job after exchange of contracts on new house....
gangzoom replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
House buying is stressful enough without what you guys are going through. If you tell your mortgage company they will almost certainly delay exchange and pull the mortgage till your incomes are reassessed. However in my own limited experience as long as the deposit money is paid and monthly payments met the mortgage company wouldn't care or check. When we applied for the mortgage for our current house I was in a similar position, though I wasn't been made redundant my role was changing from a long term contract to a 'locum' post. I actually made sure we got our agreement sorted ASAP before starting the 'locum' post as I suspect the mortgage company would be much less reluctant to lend if my told title now had the 'locum' word in it even though my actual income was higher. We are half way through or fixed 5 year term, no one has ever asked to check if our current jobs matches the original term, in fact neither of our job roles are the same as they were 2.5 years ago. But as long as the payments keep going in I doubt anyone at the mortgage company cares about our income/job titles. For our next mortgage am almost tempted not to bother changing provider's, the whole thing is sum a faff these days. -
Never been to Africa apart from a red sea resort so doesnt count, but some where in Asia we try to go every year, even now with a toddler. People are friendly, the food is great, and your more likely to run into trouble going out in Birmingham than any of those countries you listed. The big missing country on that list is India. I really do want to visit Africa and we will, but out of the rest of the continents/places I've been lucky enough to go India is simply on different level of sensory overload. From the beaches in Goa, to the madness of Mumbai, the history of Rajasthan, and foot hills of Everest up north you could spend a whole life time travelling in one country and not see everything!!! Travelling alone would be amazing, but your never really be alone in the second most populous country on the planet. The Taj still remains one of the if not the most magnificent man made structure I have been lucky enough to see with my own eyes. Photos don't do it justice, and if you have the chance to go its worth every mile of the trip there :). Sadly we're at a stage in life where our own interests aren't any near the priority list compared to other things, but if I had no responsibilities in life I would be on a plane to any where in Asia tonight!! Book a flight to Singapore, and plan the next 12 month of country hopping enroute, and transit out to the start of the adventure almost as soon as you touch down in Changi. You really don't need to worry about travelling alone in Asia, I wouldn't even bother packing much more than a large rucksack, tooth brush, a few change of cloths (advantage of been able to afford laundry service in hotels versus backpacking as a student), phone charger and camera job done, oh do check Visa status, the UK passport gets you in most places on arrival but not all....I am just slightly envious of your proposition
The problem with increasing tech in cars...
gangzoom replied to coldel's topic in Off Topic Discussion
'Nav on Autopilot' just arrived in our car, got some 400 miles to cover this bank holiday weekend on the M-way network, cannot wait to try it.