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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. Its not stick just advice to be mindful and hopefully not incur a £10k hire car bill At £300+ a day I suspect the final hire car bill will be alot more than £10k. Given its taken 6 days already just to get it recovered to a Tesla workshop!!
  2. Don't worry about it, am an adult like everyone else here so quite capable of making my own decision in life
  3. Do you tax/insurer/service another car to keep on your driveway to use just incase someone crashes into your normal car?? I suspect short of millionaires most people have a car for a reason, they need to get from A to B. In my case the car is our main family car used to do all the nursery runs. A huge part of the decision making process that made us choose the car over others was the safety features is offered over all other cars on the market and something it demonstrated in the crash. We saved for 3 years and waited for nearly 12 months for it to be delivered,and all I can say am happy that I was able to do the nursery run back in a car with the same safety features. If I had caused the crash I would put my hands up, admit I dis wrong and try to come up with a solution, but as this accident was in no way related to my actions I'm glad at least am back in a similar car whilst the mess is sorted out. Oh and I've fitted a dash car to the loaner, as I suspect I'll be driving around in the hire car for the next month at least.
  4. I'm loving driving around in a big fat car even more after my recent accident. If I was in a Note or similar I'm pretty sure I would have ended up upside down and a trip to hospital. If my daughter had been in the car I don't even want to think of what would have happened if I was driving around in something less sturdy given the rear passenger door where the child seat is took the brunt of the initial impact. I think this might end up as our next car to accompany the X - Though I'm not overly convince if it's big enough, apparently smaller than a F Pace or possibly this But regardless of what you want in a car, I think we can all agree there is plenty of life after a Z
  5. I agree but if you ever become a dad your get why people like SUVs so much. Personally I wouldn't trade in been a dad for having fun in a coupe/roadster
  6. I think you can forget about a Cayman or Evora for the next 18 years My other half wants an SUV next but struggling to find something exciting with a powerful enough petrol engine, that will leave the door open for me to get a 981 Cayman. Gosh your other half must be hard to impress if she think something like this doesn't have enough power(car not plane) ... Or this... And power really is the thing that does it for her I'll happily take you guys out in the X, more power is one thing it most definitely does not need. Even our base model feels too fast for public roads, cannot see why you would need the 'P' version expect for going to drag strip meets and putting Supercars in their place... Seriously stop messing around with toy cars like a Cayman and get something more substantial, plenty of options around these days for a one car that can do it all. If I wasn't into EVs I would find it hard not to order the up and coming F-pace SVR, 570bhp and family friendly, what's not to like .
  7. I think you can forget about a Cayman or Evora for the next 18 years Stop messing around in tiny tin box cars, and join the SUV club. Get the right one and they aren't bad at all. 6am, empty roads, sun out, I had just about as big smile on my face going to work today as I use to honning around in the DC2 Teg....Difference been after work today I'll be taking the family (kid, wife, grandparents) out for a meal all in the same car .
  8. Just to cheer you all up when I got my Z in 2007 I paid about £25k,I than traded it in for a BMW in 2011 for £10kish
  9. Just take a look at this section of the forum and your see there is so much choice of cars out there is unbelievable. I was in a Z over 10 years ago now, it was a good car but there are so many others out there for you to try. Just for fun I notice one thread in the Z forum discussing money lost on depreciation and how prices have droppes by a K last year, I think I paid £25kish and PX it for a BMW a few years later for £10k!! So plenty of life after the Z, but your bank account might not like it .
  10. The replacement hire car has arrived and I have to say its good to be back in an EV .
  11. What does that mean? My X is 3 months old, we saved up for 3 years to afford one. I certainly didn't go out to crash on purpose. Given the repair on the X will take at least 4 weeks, surely I have every right to seek a replacement car of the same type, and the only electic SUV on the market is a X. We made a conscious decision to get an electric car as our main car so a combustion car is simply not suitable for our needs. The rental car cost for this claim is going to come in at £10k as a minimum given how long it takes to get parts across from the US it may even be double that amount,but at the same time surely you don't expect me to go and buy another X whilst ours is beem repaired?? Unless the third party wants to stump £70k for a new X I look forwards to getting our X loaner tomorrow.
  12. Apparently it does, records and stores all the images, it's just Tesla doesn't make it available to the public for some reason. http://electrek.co/2016/09/13/tesla-autopilot-camera-stores-footage-crash-like-dashcam/ The car also knew it was in a crash as I had a call from Tesla about 10 minutes after the incident to check if I was ok because the car had called home and had disabled its main battery. Have just ordered another dash cam for my wife's car and will fit one to the loaner X when it arrives too..... People just don't seem to bother looking when driving these days.
  13. As some might know I was involved in a decent size shunt a few days ago. No one was hurt but both cars off the road for a while, and possibly written off. Essentially I was T boned by a car that failed to stop at give way junction. Only just had time to start chasing the insurance companies and to my amazement the third party is claiming all kind of BS, I was apparently indicating to turn off the main road so I'm the one at fault for causing the crash.... WTF As by total chance I had just fitted a dashcam the same day and it was the first trip out in the car with the camera on!! Luckily the whole thing was recorded in gorgeous 1080P clarity, along with sound or lack off to confirm my indicators weren't going before the crash. The still from the moment just before I got T boned is below....am now been sorted out by an accident management company and I'll be getting a brand new Model X as a loaner, delivered fresh from a Tesla UK showroom by the weekend whilst mine is fixed. Moral of the story, some people are lying s**** for the sake of a £50 dash cam you can call their BS for what it is and get some reward for doing it!! Just minding my own business.. A few seconds later
  14. Likely need new battery as that killed it self on the spot to prevent any fires, whole rear suspension + motor, lots of labour and paint shop costs, hire car costs (in the process of getting a Tesla as the repair will take weeks to months). Final claim will be way over £50k and may even be close to the value of the car!!
  15. No thats solid alloy wheel 2-3 inches thick, shattered like it was plastic!!
  16. Ironically the US crash testing team just released the scores for the X, safest car they have ever tested, on par with Model. S. Just watched the dashcam video, in many ways the Seat driver was lucky. Had he pulled out a second earlier he would have had a 2.5ton SUV doing 30mph slam into him, with only the door on his Seat to protect him....Scary to think what the outcome would have been there!!! Pretty sure I would have ended up at the police station down the road been interviewed about a potential fatal crash!! http://jalopnik.com/crash-tests-show-how-the-tesla-model-x-got-a-5-star-saf-1796051828
  17. 2.5 ton car doing 30mph spun around 180 degrees, add in the fulcrum effect initial energy of impact of the wheel against the kerb would have been massive. Any other SUV would have flipped, instead the X just gouged a hole in the concrete!!
  18. ^I was going along main road minding my own business. The Seat for what ever reason decided they weren't going to check for on coming traffic when joining the main road and hit me as I went past. Spun me round 180 degree's and into the kerb. Was one of those accidents no one but the Seat driver saw coming. If I had been on my pedal bike, or walking etc same accident would havr happened but with alot worse outcome!!
  19. A Seat decided it wanted to really see my X in great detail yesterday afternoon. The pictures say it all. I was off on the nursery run, and next thing I know I was doing a 180 spin facing the wrong way!!! The Tesla took the hit amazingly well, though hitting the kerb shattered one of the wheels.... The universal opinion of the firecrew that turned up to clear the road was 'I want a Tesla' after seeing the difference in damage. Even the rear falcon wing doors on the side that took the impact still worked!! No one was hurt and the insurance companies now doing their thing.... Gald the X is so well built and my daughter wasn't in the car. The Seat must have been going at a decent pace to spin a 2.5 ton SUV 180 degrees and send it 20 meters down the road!!
  20. http://www.argusmedia.com/news/article/?id=1474697 https://www.energy-charts.de/price.htm Negative 'trade price' for electricity due to an excess of wind generated electricity... I wonder which country in the Europe gets plenty of wind Add in solar PVs for the few hot but not windy days I would say the UK is actually pretty sorted for future energy supply, just a shame the government still wants to waste spending billions on a foreign designed foreign owned nuclear kettle. You can see the mayhem renewables are going to and is causing in the energy market. How can an energy company keep paying staff to keep a power plant running if the 'trade price' of electricty drops down to £0 or even negative values more and more often. Once you reach a certain threshold it will simply become uneconomical to NOT deploy more wind/solar generators as everything else will simply be too expensive. You will still need a 'strong and stable' base load but it's going to become increasingly hard for a company to make a profit in the energy sector, which ironically will mean higher energy bills for consumers despite dropping generation costs.
  21. Becareful what you say next....We wouldn't want other forum members to accuse me of hacking into your account .
  22. Didn't think birds could poo so much!! Car now been kept in garage when parked at home to avoid any more splatterings. Using the rear doors and trusting the sensors to stop them opening too much though takes balls of steel.
  23. Tesla Superchargers are appearing all over the place. Going from Leicester to London there are now three sites along the M1/M25 all are 6 bay+. A 10 minutes stop for a wee break adds 60-70 miles of range. Doing massive intercontinental trips using the Supercharger network is pretty easy these days. The good thing about EVs is you can literally charge them anywhere there is a 3 pin socket, even a P100D Model X will suck juice from a 3 pin plug with no issues. I've charged the Leaf in all kinds of places the weirdest was via a half screwed in socket in a barn a local farmer had let me use when out on a stag do up a hill in the Peak District.
  24. Came out of the house to find this all over the car..... Question is what did it?? A family of pigeons with diarrhoea or some monster remnant from the Jurassic period still somehow alive and flying around Leicestershire!!
  25. For the last 13 months I've gone to sleep at, 11pm,usually awake at 530am, and normally out of bed by 6am. Initially this was because my daughter would wake up at 5am but she is now sleeping through from 7pm till 7am. I use the time from 6-7am to get paperwork done, infact that is my most productive hour interms of getting writing done. If your falling asleep fine and feel fine I really wouldn't worry.
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