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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. EVs are still exempt, and I've had £9.5K worth of government EV 'grants' go towards the EV purchases and x2 home chargers installed for free. Hope the scheme is still going in 2018/19 so that we'll get another £4,5K off the list price on the Jag iPace. As for emissions I cannot be bothered to point out the obvious facts over preconceptions anymore, this piston-heads thread does it all for me, and i don't even think I've made a post on it!! http://www.pistonhea...&t=1652693&i=80
  2. We are going back to look at a few points raised by the survey, and may end up having to get a builder in for quotes. Would quite agree part of me just want to ignore the survey points and exchange, but we are not talking about slightly worn tyres on a car purchases, so rather take our time to get the right decision/cost.
  3. ^ Me too!! Expect I managed to miss the £310/year for 5 years with the £40k+ car tax.
  4. I would not be obsessed by trying to turn a 'profit' on a family home. Most price changes are makert wide, so if a £100k house goes up by 10% the owners may feel great... Till they have to move, and the £200k house they want to buy has also gone up by 10%, so actually their £10k net worse off due to price increases. This works the other way too, even though I 'lost' money on a house I bought in 2007 pre crash, we haggled down the price of a much more expensive house we bought by a much larger cash sum due to market conditions. Negative equity is beyond your control so don't stress about it, having an affordable mortgage is more important. Rates are so low now even the most expensive houses are relatively cheap to mortgage, but bare in mind back in 2007 I was paying 5-6% interest compared to 2.15% now, that a difference of over £200-300/months on a £150k mortgage. So budget for future rate rises and plan for what your going to do in 5-10 years time, don't be fixated on just the short term situation. We've gone for a 20 year mortgage fixed for 5 years this time, am going to aim to overpay by 10% a year in addition, this will mean when we exit our current deal in 5 years our LTV will enable us to get the cheapest deals and the total mortgage amount will be a good chunk less, so any rate rises will have minimal impact. Good luck with the move, our current move will be my third, and I can tell you it doesn't get any less stressful. I have no idea how people do the BTL thing, I find the sums of money involved with houses far more scary/stressful to deal with than a other stuff in life!! Oh and don't forget to take into account stamp duty and mortgage application costs, it all adds up!!
  5. Offer what you think the property is worth. We are currently completing on a purchase, we offered asking price because in our view it was worth the asking price. Another property nearby is on for 20% more we went to see it and told the vendor he was aiming to high but he refused to move on price. That property has now been on sale for 12 months and he still hasn't dropped the price!!
  6. ^^ I would be very careful about making a statement on things that could invalidate your cover on a public forum. I fully agree the renewal games are stupid but if you were ever unlucky enough to be involved in a 5-6 figure at fault claim/payout they will use every trick in the book to cancel your policy. Insurance investigators aren't stupid, they know how to google peoples activities on the Internet.
  7. £950 for the Tesla in 'high risk' post code, about to move to a 'low risk' post code will drop price to £850. Either way not as bad as I was fearing. Wife's car is coming out at £500-600, which is £100 more than last year.
  8. My parents didn't even have a car when I was a kid, I got around on the front of my dads pedal bike......We're going to put our daughter in a massive rear facing car seat in a 2.5ton monster truck. Hey ho that's 'progress' for you
  9. gangzoom

    New Z

    ^ Depends on what you call innovation . Panasonic and Tesla now starting to mass produce their next generation lithium batteries which are likely to be at least 30% denser in energy capacity, so Nissan need to get a move on if they want to stay in touch. Wasting money and time on a twinturbo Z cannot be something high on the priority list for the boss. However a hybrid plug in Z/GTR is worth developing, though if Nissan think they can squeeze a 100kWh battery pack into something the size of a GTR (Tesla can already do it even with current generation lithium cells) a full EV version with hub motors and potential for 4 way torque vectoring would be much more interesting.....it would certainly set a bar for 'ring times. Cannot imagine how quick the GTR can get if Tesla can hit 2.4seconds to 60 using pretty standard off the self motors and in a package aimed at families. The cornering speeds would also go up a league if you can send power and 100% torque to each individual wheels instantly and not have to worry about transmission losses/keeping turbos spunn up. It'll make a traditional LSD setup feel a kiddy bike with training wheels.
  10. gangzoom

    New Z

    Hate to break the news to you guys but Nissans boss Carlos Ghosen is a bigger EV/autonomous driving fan than me, Nissan's been busy pumping money into their version of autopilot hardware and the next generation EV. http://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynotes/Carlos-Ghosn/Carlos-Ghosn They are however caught in the transition period, as they have had their fingers burnt by the relative poor sales of the Leaf and still very much dependent of shifting oil burners for their core business.
  11. There are plenty of half sensible but quick family friendly hatchbacks/saloons around. What ever you do don't get sucked down the MPV line, as much as I don't mind driving some thing boring/slow for the sake of my kid, there is something about Zafira/Galaxy's that just seem so wrong. You might as well get one of these and cut some windows out on the side
  12. Congrats on the baby and welcome to a whole new way of life As for cars every family is different. I have a friend whos about to buy a 911 and they have 2 kids with wife having a large estate thing. For us I do 99% of drop offs, and I really cannot be arsed with faffing around with a 2 door car, even a saloon like a 3 series is tiny in the back once you add in a car seat and getting the kid in and out isn't easy with lowish roof line. We might also end up with 2 sprogs and when you add in visiting grand parents etc we decided it made sense to get a larger 6/7 seater car now, hence moving over to a SUV. I drive like a grandad most of the time anyways, and when you have a kid in the back the last thing on your mind is 0-60 times or steering feel!! When time comes to replace wife's car we'll probably get another small saloon, as the SUV will be the main family car so even if another sprog appears it really doesn't matter how big/practical the second car is as that one will be rarely used for the kids. Keeping a 'fun' car for the weekend is all well and good, but the reality is your find time becomes really precious, if your both working weekends will be the only time you have together as family and the last your want to do is waste that time driving around in a car by your self!! .....Oh I still planning on getting a run down DC2 Teg to do up when the daughter is old enough to get her hands mucky with a spanner, I've sold that idea to the wife on the basis it's better for to her to be interested in car rather than wanting a pony
  13. Your back must be in good shape!!
  14. I think pretty much all 7 seater car have the rear seats in the boot space, and you wouldn't want to be in them in any rear end shunt. I don't think anyone really have any real data expect to say obviously the larger the car the less damage will be done to it in a rear end shunt. If it's only a car that your use for a few months why not just get something cheap like a grand scenic for sub £5K, If you really want a SUV and limited on budget there the Volvo XC90, plenty of autotrader for sub £5K and the rear seats look much comfy than the Quasquai.
  15. Pretty shocking NCAP crash testing results, hope no one ever keeps a kid in the back. http://www.euroncap.com/en/results/ford/mustang/26063
  16. Or there's this https://multimac.co.uk/home
  17. PHEV is only a 5 seater, not even sure short of vans how many cars can actually fit 3 ISOFIX child seats. Even the Model X which in theory can fit 4 in practice can only fit 2, 3 might be possible in 6 seater config but getting the 3rd kid in and out of the car seat would be a total faff.... Good luck to the OP, I'm gald we never have to think about that problem (I hope!!)
  18. Looks good, hopefully when I get a proper shed/workshop in the new house will get some space for similar projects .
  19. I sure wish it cost the same as a Focus .
  20. I thought about doing similar type of stuff before but I persume if your using is day in day out on our rubbish road, kerbs etc would cause all knock things out of alignment quite quickly??
  21. Don't worry your be hearing plenty about all of that stuff soon ...
  22. My maths may be way off (haven't done proper battery power calculations since A-Level), but if Tesla was charging the same amount of £ per kWh, than the cost of the batteries in the Tesla we have on order alone will be £150,000-£370,000 (depending which amp rating you take as the real capacity from the website)!! Given we're are paying less than half that for the whole car I reckon we're getting a bargain .
  23. Great choice, I persume you've seen what you can do to them... https://www.carthrottle.com/post/watch-this-insanely-fast-honda-s2000-overtake-everything-on-a-busy-nurburgring-hot-lap/ Once my daughter is old enough, providing I can convince the wife am planning to get either a S2000 or Teg to fiddle with, probably gutting the thing out and sticking in a full EV drive train.
  24. Have briefly set it up on the Leaf but cannot really install it for a proper road test, the Leaf is going back in a few weeks and there is only 1 in car mount which I'll use on the Leaf replacement But the screen looks good, hand gestures work, can get WhatApp notifications read out without having to get the phone out....Still would be a distraction though I think, now only if we had a car that could half 'drive' it self Also just looked up current pricing..$799!! I paid $250 back in 2014 when you could get $1.7 to a £ (About £150 including delivery). No way would I pay £660 for one today.
  25. Had UPS deliver a surprise package from Fremont California today..... Looking at my PayPal history it turns out it was something I preordered back in 2014 as a crowd funding scheme and had given up all hope of seeing it!!! Apparently it has only just reached production and the company is still going...Originally preordered on the basis it was a HUD linked to the OBD port, looks like they now have made it more soical media orientates. Will do some pics once I get time install it and have a play. Should at least keep me busy till the other much more expensive delivery from Fremont California arrives on UK shores:).
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