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Everything posted by Adam@Z1auto.com

  1. also check the alignment specs - if too far out, traction will be miserable, no matter how good the tire
  2. Sportlines are far too low for standard shocks. Teaming them with the Tokico HP+ or better yet, the D Spec or Koni's, works well
  3. when you're ready, just let us know http://www.z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?mode ... rodid=3336 http://www.z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?mode ... prodid=580 http://www.z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?mode ... rodid=2747 just pm us your address and I can work out a package deal with shipping
  4. That was the before report Adam. He adjusted them to the max and got 2.40 and 2.22 on the rear camber now. still too high and out of spec
  5. for general ideas on pricing, best to visit our website and look in the drivetrain section: http://www.z1auto.com/submodel.asp?mode ... =driveline
  6. perhaps you're confused as to what an MREV2 really are An MREV2 is simply the lower intake manifold,from a non revup VQ35 DE with some porting done. The main reason it adds the midrange torque vs the REVUP lower intake manifold is due to the longer runner length. Generally speaking, long runners = midrange punch, short runners = top end power. The amount of these differences will of course vary by the specific setup of the car (ie cams/headers/headwork combo). The reason your '04 looks identical to the MREV2, is that it is idential (porting aside). This is also why they offer a core charge rebate if your car is a NONREVUP - they port these and resell them as MREV2. In the US, and I suspect worldwide, the longer runner lower manifold (the basis for the MREV2) came standard on: 2003-2004 350Z's (all models); 2005 350Z's (except Track models with manual transmission and 35th Anniversary models with manual transmissions). 2005 Manual Transmission Track/35th Anniversary models, and all 2006 350Z's come with the shorter runner lower manifold as standard
  7. ehem pm me your address again, I'll go over some options
  8. Brembo or non brembo? If non Brembo, what year is the car? what sort of driving do you do?
  9. -3 degrees rear camber? That is an insane amount for this car, especially on street tires you need a rear camber kit asap - especially if you're buying new tires soon.
  10. test pipes (ie full decats) will not drop torque at all - in fact, torque in the midrange goes up a bit. Inexpensive to purchase, relatively simple to fit (the top bolts are a bit tight to get to, but if you're handy, they are easy to fit) Stock cats are very restrictive actually - even fitting high flow ceramic cats, such as the Ultimate Racing ones we offer, produce noticeable gains. Metal substrate versions are even better, and are about 95% the flow of a full test pipe. Ultimate Racing offer these as well. I ran the ceramic Ultimate Racing cats on my own car from fall 2003, when I purchased the car, to April 2007, when I installed my new engine. About 40k miles total...never any issues. I sold them to another customer, and they are on his car to this day (his car is now supercharged). The ceramics maintain a stock type sound as they are denser (I don't know the cell count). They are a touch louder at the mid and top end, but it's nothing intrusive...it could easily be mistaken for a factory type sound. The metal ones have a more authoritative sound to them, as the metal cores do resonate the sound a bit more. In test pipes vs cats comparison, there are a few things to consider 1. test pipes can sometimes cause a check engine light. It's a soft code, so it will not affect performance at all, but it does illuminate the light on the dash. The code tends to come up on cars produced after 2005. My car is a 2004, and I have test pipes, no check engine light at all 2. test pipes smell! If you don't mind the smell of raw exhaust, test pipes work great. If you don't want any of these odors, then a set of performance cats are the way to go As far as resonated vs non, I find it has more to do with the rest of the setup vs the resonator itself. The resonator that such pipes use is very small, both in length as well as diameter, so they don't really cut down too much on noise. I've run both on my own car, and did not notice any meaningful difference between them For test pipes, though they are simple items, stay away from the cheap stuff IMHO - fitment on ones like megan, etc are horrendous, and they have been known to crack at the mounting flanges. The ones we've used without issue for the older models (2002-2006) are Turbo XS and Invidia. For the 2007+ versions, TurboXS has a new set out that we've had good feedback on
  11. absolutely the dyno/rolling road is a tool - it's relative only unto itself. Comparing your results on dyno a, with another at dyno b, even if they are identically branded dyno's, is essentially useless. Stick to the same dyno at all times, and if all else fails, you'll know your gains relative to where you started in the first place.
  12. try to record it and post it on youtube, then link us
  13. DS2500's are fantastic pads...one of my favorites!
  14. no worries I like everyone here...I don't want to see anyone make any sort of mistake, especially with something as simple, yet critical as a spark plug stick to a stock plug, or, if forced induction, the appropriate temperature aftermarket plug, and you won't have anything to worry about case in point - I am using stock plugs on my own car (I had run Denso Iridiums, they had worked well for me also). I changed from the Denso's last fall when I replaced my coil packs. The plugs looked fine, but since I had new ones on the shelf, I chose to change them anyway. Net result....zero power difference
  15. Might not have been posted, but drop Sasha a line at SG and see what he says. The plugs burned a hole in the boot in at least one of the cylinders, which then causes an arc. These things are, what the spanish call "el garbage" in short....if they were worth using, everyone would be using them. I personally know people who have used them (including Sasha, who is mentioned in the first link you posted) who wouldn't use them if you paid them now there is thread after thread about people who used them, hated them, removed them http://g35driver.com/forums/tuner-dyno/ ... -junk.html littered with people who weren't happy http://my350z.com/forum/engine-and-driv ... ugs-8.html if it was something worth selling, believe me, I'd sell it (I happen to know someone who works there in fact, who you'll see mentioned on various sites). But, thankfully, I waited to see how the results turned out from people I know who used them, and ultimately chose not to sell them
  16. nothing from that system will be able to be reused as far as the individual canister systems, they are, by nature, quite loud, and none will feature any meaningful baffling to the fitting a larger resonator/silencer is an idea...problem is the design of that system doesn't really leave any room to work with
  17. all the info on the Accessports are listed on our site: http://www.z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?mode ... rodid=3106 someone would need to purchase and try one to confirm it works
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