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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. ^You can 100% make it work with just one car as the family wagon. We use the Leaf 99% of the time. Problem is I now want to take the little one every where with me, it sounds cliche but your priorities do change. The main reason we are going for a pointless oversized SUV as our main family car next is purely because of the little one. As others have said your priorities for a car will quickly change from 0-60 times to rear space and crash protection, especially when they are small and rely on you for literally everything!! Its good fun, though I do really suggest you catch up on your sleep, it's not even 8am and I've already been up for nearly 4hrs, a lye in these days is getting out of bed at 7am!!
  2. ^^ The first 4 weeks is hell on earth I've never felt so tired/exhausted/frustrated and at time wondered what we had let our selves in for, I think most parents form some kind of mental block because otherwise no one in their right mind would want a second, but after the first month things get alot better very quickly. Ours is now 6 months and getting alot more interactive, the best bit is because she cannot move/run away she has no choice but put up with what ever stimulus I put in front of her, hard to imagine life without little mini me these days. Can anyone guess the first car brand she'll end up remembering?? I'm half hoping she'll say the T word before mummy and daddy
  3. Congrats on the immanent new arrival Catch up on your sleep now though, your soon understand the true meaning of been tired!!
  4. Is it not just another Freeview player, can you get all the Sky Sport, Sky movies, etc as you can on Kodi ?. I believe you can get all the Sky stuff you want via NowTV on the Roku. It all works via internet streaming, no aerial/sat input at all. I'm using FilmonTV app (free) to get all UK freeview channels. But mainly uses for Netflix, iPlayer, Spotify. 1080p stuff streams fine over Wifi and normal copper wire broadband.
  5. Have you put it up on pistonheads? I had a decent amount of interest through them and sold it to the first guy to come and see the car in person. GLWS
  6. Got a Roku 3 recently, Sky box now in the garage.
  7. Did Land's End to John o'groats a few years back. Was in a group of 6, covered about 110 miles a day, wives were recruited to drive the support van . Later that summer got KOM on a few local Strava segments, was able to crack out 20mph average over 1hr+ rides, but since the arrival of a kid all I have time for these days is the 4 mile commute to work on the bike . London to Paris is suppose to be good fun, enjoy it, take your time, riding with mates help, we ended each day with a mini sprint on the road leading to the hotel!! Once you've done it your be amazed at what your body can do with a bit of focus. Running is now my next focus, half marathon around Donington park nearly killed me, but still want to do a full marathon at some point. New York or London should provide more inspirational surroundings than the fields of Derbyshire and planes landing at East Midlands airport .
  8. ^^ Noticed the same, to think at one point I went to even test drive a Cupra.
  9. gangzoom

    NEW car!?

    I wouldn't touch a £6k 335i with a barge pole. Turbos, water pump, oil gasket, high pressure oil pump, gearbox seals, radiator leaks, the infamous steering lock failure are the things guaranteed to hit any 335i. Fast, good to drive, practical, all ture... But running one on a tight budget with no BWM warranty cover, not a good idea.
  10. There has been various studies on pay and happiness. Essentially it comes down to the individual. If your happy with life your less likely to push your self and often that means your happy with not working harder, so may be happy with a lower paided job. Essentially happiness and high pay are not directly correlated, in some cases its the opposite. Human motivation is odd thing, been happy isn't always a good motivator at work, you can see it in football matches clearly, often the team whos gone 1-0 up will sudden play less aggressively despite the fact the objective of the game hasn't changed. Speaking for my self I know there is some turth in that theroy, slightly unpredictably the arrival of my daughter has made me look at my job very differently. I now find spending time with my daughter more precious/rewarding than spending time at work, and actually now happy to take a paycut to work less hours for more family time.
  11. I'm currently thinking about reducing my hours to spend more time with the family. I'm pretty sure no one went to the grave wishing they had spent more time at work.
  12. One of the first domestic homes in the UK to install a solar PV + battery storage energy system. Apparently in summer have reduce the grid energy use of the house down to 3% of previous - that's a 97% reduction in grid power use, and over 12 months will reduce grid energy usage by 70%+ when in include the winter months. The battery in this particular case was supplied by Tesla, but BYD, Bosch, Samsung, are all at it. The answer to our energy needs is blindly obvious, and it's not to build increasing numbers of centralised expensive to run/man power stations but to move power generation to the local grid with increasingly cheaper solar/wind generation + battery storage to smooth out the energy supply.
  13. You could say that about the phone though And energy. Technically, we're still in the steam age, despite our fancy nuclear reactors. We haven't made a leap away from it since the late 17th century,when we came up with the idea of steam power. We've just discovered better ways to generate steam. Absolutely, expect now we have solar PV panels falling in price to a point where domestic installations are viable, and battery prices now also falling at a rapid rate. So for the first time we have a way to generate electricity without needing to heat up water. Moving personal transportation to pure electric power is the last piece of the puzzle needed.
  14. Because to some people the idea of change is hard to accept. I'm constantly getting 'tuition' on how to get people to accept change at the work place as I'm now getting into more management roles. Resistance to change is one of the hardest things to deal with in a organisation. But the reality is the world changes at a rapid pace. The 'norm' today quickly becomes the past. Just look at the world 100 years ago. I'll be amazed if my 5 month old daughter will ever need to drive/sit in a combustion car when gets old enough to drive... Or even if she will need to learn to drive at all. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-37302722
  15. It's absolutely not exciting to look at, but 95% of the public buy cars that are pratical first. The two questions I get asked the most about the Leaf are How much? And how far on a charge?? At sub $30k the Bolt is getting there on price, and the range is now less of an issue. Would I buy a Bolt?? Nope, it's not the car for me, just like I wouldn't have bought a Vauxhall Astra. But it shows prices of batteries are falling and other manufacturers are getting involved. The best selling car in the UK has always been the Fiesta/Astra, this is the market EVs have to break into, and the Bolt is getting close. Finally it may look like a cheap 1.0 hatchback, a 0-60 time of 7 seconds is nothing to be dismissed. In fact add in the instant torque it'll probably beat a 350Z at traffic light GPs once you factor in the driver.
  16. So the first 'affordable' EV is here. GM Bolt. Sub $30k, 238miles of real life range (EPA range ratings is very accurate, my Leaf has a EPA range of 78 miles), 0-60 in 7 seconds, seats 5 adults, deliveries start THIS year!! http://insideevs.com/chevrolet-bolt-ev-rated-238-miles-electric-range/ The price/range ratio of EVs is now getting very close to mass adoption, the end of the combustion engine in sight, I cannot wait to see what Jaguar/BMW have planned too as both have now confirmed to be pushing hard to bring new EVs to market.
  17. Had my S7 now for a good few months. Love it, you really cannot go wrong with it, better than my old iPhone in every way (including the software).
  18. You guys need to stop worrying about the size of these tiny cars, the car I'm waiting on has a width of 2020mm (with the mirrors folded in), and 5032 mm long .
  19. I didn't even know you were suppose to ask for permission, found out about the permission thing a few years later .
  20. Glad I switched to a S7 earlier in the year. I paid £400 for my handset. The camera on new iPhone 7 plus has no better specs, I've got a 128gig microSD cars for storage in addition to the 32gig built in. The battery life will last a full 24hr worth of use with no issues. But the best thing is the Google Play store, so many more useful apps. Want to down load a YouTube video, no problems, strip the audio file, again no issues. Access podcasts, again no issues. Got a SNES emulator too, and all the email/calendar apps you expect. After over two decades of just using Apple/Mac products I cannot see my self buying another Apple product.
  21. You don't need to speed to enjoy the roads in Switzerland. The autobahns on the other hand is like driving along the M6 in Birmingham in rush hour with equally inspirational scenery, so it's a good thing you can get it done as quickly as you like.
  22. Get yourself a sprog (or two) and your soon find out
  23. At your age go for it, your got a whole life time of mortgages/bills etc ahead .
  24. Oh looks like if your young (<30) you should be able to apply for a working holiday Visa . https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visi/Visi-1#
  25. Don't you need a work permit visa to work in Australia?? We been looking at emigrating to Australia, the visa applications are not straight forwards, and you need to have a job in place before you go....Working on a tourist Visa is illegal, though you could appear on the latest episode of 'Border force' . Oh don't forget housing costs, Sydney is MORE expensive than London, so you might find your self working 12hr shifts just to pay for housing rather than enjoying the trip. Quiting jobs and spending money travelling seems like the worst thing to do if your saving for a house??
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