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Everything posted by holtehero

  1. tis funny, not from around Birmingham but have friends locally who are baggies and blues fans and it makes the season far more interesting. The blues games are good, though i am looking forward to them more now than a few seasons ago for obvious reasons. Actually i'm looking forward to next season, Villa Park has a buzz about it again.
  2. Good luck, the premiership needs more midlands clubs (you can probably guess who i support by my username)
  3. My mate is looking for one, but wants a more recent model in the right colour. I think its quite an iconic car now and the fact Ayrton Senna helped design it gives it another quality
  4. For the people who went and either saw it happen or missed it and for those that haven't heard, somebody crashed their NSX quite spectatularly at Japfest, theres some very good pictures which shows what happened http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/to ... 86293&i=40 I feel gutted for whoever owned it seeing the pictures
  5. is that a real ferrari 250 GTO, if so that must be worth a fortune
  6. your missing the first bracket but thats the right line
  7. Wasn't the RS about £50K when it came out, didn't make many either if i recall.
  8. When you upload the photos in your photoalbum under each picture you have three small boxes. To insert the image straight onto the thread cut and paste the one with infront of it, this will put the picture straight on the forum, though i guess you might want to rescale if they are really large pictures
  9. holtehero

    BP 102

    i wonder how much of that is tax
  10. I think GTA4 is out in the Autumn for both the 360 and the PS3
  11. It was the OC stand so that makes sense, another picture I didn't find the stand either as it was in a new bit of exhibition area apparently - mind you considering how many cars there were there the 350z was pretty exclusive actually (more NSX's than 350's)
  12. I agree, expecially considering how delayed the console was. I do think though when the PS3 starts picking up (PES7 and GTA4 will be huge) then it will be a cracking machine as the bluray playback is excellent for the price. I'm looking forward to Forza as i like the tuning and customisation element, also i like the fact that they have the Japanese track (Tsukuba) where lots of the shootout races between cars are filmed http://www.racingvideoz.com/bmw-videos/ ... -vs-lotus/
  13. ill ask my mate to see if he has anymore I just saw Yellow, NISMO wing and black/silver rims and thought there can't be too many like that one : - obviously my eyes are sufficiently trained yet Agree i don't like the decal, though i do quite like the black lights, thinking of some of those for my black GT4
  14. Thing is it usually takes a good year to get reasonable games, however even now the 360 is struggling for really good games and there isn't much i want to play. I like the PS3 but nothing makes me want to buy one at the moment
  15. there you go, i didn't actually see it as i had gone by that point, but my mate then found the stand and sent me the picture (as i was doing 90mph on the M4 )
  16. The similarites are remarkable Thing is though PGR4 will be out soon(ish) and that will no doubt raise the bar again
  17. I went but didn't find the 350z section, walked the paddock and the top end where the public car park was. Then decided i'd had enough by 11:30 and went home. My mate who was there with his car on the S2000 stand (the only yellow one) then sent me a picture message as he found the stand in a bit of the track i never knew existed - not a happy man as it was the main reason for me to go to say hello to a few people I believe the car in the front of the picture must be Sarnies - or someone has cloned it
  18. There are lots of posts and its quite interesting. Seems that the recent dashboard update is the likely source of the problem - in that it checks the FW on the drive to see if its been updated. The other rumoured reason is more likely to people using beta versions of crackdown (ironic game title now it would seem) to download the Halo3 beta. Crackdown was a Microsoft game and was leaked a couple of weeks before official launch. If you wanted to catch all the people with modded consoles, then what better way to offer them a free Halo3 download via a trojan horse copy of another game
  19. Thats nuts Imagine the fun in the wet and also the fuel bill
  20. would worry me if my girlfriend was harder than i was
  21. http://majornelson.spaces.live.com/ Seems Microsoft are now detecting and banning people with non standard consoles
  22. Thats actually made me glad i went for black as i Azure was my other colour choice (though i know there is another black one in my village)
  23. thanks for the heads up i have added this to my watched items list
  24. Evening everyone Some of you might know that i have been looking at buying a new car to replace my company car, and also what sort of car i have been looking for. Well after looking at pistonheads and a the owners forums for about 6-7 weeks, i have finally bought what i was looking for, couldn't be happier Not going to pick it up for 5 or 6 weeks as the vendor (Who is a top bloke called Vince ), is happy to store it based on my deposit. Nissan 350z GT4 Kuro Black Number 12 of 176 12,000 Miles Looking forward to meeting a few people at Japfest on Saturday (the car will have to wait till next year)
  25. I'm looking for insurance, 37 years old and live just outside cambridge. Been a company car driver for 10 years, with one at fault claim this year when i skidded on snow in a garage and one not at fault claim last year when someone hit me while i was stationary at a T-Junction 0 points, no convictions so far Admiral - £1300 Bell - £990 Direct - £942 Surely i must be able to get this cheaper somewhere? tried first alternative and they wouldn't even touch me
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