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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. Great video you must be excited!! When is delivery due?
  2. I think action always speak louder than words.... The actions of the Germany and Austria government and people has been a pretty amazing display of why what humanity can do... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34167044
  3. Because that is the problem, poverty and an ever widening distribution in wealth. Is the success of ISIS due to a fanatical belief of a god, or is it due to poverty driving people to look for any false hope?? Religion is abstract human concept we have made up to control each other. It thrives in poverty because it gives people hope. Trying to patch up the problems with charity will do nothing to solve the underlying issues. The real question is 'Is my life more worthy than those around me??' Judging by the actions of Australia versus Germany, the whole world can see just which of those two countries is more 'civilised'.
  4. By that statement I assume you consider your life to be more worthy than any of the refuges around the world?? If so can I ask what made you come to that conclusion, apart from the fact you were lucky enough to be born in the UK??
  5. Actually survival of the fittest is the concept where one specific trait an individual has gives them the advantage over others in a specific environment. Hence nature and evolution selects the best trait to evolve. The only difference between the Marquas monkeys is which 'family' they were born into, the monkeys in the pool have no inherent genetic trait over the others. It's their social convention that dictates their behaviour. Much like there is no difference between any human being born on this planet. But social convention dictates if you born in UK, your 'entitled' to a western lifestyle. Where as if your born in rural India your be lucky to make it out of childhood. So your right, we are nothing like animals, we're much worse.
  6. ....and I'm sure not a single innocent soul was ever hurt in the name of that god .
  7. Frankly aside from warp drive and Tribbles, I can only hope one day we get to a future that currently only exist in science fiction....Though bizarrely ask any children if they thought we could/should progress to a society like StarTrek, I bet most wouldn't see it as a problem.
  8. Christianity is no better. Christianity "was" no better Its been centuries since christian crusades or holy wars. Sorry gangzoom, if you think I am no more "civilised" than the scum killing children, your sorely mistaken. You really think so....Put your self in the position of the Marquas monkeys, keep your family warm or let others in and risk having no room/resources for your self or your own family....Remind you of any situation that's been discussed here?? Don't let the comfortable environment we cocoon ourselves in here in the developed world be confused with the real facts of life.
  9. Forget religion, politics, etc, it all comes down to the simple fact we (Humans) are no more evolved or civilised than any-other animal on this planet. In Japan when the temperature drops, Macaque monkeys warm themselves up in hot spring pools...... BUT only if you were born into the 'correct' family...otherwise you + your family freeze. Personally I have no idea how Europe could/should deal with the migration we are seeing. But sadly its the world we live in .....
  10. The Massertai looks amazing. I'm suprised you can pick one up for £35k, that's pretty cheap for a car with a list price of £80-100k. Though I'm suprised nether are that quick or have big BHP numbers. Just looking at them I would have thought both would have low 4 second 0-60 times and pushing close to 500bhp, but 5 seconds to 60, 400bhp is remapped Golf R/M135i territory...Goes to show just how rapid the current range of hyper hatches are!! Having had the pleasure of running a 3 year old BMW 335i without a BMW warranty, I cannot begin to imagine the repair bills on a 7 year old £80k+ Italian super saloon. Buy one but I would make sure you have at spare £5K on stand by for unexpected repairs. I cannot imagine the Austin Martin would be any better in that regard. I persume the GTR been a Nissan is at least reliable?? Servicing costs will always be high, but you can budget for that, it's unexpected 'suprises' that can add up very quickly. Still just on looks the Masserrati is surely the winner, but than again there must be a reason they have deprecated so much!!
  11. ...and if the current oil producers do have to reduce production, longterm prices will go up, no demand = no mass extraction = extra cost to who ever is still using the stuff. But we're probable a decade away from that yet.
  12. As predicted by a member of OPEC forecasters over a decade ago: "Thirty years from now there will be a huge amount of oil - and no buyers. Oil will be left in the ground. The Stone Age came to an end, not because we had a lack of stones, and the oil age will come to an end not because we have a lack of oil." A lot of people think OPEC isn't cutting production to try and drive cheaper producers out of business....But if they believe their own prediction, all OPEC is doing is trying to sell as much of the oil as they can before demand tails off....Thrity years from 2000 is 2030, if 200 mile range EVs become cheaper and affordable to the masses by 2020, his timing isn't that far off!! - OK he was concerned about hydrogen fuel cell cars but the end result will be the same. Sheikh Yamani predicts price crash as age of oil ends - Telegraph
  13. There are some T**** on the road!!! Cycled into town today to pick up a few things and it seemed like theres all the people who cannot drive properly decided to come out to play... 1: Stupid MPV decides to turn left without indicating at 20 mph, nearly take me out and causes the car behind to do an emergency stop. 2: Another stupid MPV decided to turn right across traffic, but decided I don't exist and than dawdles in the middle of the road - Left a little skid mark with the my rear tyre, at one point I thought I was going to end up sliding underneath Mission impossible style 3: A Jag XF decides to try and overtake me but realise at the last minute I'm going quicker than the traffic ahead - Instead of slowing down he or she decides to speed up ends up been about 1 meter from my rear wheel, I'm not sure what they wanted me to do, maybe they wanted to try and run me over, but some slower traffic ahead force he/she to slow down whilst I overtake the traffic. 4: A 911 (no idea what kind they all look the same to me) decides the local residential roads is his own private race track and proceeded to just chaos for everyone else. I also saw about 6 other cyclist on the payment, none on the roads....Maybe they are the clever ones, they might be nuisance to pedestrians but at least none of them had to put with idiots driving around on the road today.
  14. Because there has never been a Prius GTI, and I'll bet everything I own Toyota will never go down that route....If your really that keen for a hot-hatch based on the Prius than buy a second hand Prius and shoe-horn in a massive engine The Golf E is also fully electric, something else Toyota/Lexus have said they will never do.
  15. None of this has much to do the orginal post. There are plenty of diesel cars with manual boxes if that's your thing, but I cannot see Lexus going down the diesel route after their last IS. You do know underneath the CT200H is just a Prius, and I cannot imagine anyone at Toyota have any interest in turning a Prius into a hot-hatch of any kind.
  16. They have done it already, it'll be ready to order by next week (Sep 2015). http://www.lexus.co....tQ&gclsrc=aw.ds It'll be same engine as in NX 200t, so 240bhp, likley a sub 7 second 0-60 time, quoted 40mpg. If they price it like the NX the IS200t will only be avaliable in 'F-sport' spec, and bit more expensive than the IS300H, so list will be around £34-35K (you wouldnt need to addon any other options). Wait 6 months and your be able to get 15% off that price, so £30K ish. The IS actually has a great chassis, in terms of road holding and handling the bumps its better stock than my old E90 BMW 335i. No sign of another IS-F though. all mated to 8 speed auto box why are Lexus idiots? put a diesel in the ct200 and make an rival for the 1 series and A series already Why do you want a diesel?? I get better mpg out of our hybrid IS300H (68mpg) than I could out of the diesel Civic (57mpg). The next generation of Toyota's hybrid drive is going to be out soon in the next Prius, looking like much the same but with another 10% improvement in economy. Toyota are betting everything on hydrogen fuel cell cars, I was actually quite suprised they released a V8 RF-C and not a hybrid unit like in the GS350h...So someone working there must love the good old petrol engines+cylinders as much as you guys
  17. They have done it already, it'll be ready to order by next week (Sep 2015). http://www.lexus.co.uk/car-models/is/is-200t/index.tmex?ac=C3257&mc=SEM2015IS&gclid=CPGJs-K5y8cCFUZAGwoddfEGtQ&gclsrc=aw.ds It'll be same engine as in NX 200t, so 240bhp, likley a sub 7 second 0-60 time, quoted 40mpg. If they price it like the NX the IS200t will only be avaliable in 'F-sport' spec, and bit more expensive than the IS300H, so list will be around £34-35K (you wouldnt need to addon any other options). Wait 6 months and your be able to get 15% off that price, so £30K ish. The IS actually has a great chassis, in terms of road holding and handling the bumps its better stock than my old E90 BMW 335i. No sign of another IS-F though.
  18. Lexus is bringing the GS-F to the UK end of 2015, same engine I think, but despite 2 extra doors, 3 extra seats similar weight to RC-F. Rumoured price is around £70-80K so M5 money. If I was interested in V8 etc, this would be close to the top of the shopping list.
  19. Show how much everyone loves a bargain - £33K for 400bhp+ V8, with everything you want standard + 2 rear seats + a legendary badge....Nothing else on the market comes close, surprised Ford dealers haven't had to resort to crowd control Or for £3K cheaper you can buy a van to ferry your sproglings around in!!
  20. It it's a job move and they want you, cannot you negotiate a little?? Yes there are lots of cars for £500/month lease, but if its just about getting from A to B than it seems like a waste of your potential income?? The 'best' deals on lease cars will be the likes of diesel BMW/Audi/Mercs, all will be nothing more than a 'rep mobile', because thats what the vast majority in the Leasing market want. You could have a look at the Lexus IS300H for something non-german, Infiniti don't do any large volumes so I'll be surprised if you can find a good lease deal on one. Or if your feeling really brave something like a Kia Optima
  21. VW are giving away some cars again... http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/vw-scirocco-r-280bhp-heated-leather-seats-nav-19-alloys-bluetooth-phone-prep-parking-2268198 The BMW 340i on lease at 20k will be just about £500/m. As suggested why not take the cash for your self. £500/m = £9k extra of gross annual income. Personally I would much rather have that in my pocket than be on a company car scheme.
  22. I haven't knowing hit anything or one yet.....It hard catch anyone unawares when the 0-60 is close to 10 seconds Got a test drive booked in a few weeks in something a bit quicker though
  23. Pedestrians are a pain, you never know what they are going to do....Looking at the video the guy was just taking his chances through a gap in the traffic but clearly either didn't see or expect the cyclist to be there. Though you cannot actually see what the pelican crossing is displaying. Personally I don't shout or wave at anyone these days, if people are stupid enough to cross the road without looking than natural selection at some point will do its work.... The other day I had a x2 mother+pram appear from two parked cars straight into the road - Both parents were too busy chatting away to even look at what was coming down the road, I swerved to miss them - going too quickly to stop, lucky the car driver coming the other way wasn't asleep and slammed his brakes on, otherwise I might have ended up going over his bonnet - Though there was probably enough space for me to squeeze past. I penned it down as 'near miss', but the car driver went mental at the two women, he was shouting, waving his arms around around etc...all bit un-necessary I thought. Crossing the road really isn't that hard...Is it
  24. Sounds like you got your timing on near perfect. The low in the market was about 5 years ago, and you've got out right as things have started going south....So when are you upgrading to a GTR/P1/P90D etc I think I'm tempted to go in once this latest 'crash' levels out - 2017?? Stick in a enough so that if the returns are good it'll make a noticiable difference and but also make sure it's an amount I can afford to loss. One thing is for sure, I'm gald I didnt do anything silly with the T-fund in the last 6 months
  25. I see the markets are pretty much ready to start going into free-fall....Are you guys getting out, or staying put?? Some doom sayers seem to be predicting a fall as big as 1929, which isn't good for anyone. Glad my cash is releative safe, though I see the goverment is slowly but surely reducing the lump sum they gurrantee.
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