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Everything posted by Adam@Z1auto.com

  1. Motul RBF600 Dry = (312 C / 593 F) Wet (216 C / 420 F) Endless RF650 Dry = (327 C / 622 F) Wet (217 C / 424 F) But, the #'s don't tell the full story Fluids have another property that is crucial - compressibility. This was a little blurb from Endless "With our RF-650 brake fluid being standard original equipment on all Porsche GT3 Cup cars (Yes. Standard equipment from Porsche.), a lot of various teams in the US have been in close contact with me regarding it. Most have never heard of it before Porsche started using it as an OE part 2 years ago. Most of them had been using Castrol SRF. What these GT3 Cup car teams have been telling me is that they’d put the fluid in the system, bleed it, and then go out on track. 5 or 10 minutes into the session the drivers would report the brake pedal feeling soft. So, they’d bring the cars in and check for air only to find none in the system. The actual issue ended up being compressibility. In short, different brake fluids compress more than others which accounted for the drivers reporting a soft pedal. The teams tried a bunch of different fluids before realizing they should try ours (reason being they had never heard of Endless and they didn’t know where to get it). The teams tried AP, Motul, and others even I had never heard of, all still ending up with the same issue. Finally, when the GT3 Cup cars ran at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Canada, they talked to the F1 teams. What they found out is that there are only two brake fluids used in Formula 1; one being Endless. Turns out the Brembo fluid and ours are the only ones without severe compressibility issues." BAR also runs this exact fluid as well on the F1 cars. The other nice thing - metal containers!
  2. The Motul fluid (RBF600) is ok for club outings, but if you are very hard on the brakes, you'll quickly overheat it. The stuff I was referring to is Endless's RF650. Here in the US, all cars with factory Brembo calipers have VDC. It is never really "off" even if the button is turned off. It still will kick in when the car is pushed. The non brembo cars (which use a traditional traction control, or nothing at all in the case of the 'base') don't have this issue.
  3. unfortunately, that's the net result of using pads that are not nearly proper for the task at hand DS2500 are a nice club day pad, for cars on street tires on a relatively long track. They also don't have a tremendous temperature threshold, so they benefit alot from ti backing plates and proper ducting and a fluid with high threshold (RF650 is my preference, Brembo fluid is also excellent). If it's a smaller winding track, then different pads are certainly the better route to go, as the 2500's won't come close to surviving
  4. Chris - I may have a set available for you slightly used, I'll pm you with details
  5. http://www.z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?mode ... rodid=3412 we offer lighter duty ones specifically for carbon/lightweight hatches
  6. nothing needed, they will just go straight on
  7. the Vortech kit takes ~10 hours to install - all fairly straightforward
  8. consult your owners manual, has all the recommendations for intervals listed personally, I would not bother
  9. a nice thing Tommy Kaira came out with to compliment the shift knob This hand made cover for the TK shift knob is made of alcantera, and features red stitching with red TK emblem on the side. A great accessory for keeping your shift knob from getting too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. not cheap at $114, but nothing from TK ever is! Certainly unique and rare though
  10. Stew has 20's we supplied for him - they look fantastic, mesh spokes, nice big lips, and suit the car very nicely IMHO
  11. let's get a list going...I am sure we can get 5 guys here. I know it's a lot for a shift knob - I was quite surprised too. But it really is extremely nice and the weight and feel is just perfect! 1 2 3 4 5
  12. We just completed our first round of this on my350z, and figured we would let you all in on the fun too If you're not aware of this shift knob, it's been said to be among the most perfect ever created. Amazingly weighted for a solid, precise feel, limited in production, and from one of Japan's most respected tuners, so it adds a bit of status too Weighs in at 515 grams, and measures 2.5 inches tall These come in 10x1.25 (Nissans) as well as 10x1.5 We want to limit this to 10 people, as the knobs are only produced in small batches. Lead time would be just a few weeks from finalizing the order to delivery to you. Pricing: Based on minimum of 5 people to a single UK address $215 shipped based on 6-10 people to a single UK address $212.50 shipped To order, easiest way is via Paypal to z1sales@z1auto.com. For credit card just pm us your contact info and we can give you a call. If we get to 6 people we'll simply refund the first five buyers the difference in the above pricing. Any questions, let us know!
  13. that weave looks like stevie wonder did it
  14. there is no way to space the wheel closer, as there are electrical connections moving the seating position is your only way - or, perhaps you can just hang from high bars at the gym for hours at a clip
  15. thanks again guys for participating in this, and someone buy Steve a pint for organizing it!
  16. I agree, it's madness. I had an investigation opened on this end but the woman on the phone was none to helpful. In all the years we've used USPS (going back to like 2001!) I've only ever had 1 other shipment with this issue...and it was sent around the same time as these were, and also going to the UK. That being said, check the latest scan Detailed Results: Attempted Delivery Abroad, August 29, 2009, 6:17 am, GREAT BRITAIN I think that means it's at the post office, so if they are opened on Sundays, maybe it can be collected? I'm just hoping the box is in good shape and it's not too beaten up after the extended vacation it's been on
  17. will certainly fit fine, nice looking wheel as well
  18. if your car has the single throttle body, then yes, it will work - just pm me your delivery address and I'll get you the cost if its for a dual throttle body version, let me know, and we have those in stock too
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